Restore the Republic

Fox News Debate Jan. 6 2008

January 6, 2008 | Ron Paul


L.A. Times

RTR completely disagreed with FOX news decision of excluding Ron Paul as well as Duncan Hunter, and Dennis Kucinich from the Sunday Jan. 6 2008 debate primarily because they are not polling in the double digits.

In Iowa, Ron Paul beat out Rudolph Giuliani 10% to 4 %.
Mr. Giuliani is attending the debate. Whats wrong with this picture?

RTR Believes that all GOP candidates should have been invited to attend, regardless of where they rank in the misleading polls.

FOX has also claimed that they do not have enough space to accommodate all the runners.

You the people, ask yourself, why is fox narrowing the field, really?
To put it simply, we view this as nothing less than censorship.

[youtube 9SRyNxdQSdw]

We Disagreed so strongly with this decision, we recommend that freedom loving citizens, voters, true Americans, boycott Mr. R. Murdoch’s biased news conglomerate. Simply do not tune in. Let FOX news know how you feel. Hit them where it counts, below the advertising belt.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
‘Mahatma Gandhi’

  1. One Response to “Fox News Debate Jan. 6 2008”

  2. A small addition to this post. This with regards to The South Carolina Debates Held Jan. 10 2008.
    FOX News proved without hesitancy that they have no intention to report news on a factual basis. The moderators Asked Dr, Paul some relevant, and some completely irrelevant questions, to which all of Dr. Paul’s responses were nothing less than stellar. The Ron Paul excerpts have been posted in our media section for your viewing.

    As far as we could tell
    RP delivered a black eye to the moderators,whom im not sure even believed they were capable of asking such moronic questions,
    and delivered a broken nose to the laughing Arizona Senator John McCain. We don’t think Mr. McCain will laugh at Dr. Paul after this debate, as he has in the past debates.

    The post debate propaganda was even more infuriating than the debate itself
    After the debate, Fox’s coverage was clearly slanted against Paul. A hand picked “focus” group was questioned by Frank Luntz,The first question or questions out of the gate were

    1. Who here thinks Fred Thompson won this debate (almost everyone raises hands).
    2. Who here thinks Ron Paul lost this debate (Almost everyone raises hands).

    People that do not like Ron Paul’s message are in complete denial of the state of our Republic. Dr. Paul simply is telling it like it is and attacking the political establishment, which angers their supporters and puppets. Puppets such as Sean Hannity as well as Frank Luntz.

    Hannity actually said every one of the candidates except Ron Paul could become the nominee. How did Ron Paul raise $20 million in last three months of 2007 then Mr Hannity? It is pretty obvious to me that Hannity could not tell the difference between a conservative and a used prophylactic.

    RTR remains firm in boycotting the FOX News propaganda machine.
    It is clear that they are standing behind a candidate, and that candidate is not the patriotic Ron Paul.

    By PatriotG on Jan 11, 2008

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