Restore the Republic

This Fourth of July 2023

July 4, 2023 | Civil Liberties, General, History

by Nicholas Testaccio

On this day of national celebration, the day the greatest political experiment in the world began, I ask myself these questions.

Why is it that a Nation that fought from the very beginning to achieve that which no other had accomplished is mired in division and strife?

Why is it that a Nation “conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” faces turmoil from the convulsions of those who are blinded by false allegations?

Why is it that a Nation that struggled to live up to the ideals of its Founding documents must suffer the antagonistic accusations of the ignorant and foolish?

Why is it that a Nation of, by, and for the People is the one so singularly attacked as the monster that every other country in the World must admit is a part of, and still is a measure of their existence?

The United States is unique in every aspect of its journey from colonies, to states, to Super Power. Those colonies fought for Independence from a monarchy, a form distrusting of, and brutal to its people. Those colonies became independent states that embraced the sovereignty of its people. Till this day, it is unique in the fact that “We the People” are sovereign with the right and the duty to “alter or to abolish” its government when it abuses its mandate to insure the rights of the people. Not to create, nor grant, but rather to hold as sacred, rights given to us by our Creator.

For this moment in time, this Nation must fight each day against those who would tear apart its foundation to bring about systems that have repeatedly failed to achieve supposed benefits. Those systems preaching equality of outcome have instead brought heartache and hardship to millions of those who will suffer from the illusion. In a time when knowledge rests on the simple act of pushing a key, or a button, the ignorant and the foolish subscribe to their own demise.

There are none so foolish who will not see the truth or recognize the lie. In these United States we have a Free Press engaged in the most insidious behavior aimed at the dissemination of falsehoods and deception. Its only goal appears to be the enslavement of the people by the direction of subversives and tyrants in the dark halls of government.

There are none so foolish than those who refuse to learn from the lessons of history. “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” Yet, there are many amongst us who would wrest the power of the Sword from the people, to place it solely in the grasp of that evil.

There are none so evil as to place their hand on a bible, and then violate that oath without a second’s delay. We trust and hope for men and women who will abide that oath, but instead we continually elect those who have no regret in their destruction of the freedoms that we once cherished.

There are none so blind as to ignore the manipulations, deceit, and conspiracies of an education system designed to destroy the fabric of our Nation. From the earliest ages our children are subjected to the whims, fancies, and sometimes perversions of those who believe they know better. Reaching into higher education those still fertile minds are subject to indoctrination by those given to twists and deceit aimed at villainizing the foundations of this once great enterprise.

We are engaged in a great struggle, for which we have relinquished our powers, our tools, and sadly our willingness to recognize the truth. We go from day to day reticent in learning from the lessons of history. We foolishly disavow our sovereignty for some measure of safety. An idea that can never be secure when we abdicate our powers to those whose goal is the enslavement of those they are supposed to serve.

This Fourth of July, I wonder what it is that I must celebrate. What any of us with eyes to see, and ears to ear must acknowledge is a concerted effort by dark and nefarious forces in the “deep state,” with the aid of their myrmidons in media, and education in a long and devious plan for our demise.

I can rejoice momentarily for family and friends, but I must focus on the fact that a Nation, once conceived in liberty is under attack at every level. From the halls of government to the streets filled with looters, murderers, scoundrels, and deviants, we are bombarded by the perversions of those whose goal is the destruction of these once free United States of America.

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