Restore the Republic

A Wasted Vote

June 17, 2008 | General, President

I can’t tell you much about my fraternal grandfather; he died fourteen years before I was born. My father was just a boy of 12 at the time, and had to support the family in any way that he could, but at the time it was not unheard of, nor impossible.

My maternal grandfather was in the Italian Merchant Marine. He came here in the midst of World War I. He left his ship and literally walked from the pier to the Army recruiting station. He joined, became part of the fabled Fighting 69th, and was shipped off to Europe to serve his new country in the “war to end all wars.”

He of course raised a family, but passed on when I was just a boy of 10. I remember the summers I spent with him and my grandmother in the big house in Brooklyn, playing ball, picking fruits from the large garden, learning to plant vegetables, and other useful tasks in the midst of the hot weather.

I have a heritage as you can see. It is a part of me that goes with me through life. It was good, but with the good in life there is some measure of disappointment and pain. Life is after all a learning experience, and if we do not learn from our mistakes, take the time to rectify them, and pass the knowledge along for the good of all; what is it that we would have accomplished here?

For me the idea that I should not pass along my thoughts has become almost impossible, because even if I have blundered, it is still a learning experience. I can move forward and change the future by avoiding the same error. You would think it is a simple task to learn from the slips, and falls that we make, but it appears to be a hopeless task for many.

This is the year 2008, and our libraries are filled with books on mistakes made by past generations. Among those books are such titles as ‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’, ‘The Causes of the Civil War’, ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich’. Authors have set down to warn us and teach what consequences might arise if we fail to heed the warnings of history, and recognize the tell tale signs of today. To that you might find, ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island’, ‘Commentaries on the Common Law’, ‘ Essays In the History of Liberty’.

These books contain thoughts, and inspirations, but more importantly they were meant as a warning to future generations. Yes you can read a book that entertains, and Heaven knows that if you are constantly writing about the dire shape of the nation, a Tom Clancy novel is a welcome diversion.

However, there is an issue that has weighed upon me for a number of years now. Each time I go to the voting booth I am saddled with a list of handpicked puppets, selected by the power brokers because of their willingness to abdicate our rights, quash our living standards and deliver over to the elite our blood and toil.

We have in this country what amounts to a two party system. It was never intended to be as such, but when your schools have been corrupted and you listen to a controlled media what you arrive at is the best propaganda that money can buy.

On a daily basis declassified documents are opened to the public that show us just how evil our government has become. Both the naval, and military commanders on Pearl Harbor knew that the Japanese would strike, but Roosevelt kept countermanding their orders and forcing the fleet to be docked on that disastrous day.

The U.S.S. Liberty was identified as an American ship by the Israel fighter pilots. They were ordered to fire, and sink the ship. McNamara recalled the naval aircraft launched to counter the attack despite the objections of the fleet admiral.

What will we learn from any of these books, and historical incidents to prompt us to change the course that this nation sails? Apparently nothing as the latest primary has demonstrated. When the smoke clears from the debate we will have learned one thing for sure, and that is that we apparently do not want a candidate that will honor his oath to the Constitution.

This year millions of Americans will go to the polls and waste their vote on someone who promised for months that they would not uphold and defend the Constitution. With the exception of Congressman Ron Paul, each presidential candidate made promises to placate the fears, and avarice of the majority. With each campaign pledge came the assurance that your neighbors rights would be infringed to satisfy your selfish, and often distorted, view of the world. It is the same model that brought us the Soviet Gulag, The Communist Chinese Ant Hill, The Khmer Rouge Killing Fields, and fifty other genocide states responsible for the slaughter of over One-Hundred and Seventy Million unarmed and defenseless human beings in the last century.

Are you proud of yourself, mister and misses America when you chastise the independent thinker who wishes to return us to a Constitutional Federal Republic? Your mindset of following blindly was exactly how Hitler, and his regime, was able to bring us the horror of the Holocaust. Nazi Germany’s leadership was as skilled, and educated in the art of propaganda as our present government, and media.

Nothing has changed even with all the warnings, the signs, and the evidence. False information about the Waco massacre proved with film that showed clear evidence that government agents were executing women and children as they tried to escape the inferno at the Branch Davidian compound. The propaganda campaign that led us to the illegal wars in Bosnia, Iraq, and the current drive to bring us to war with Iran prospers because of our unwillingness to think independently.

It has nothing to do with my vote, it has everything to do with the idea that I would dare to think on my own and attempt to rebuild the Republic that has been slandered in the modern school of thought. True freedom is a concept so repugnant to the new age thinker, who considers themselves of high ideals that their minds are completely clouded in political correctness and spin.

Do you need proof that something is really wrong with our mindset? The same people who admonish my ‘wasted vote’ will send the democratic congress back to the job even though they failed miserably to live up to their promises to remove the Bush agenda from the landscape. Instead what we got, Mr. and Mrs. wasted vote, was a congress that carried on with more lies and deceit by simply arguing over pretense and protocols rather than stopping the march to tyranny.

Do you need further proof? When we look back at the atrocities foremost in many peoples mind, the Holocaust comes to the top of the list. Yet the ‘wasted vote’ crowd will be the first to support judges who invalidate the peaceful and mandatory ‘Redress of Grievance’ enumerated in the Bill of Rights. Why? Those judges will support some issue dear to the hearts of the idealist. Some issue that the government has no business legislating, but that judge must know what he is talking about when he invalidates a right my neighbor may abhor.

More? They won’t be happy with removing peaceful court proceedings; they will ignore history and our inalienable rights by supporting the gun-control movement, whose stated goal is to disarm the people.

Today, in this very time, disarmed people are being slaughtered, and led away to slave labor camps. Can’t happen here you say. That is a ridiculous notion based on ideology and the spread of false information helped along by our noble press. Chuck Schumer, Mike Bloomberg, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbra Boxer are all proponents of disarming the populace. All are vocal detractors of restoring the Republic, and all are Jewish.

Why mention their religion? Holocaust! Why would anyone with that in their history be a proponent of people disarmament? It wasn’t the common man who sent people off to the camps; it was soldiers at the orders of government leaders who performed the act. It was men in uniforms like the cop down the street who votes for men like John Corzine because he tells them that he is going to protect their pensions. With that mindset what makes you think that we won’t be lined up for some labor camp to support the pensions of the people with the guns?

People with the historical evidence that they should be protecting themselves more than willingly send representatives off to congress that are happy to remove the right of self-defense. People whose own self-preservation, and that of their families make their survival dependant on the people holding the guns. Why can’t it happen here?

Do you need anymore proof? How about the National ID? Think of what we have, two parties that control everything promoting horrendous ideas such as placing chips in your children, and mandatory vaccinations. Do you honestly think that it’s much different from 1939, and making people wear a Star of David, or performing medical experiments in camps?

Our natural resources, the water aquifers are being sold off to commercial interests that will control an essential part of our ability to live. The infrastructure is being sold off to foreign interests and our blood, sweat and tears supports the entire system. The republicans don’t control everything because Bush sits in the While House; both parties are raping our country.

I could continue with stories of voter fraud, police abuse, prosecutorial abuses, government drug running and pedophilia rings, and the response will be denial. The power structure is confident that all that will happen is a trip down to the polling place to vote for the same people that know you will never question, or act other than to place them back in power?

You’re kidding yourself, and you are disrespecting my commitment to keep this a free nation by making baseless claims about my vote. It is not being wasted if I want to remove the same malignant politicians who are destroying this country, and the world.

When the curtain closes on the voting booth the majority will vote for the same corrupt structure. Republicans and democrats alike will do nothing more than pay lip service to your spinning head while they raise your taxes, inoculate your children, and then send them off to a war somewhere in this world possibly never to return.


  1. 2 Responses to “A Wasted Vote”

  2. Wow, Nick. You DO have issues.

    Let me offer you a bit of advice before you give yourself a heart attack from worrying about those corrupt members of Congress whom you believe are destroying your land, your life, and your liberty:

    First, STOP FEEDING THEM. If you’re still a clueless Taxpayer that has never seen a copy of the Tax Code but believes that you owe “your taxes” just because the DC al-Qaeda claims you do, then you are your OWN worst enemy. You may spout all the patriot platitudes you like, but YOU ARE A FINANCIAL SPONSOR of the largest criminal scam in human history!

    Wanna stop sponsoring crime? Go to and do your homework; join the 67 million American non-filers and law-abiding Nontaxpayers who are on the RIGHT side of America’s REAL War on Terror!

    Second: if you don’t like having your congressman and senators running criminal operations from their cushy offices in D.C. while pretending to represent you, then do what Thomas Jefferson suggested we must do (in his 1799 Kentucky Resolution) whenever the federal power becomes a self-serving crime syndicate: GET THEM INDICTED, THROWN IN STATE PRISON, AND THEIR ASSETS SEIZED. Want to know how? Go to and find out.

    But before any of that, I suggest you take a Rolaid, baby.

    By dmzuniga on Jul 13, 2008

  3. I suggest you read more of my articles, and then you wouldn’t have to make the comments you did here. It would be self evident as to what positions I have, and where I stand in the battle.

    At one time I wondered where comments like this came from, but then I started taking a good look at the patriot community. To that I wrote the article ‘The Definition of Insanity.’

    Your comment is to a person who has actually read the code from 1939 forward. That might be evident to someone who has actually read through the site.

    Your comments are in direct contradiction to my temperment in context of the issues.

    By Nick on Jul 13, 2008

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