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Redress A Grievance

January 8, 2024 | General

The Continental Congress approved the wording of the abuses and usurpations that were listed by Jefferson as reasons for the dissolution of “the political bands which have connected them with another.” “A Declaration” goes on, “In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.” Long before our Declaration, the good people of England induced the monarch, King John, to accept and sign the Magna Carta. The monarchy acquiesced to the demands of the people through the Twenty Five Barons. At Article 61 the document prescribes the doctrine of Redress and its solution if the monarchy failed to comply. “If we, our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of this security, and the offence is made known to four of the said twenty-five barons, they shall come to us – or in our absence from the kingdom to the chief justice – to declare it and claim immediate redress. If we, or in our absence abroad the chief justice, make no redress within forty days, reckoning from the day on which the offence was declared to us or to him, the four barons shall refer the matter to the rest of the twenty-five barons, who may distrain upon and assail us in every way possible, with the support of the whole community of the land, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, or anything else saving only our own person and those of the queen and our children, until they have secured such redress as they have determined upon.” Before delving into this subject, let me propose a correlation between Article I, and Article II of our Bill of Rights, that of the United States, and Article 61 of the Magna Carta. Amendment I: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Amendment II: “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” It is necessary, indeed it is an imperative of our unique Laws that we understand the progression from one amendment to the other wherein the First addresses a Right, and the Second imposes a duty and resolution constructed long before the Framers of our Constitution designated the means, by which “We the People” were afforded the authority to enforce our Rights. We must realize that common sense dictates that we have no rights, for which we are unable, at some measure, to Redress. If, at every level of our system of government, “servants” of the people obstruct, restrict, regulate, and usurp the foundations of those rights, we have none. The Twenty-Five Barons, and king John agreed that failure to redress gave the people the provisional authority to rectify the transgression beyond the means set forth as a peaceful conclusion. Today, we are drawing close to an end, or a beginning. Neither will be pleasant for us, but horrific for our children. I often point to our children because I have come to realize that they will endure either the horrors of a totalitarian state, or the ravages of war. I have also learned over the years of speaking to others that most truly do not have a concern for the future generations. “We the People” are currently under duress by factions hell-bent on the destruction of freedom. It should be obvious to the most uncertain, foolish, and frivolous amongst us that there is a turn, an agenda, with its eye towards a prize. That price being the enslavement of the common people by way of decimating any liberty still possessed. The United States has a Bill of Rights noting that it is the people who are the arbiters of their own lives. It is not a Totalitarian state, Monarchy, Caliphate, nor Democracy that we bow to for our day to day existence, although there are many who subscribe to such a life. It is easier to succumb than to resist. The king, the dictator, the president, nor the mob are the final word in our Republic, but rather an armed citizenry that Petitions and seeks remedy and relief from the transgressions of the state and the “useful idiot.” Several years ago, G. Edward Griffin interviewed Norman Dodd who had been appointed by Congress to investigate Foundations that might be engaged in un-American activities. I suggest that one might listen to the interview linked in this article. Mr. Dodd reveals, the gist of which is a disturbing picture of what has taken place in this nation, and how the education system has aided in our downfall. I have included it to make the point of a populace that, while aspiring to higher education, has been duped into believing that they are of some intellectually superior moral character. Instead, they are the tools that are now being used to dismantle our distinctive form of a nation based on popular sovereignty. On January 6, 2020, an impressively large group of people gathered in Washington, DC on the date scheduled for the counting of Electoral votes. Briefly stated, a Redress by those who saw an election that had been manipulated in favor of the cabal most bent on the destruction of our liberty. It is unfortunate that some violence ensued, more than likely instigated by federal agents, and an opportunity was given to those who are working to destroy our rights. In the words of many of those who seek our downfall we must never let an opportunity go to waste. As part of that plot, none of our rights are absolute, although the word unalienable defines them as such, is part of the mantra. In 1689 the English Bill of Rights was enacted. That Bill ...

This Fourth of July 2023

July 4, 2023 | Civil Liberties, General, History

by Nicholas Testaccio On this day of national celebration, the day the greatest political experiment in the world began, I ask myself these questions. Why is it that a Nation that fought from the very beginning to achieve that which no other had accomplished is mired in division and strife? Why is it that a Nation “conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,” faces turmoil from the convulsions of those who are blinded by false allegations? Why is it that a Nation that struggled to live up to the ideals of its Founding documents must suffer the antagonistic accusations of the ignorant and foolish? Why is it that a Nation of, by, and for the People is the one so singularly attacked as the monster that every other country in the World must admit is a part of, and still is a measure of their existence? The United States is unique in every aspect of its journey from colonies, to states, to Super Power. Those colonies fought for Independence from a monarchy, a form distrusting of, and brutal to its people. Those colonies became independent states that embraced the sovereignty of its people. Till this day, it is unique in the fact that “We the People” are sovereign with the right and the duty to “alter or to abolish” its government when it abuses its mandate to insure the rights of the people. Not to create, nor grant, but rather to hold as sacred, rights given to us by our Creator. For this moment in time, this Nation must fight each day against those who would tear apart its foundation to bring about systems that have repeatedly failed to achieve supposed benefits. Those systems preaching equality of outcome have instead brought heartache and hardship to millions of those who will suffer from the illusion. In a time when knowledge rests on the simple act of pushing a key, or a button, the ignorant and the foolish subscribe to their own demise. There are none so foolish who will not see the truth or recognize the lie. In these United States we have a Free Press engaged in the most insidious behavior aimed at the dissemination of falsehoods and deception. Its only goal appears to be the enslavement of the people by the direction of subversives and tyrants in the dark halls of government. There are none so foolish than those who refuse to learn from the lessons of history. “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” Yet, there are many amongst us who would wrest the power of the Sword from the people, to place it solely in the grasp of that evil. There are none so evil as to place their hand on a bible, and then violate that oath without a second’s delay. We trust and hope for men and women who will abide that oath, but instead we continually elect those who have no regret in their destruction of the freedoms that we once cherished. There are none so blind as to ignore the manipulations, deceit, and conspiracies of an education system designed to destroy the fabric of our Nation. From the earliest ages our children are subjected to the whims, fancies, and sometimes perversions of those who believe they know better. Reaching into higher education those still fertile minds are subject to indoctrination by those given to twists and deceit aimed at villainizing the foundations of this once great enterprise. We are engaged in a great struggle, for which we have relinquished our powers, our tools, and sadly our willingness to recognize the truth. We go from day to day reticent in learning from the lessons of history. We foolishly disavow our sovereignty for some measure of safety. An idea that can never be secure when we abdicate our powers to those whose goal is the enslavement of those they are supposed to serve. This Fourth of July, I wonder what it is that I must celebrate. What any of us with eyes to see, and ears to ear must acknowledge is a concerted effort by dark and nefarious forces in the “deep state,” with the aid of their myrmidons in media, and education in a long and devious plan for our demise. I can rejoice momentarily for family and friends, but I must focus on the fact that a Nation, once conceived in liberty is under attack at every level. From the halls of government to the streets filled with looters, murderers, scoundrels, and deviants, we are bombarded by the perversions of those whose goal is the destruction of these once free United States of America.

Financial Armageddon

June 20, 2023 | Banking, Constitution, Federal Reserve, General, Sound Money

by Nicholas Testaccio The Speaker of the House and the President reached an agreement on the Debt Ceiling. Hoorah! This is, of course, simply a show for the masses to watch and obsess over in order to be distracted and deterred from logic and reason while the elite salivate. Let’s review. Article I, Section 8 Clause 1: “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States…” Clause 2: “To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;” Clause 5: “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;” Now you know everything there is to know about why we have a “debt ceiling”, and how this affects the operation of our government. Or do you? I am one of those unfortunate souls who is not satisfied with the rhetoric, or the mountains of political speech and questionable expertise spewed out by the pundits and talking heads paraded for our entertainment. We must never validate as legitimate anyone who comes out to certify the pure rubbish that is now a government of, by, and for the self-promoters and political pirates. In his letters, using the nom de plume Federal Farmer, Richard Henry Lee wrote, “Should the general government think it politic, as some administrations (if not all) probably will, to look for a support in a system of influence, the government will take every occasion to multiply laws, and officers to execute them, considering these as so many necessary props for its own support.” In the many years since the ratification of the Constitution, and Lee’s forecast of what is now a bloated government that will saddle future generations with a yoke so heavy that they will find it difficult to place nutrition on the table, “public officials” have devised numerous ways to put us into a deep hole. If anyone thinks that we can pay off this debt, they must be living within a delusional world. Nevertheless, this government, aided by the corporate press, puts on this Punch and Judy show for the masses on a regular basis. The public must live in fear that we might default on our debt, and Heaven forbid some of the Billions of dollars doled out every year for programs, pork, and price-gouging enterprise contrary to the few delegated authorities of the government might be cut. Lee goes on to address the situation, “The internal sources of taxation then must be called into operation, and internal tax laws and federal assessors and collectors spread over this immense country.” It goes without saying that we are far beyond that point, having taxed the public, unlawfully I might add, to pay for the corruption that flows from both federal and state government. Significantly, our Declaration decries this very abuse, “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.” I say taxed the public unlawfully because, yes I have read 26 U.S.C., Supreme Court cases related to the Sixteenth Amendment, and others showing that the current application of the “income tax” does not, in any way, reconcile with what is written in the code. For brevity’s sake, the Supreme Court ruled that the Sixteenth Amendment gave congress no new power to tax, but rather prevented taking a direct tax and placing it into the category of an excise tax. 26 U.S.C. confirms this by detailing what sources and activities create a liability to pay an “income tax.” It should be noted that the IRS claims that you cannot use what is clearly written in the code to “determine taxable income.” That alone should tell you where we will eventually wind up. Let’s drudge onward. In Clause 2, congress has the power “To borrow money on the credit of the United States.” Up until 1971, when Nixon took us off the gold standard, money was in the form of a tangible asset such as gold or silver. Now, it is fiat. Fiat, in the case of the current monetary system, means nothing more than arbitrary. By decree! Make it so! Through some agreements, such as Bretton Woods, and using the U.S. Dollar as the acceptable currency in exchange for Crude Oil, we have been able to buy and sell goods and services throughout the World with nothing more than paper. The system now in place is essentially a sham, and we borrow nothing more than that, which we can simply print. Alexander Hamilton, our first Treasurer, wrote “In the opinion of the Secretary, the wisdom of the House, in giving their explicit sanction to the proposition which has been stated, ["That an adequate provision for the support of the Public Credit, is a matter of high importance to the honor and prosperity of the United States."] cannot but be applauded by all, who will seriously consider, and trace through their obvious consequences, these plain and undeniable truths.” He goes on to note that there will be circumstances by which even wealthy nations may be forced to borrow money. By no means, today, is the U.S. forced to borrow money when it has already exhibited that it is more than willing to create Billions to bail out the “too big to fail”, or in its quest to convert this country to a communist nation by issuing checks to we peons to keep us satisfied in a time of crisis. Clause 5: gave congress the authority “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof…’, but that all changed with the creation of the Federal Reserve, and other schemes put into place. So, the question is, as to what we are borrowing, and what are they who are buying our debt are lending us? And what happens if nations decide that the U.S. Dollar should no longer be the reserve currency, opting for another system such as a currency based on a hard asset? Much of what we are experiencing is a house of ...

Interpreting the Law

April 16, 2023 | Founders, Founding Documents, General, History, Militia, Republic

by Nicholas Testaccio Words have specific meanings, and when placed together, those words form a thought, an idea,  convey a story, or promote a proposition. In law, the combination of words in a clause cannot be construed to mean something other than what they meant at the time the law was enacted. In the year 1776, a committee of the Continental Congress was formed to write a document explaining the need “for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth…” their rightful place. Chosen to write the draft for what could have been the death sentence for its signatories, Thomas Jefferson composed what should be considered the foundation, by which all the people of this World ought to live. In it are the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” When “A Declaration” was written, slavery was an institution that existed in, not only the colonies, but also, around the World. Jefferson himself, was a slave owner as were other members of the Congress. Slavery was not unique to the America’s. It was an institution that existed for centuries. The Bible speaks of it, telling the story of the Hebrew nation as slaves to the empire of the Egyptians. Slavery existed as part of every culture, nation, and empire. However, in this timeless document that we now refer to as “The Declaration of Independence”, the Congress enacted the words “that all men are created equal.” What they did not agree to, and should be obvious to all, is that all men remain equal throughout their lives. Herein lies one of our problems. The misunderstanding of the words as they come together in a sentence, and in this case a legal document, that provides us with a specific line of thought. From “A Declaration” to the U.S. Constitution, the people of this once great nation have made it their folly to misinterpret and to misunderstand the rule of law. This, as I've stated in the past, is a constitutional Federal Republic. Those we elect or appoint to perform a specific duty are bound by an oath of office. That office holds its allegiance to the law as it is written not as it has been twisted and bent in order that those seeking power may retain and enhance that power. England was a monarchy, as it remains today, although the power of the monarchy is greatly reduced from the time of King George. Again, monarchies were the rule of the day when our revolution began. Kings and Queens were not elected, but rather, they were born to their positions. A “Divine Right” as it was known, because of the accepted belief that God placed the individual in the position of authority. It was the doctrine of the time. However, those Fifty-Six men who signed their own death warrant when they put their name to the Declaration, thought differently. The words in the document do not reflect a contradiction of the world in which they knew, and we, today, seem incapable of understanding. While we can look back and second guess those men, I can assure you that there is a mindset today that would own slaves simply for the pleasure of imposing their authority. Today, agenda, and propaganda are the norm, reality escapes most who live at a time so distant from the centuries past that it does not seem logical to disparage those who risked it all so that the words of “A Declaration” could come to life. This is the time that we must accept that what we have been taught is designed to oppress, rather than enlighten. Jefferson wrote “that all men are created equal”, he did not write that all men remain equal, attain equality, or are able to live as all others do. Even to the casual observer, or those who have been fooled into thinking that they learned something worthwhile by attending a university of progressive professors, should comprehend that the words in the Declaration did not reflect some utopian state, wherein everyone goes about their merry way, with all the privileges, wealth, and prosperity of the neighbor across the street, or across the nation. The propaganda spewed out by the intelligentsia is more in tune with a desire to show themselves as superior, rather than reflecting on the reality of the time, and even today. The nonsense of the “anointed” who cast their superiority, can be easily debunked when we examine the word “unalienable.” At the time of the writing of “A Declaration” the word unalienable meant that it could not be regulated, taken, or relinquished. If we allow one or even a group of individuals to abdicate a right, we have opened the floodgates to tyrannical government determining that since one has abdicated the right another must follow in that the right is not absolute. Even with a firm explanation of the word, there are members of our legislatures that believe that our rights are not absolute, and that they can regulate them and often place such a burden on them as to rule them out of existence. So, as we go through time from the creation of this nation to today, we must realize that there are aspects of our law that have been twisted and corrupted. Over the last several decades, with the intent of minimizing our Constitution, the idea of a living document has come into play. In a living document, how do we hold our government to the limited delegated authorities that we assigned? This was intended to be a nation of popular sovereignty. As a sovereign, you and I claim all the authority of any sovereign state in the world. We claim the right of self-defense, immunity from the state, and therefore a right to be tried by a jury of our peers. The intent was the guarantee that the state could not place its heavy hand upon those ...

Enemies Both Foreign And Domestic Part 2

December 10, 2022 | 2nd Amendment, Founders, General, History, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio I have learned that propaganda is a powerful tool. It is wielded by a select group of politicians, media organizations, and talking heads promoted as experts. No matter how many times judges make unlawful rulings, no matter how many times politicians lie, and no matter how many times the “corporate press” have been shown to be lying, the general public refuses to rebuke those at the forefront of the take-down of America. Tina Peters was the County Clerk Recorder of Mesa County, Colorado. She was removed, unlawfully by a judge, when she stumbled across evidence of manipulation in a recent City Council election. Let me clarify. Tina Peters is an elected official who cannot be removed from office by any judge. Allow me to repeat. A sitting judge removed an elected official without any authority to do so. Ms. Peters brought in a consultant to make a forensic copy of the Dominion Voting System in Mesa County. The programmers left evidence that there was election tampering in the code. Because she chose to investigate fraud in our elections, she is now being prosecuted for revealing the facts; We have now been treated to what is an obvious agenda to destroy the process used for the American people to “hire” a representative to enforce Our Laws. Once again, Maricopa County in Arizona, is a point of contention where both democratic and republican poll watchers and officials have come forward to point to discrepancies in the vote. This is America today. America today has been planned and fashioned in a manner constructed by social engineers, and subversive agitators for over One Hundred Years. Most people cannot fathom that an agenda is fostered and promoted with a long term plan. The ability to comprehend that evil-doers do not only act from day to day, but that in order to achieve their ultimate goal they must work on a broader scale from decade to decade so that the effects of their plans are dismissed as “conspiracy.” I have noted that even when discussing firsthand knowledge of an event, the opposite side to the debate will ignore the evidence. There is just too much vested in being ignorant, and in trusting establishments promoted as truth givers. Years back, at an international conference, David Rockefeller thanked the New York Times for misleading the public as to what was taking place under their noses. “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” However, as a veteran, I go on undaunted by events, the deniers, the liars, and the fools who choose to believe the tripe they are fed. I do so with this warning to all the nay-sayers who can’t look past their ignorant stance on accepting that, which has been disproven time and again. The elite despise you and me. They have no love for you or your children. They would sacrifice the ones you have nurtured so that the ultimate goal of a totalitarian state is achieved. For decades, the ability of America to hold the agenda of people like Klaus Schwab, and his disciples in check was predicated on this Republics principle that it is “We the People” who are the sovereign. As such, the power “to execute the Laws of the Union” was placed firmly in the original Constitution, and supported by a Bill of Rights, of which the most critical aspect was a nation of able-bodied men who were to be organized, armed, and disciplined. As Washington put it, a people with the “teeth” to protect all their rights from tyranny. There is a group of people that hate you and I for doing nothing more than existing in their world. To them we are “deplorable’s” who have no right to do anything other than to serve their perversions. Your children are nothing more than fodder for their war on freedom. This administration, members of congress, the judiciary, and the “corporate press” are all proponents of open borders. Fentanyl is being allowed to flow into our country at an alarming rate. Children, who are doing nothing more than taking a dose of what appears to be an aspirin, or more insidious, a piece of candy are being murdered. The number of deaths from this invasion of illegals and drugs is staggering, and yet a good portion of the public believes that Joe Biden is doing an outstanding job. I’m not sure how they can look at themselves in the mirror, and deny that they are complicit in those murders. The road to the destruction of America has, to my sight, been fairly obvious. In 1913, the federal government composed the destruction of the monetary system by implementing the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank. The same year, without any confirmation of legitimacy, both the 16th and 17th amendments were proclaimed as being ratified by the Secretary of State. Despite thousands of certified documents showing that the amendments were only ratified by a few states, neither the courts nor the legislature would review the fraud. Following those unlawful acts, the government began the confiscation of gold, and then regulated weapons necessary for the proper function of the Militia as commanded at Article I, § 8, Cl. 15. Despite constitutional requirements, congress, along with their allies began the slow erosion of the Right of the People to contain the unlawful acts of public officials. Where has this brought us? What are we seeing today? Look at the leaders of this nation. Those who are lauded as progressive thinkers pushing America forward into some Utopian State. In reality, those who seek office, those ...