Restore the Republic

A Bloody Revolution

February 25, 2010 | Founders, General, History

Humans, in the present state, are creatures of the raw and unbridled power of nature. We enter what appears to be a harsh world through a struggle that not more than one hundred years ago could end, many times, with the death of either the child or the mother.

We survive, and our instinct to survive is slapped across our face from the moment of inception. It is the nature of things for mankind to fight through life in order to maintain this fragile existence.

Every moment of life, whether we would like to believe it or not, is punctuated by the fact that this could be our last. The body is after all a machine with a limited life expectancy that does not come with a warranty from the manufacturer.

Survival of the fittest comes with the instruction booklet that is stuffed away in the back of our minds. That is the means by which we go from day to day, and live out this experience. It is neither good, nor bad, but simply a part of the being that you and I live as.

Of course there are many aspects to our personalities. There is goodness, as there is evil. There is kindness, as there is greed. We are loving creatures, but some of us could care less about our fellow man. We are sometimes apathetic to the plight of others. This is the one characteristic that will eventually lead us to our own destruction.

Apathy does not exist in the minds of the caring, or so they believe. In truth, those who have based their existence on ‘fighting the good fight’ can’t recognize that they are being apathetic for if they did it would destroy part of their idealism. I am fighting for you, but I can’t be bothered helping you because it’s not within my power to do so. In actuality, if you recognized the fight to begin with, there are more than enough resources.

America, and the world are on the verge of a great awakening, or so I’ve been told. Maybe I’m not speaking to the same people, but those I do cannot fathom the notion that the government is corrupt, or that questioning the government is the true action of a patriot. As Thomas Paine stated, “It is the duty of every Patriot to protect his country from its government.”

I was recently very shocked when someone told me that the government does not lie. I still don’t know if this person could possibly have been serious, but in the context of what came next I was convinced of his belief, or rather his indoctrination.

So, we are creatures of survival who are sometimes apathetic, sometimes caring, not all the time wary of our responsibility, and most assuredly not all that knowledgeable.

There are many groups out there that are participating in protests, and marches geared toward what they believe will be a peaceful revolution, something that has never been accomplished in known history. They will tell you, ‘We will never use violence’, which is of course a very noble stand.

The beatings, incarcerations, and the imprisonment of those who participate in protests, or just the innocents caught up in governments desire to maintain its power structure seems never to be thought of in terms of violence. Forgive my ignorance in the matter, but peaceful would denote a move that is debate, resolution, and conclusion without the acts of aggression on either side. Am I wrong in being such a purist? Should I turn my head when some young man, or woman is sentenced to years in prison because the government is fighting the fictitious ‘war on drugs’? Should I look away as the caskets come home from the battlefield? Should I shrug my shoulders, and laud the fact that we are peaceful as the thousands of young men we send off to foreign entanglements come home crippled and distraught?

What we are now engaged in is pacifism. We, that is to say those who claim they would never use violence, are willing to endure any type of physical pain, even death rather than to take up arms to defend. One of our biggest issues is that we do not understand the definition of our own course.

This is when you will understand the truth becomes clear because once you’ve had your head put upon by some rather large policeman wearing riot gear, who is looking to express his power, buddy you realize that you are on your own. Remember, we will never use violence, and we are not removing any of these people from public office because we simply are devoid of any power that remains from the origins of this nation.

The courts have given the police, prosecutors, judges, and the general government immunity. They have redefined police powers to mean the ability of the state to impose rules and regulations outside the rule of law, rather than its original definition of defending, and protecting the rights of the individual. As the judicial system erodes our rights, and the ability to fight back, we become weaker, and no amount of peaceful demonstration will deter those who seek unlimited power.

Patrick Henry stated, “They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?”

Are Mr. Henry’s words outdated, and unreasonable for an American who perceives that he/she is more civilized than our Founders? Are his words beyond the scope of what is taking place each and every day in this country?

The American people’s will to survive using the skills that were given to them have been supplanted in re-education facilities, by the smiling faces in the mainstream media, and to a certain extent by those who need to believe that they are true patriots with god-like ideals.

We are now a people devoid of logic, or common sense. We proclaim victories as the congress gives away Trillions of dollars to their friends on Wall Street, continue to give out Billions in foreign aid, and spend Billions on expanding the empire. We stand by as the IRS, and federal agencies that have absolutely no authority to operate within the states without the permission of the states executive and the sheriff, threaten and destroy the lives of the people within these sovereign states.

We rejoice as some states enact states rights proclamations when all that is needed is for the legislature to tell the governor to enforce the law and throw out the federal government. We almost all turn a blind eye to the revitalization of the Militia, which is not only a mandate of the Constitution, but is “necessary to the security of a free State…” The one true means we have of enforcing the law when our representatives, and courts ignore the law as was given to us so that we could avoid a violent confrontation.

Do I want a Bloody Revolution? Who in their right mind would want to see their country torn apart, and crumble in warfare? Do I think it is inevitable? Yes, without a doubt.

Our economic system has been destroyed. Our entire structure has been bastardized way beyond the scope of its original design. Bureaucrats continue to assume powers that were never granted to the government, and the courts affirm those abuses.

Patrick Henry also stated in his famous Give Me Liberty speech, “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?” But our eyes are closed, and our minds are clouded by high ideals to which the opposition does not subscribe.

A peaceful victory may come when the IRS goes into court, and the juries acquit at every instance. It might come when the people of the many counties demand that prosecutors are dismissed, and courts are open to the public as they were intended. It may come when the Grand Jury is returned to the People, but it will more than likely return when we call forth “the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union…”

The Laws of the Union are simple in scope. We have a Republican form of government “instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

That the primary principles of freedom are of limited government with few enumerated powers, resting all others in the hands of the people, and those people will not infringe upon the rights of their fellow citizens, but to that end the separate and sovereign states are given the duty to protect our rights. That the states themselves have agreed to a Republican form of government so that this nation bound together may secure peace and prosperity for all.

Until we learn that it is our duty to come to the aid of our fellow citizen when rights have been abused by either the government or some self-serving interest group we will live on the edge of violence.

Until we learn that it is the people who must stand together and enforce the law we will leave ourselves little choice but to take up arms at the point when we are too weak for any chance of victory.

I’m sure that those who shout that we will never use violence are sincere in their proclamations. I am sure that government takes this to heart and continues to infringe based on our illogical, and tepid actions. We fight to pass legislation that was originally interned in our Founding Documents, and do nothing to enforce the Laws of the Land.

More importantly we should look into the faces that have been destroyed by the system, of which there are many, and know that at least some of them will not be so forgiving even to those of us who shouted that we would not use violence to rescue them when we knew full well that the law had abandoned them.

May God have pity on our children and grandchildren because it is our actions that will either cause them to live as slaves, or force them to take up the battle that we failed to recognize.


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