Restore the Republic

Archive for the ‘Jury’ Category

A Plan of Action

July 19, 2011 | 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Jury, Militia

America, perhaps most of the world, is in the middle of a crisis that grows each day. There was the housing bubble that began during the Clinton administration and erupted at the end of the Bush Administration. There were the 911 attacks, and the WMD ruse under the Bush administration that resulted in a war that has lasted for 10 years despite the promises of Barak Obama that he would put an end to these wars of conquest. There was the bailout, and the stimulus that resulted in tens of trillions of dollars that have been created, and dispersed throughout the Obama administration in order to keep the global economy from collapsing. They heaped trillions in debt upon the American citizen, and it appears, today, that the only thing keeping this economy afloat is the constant flow of Federal Reserve Notes into a dying economy. There are the uncounted number of attacks by so-called ‘law enforcement’ that go unpunished, and in many cases have resulted in the courts adding to the insult by declaring new and unconstitutional authorities for the police. There was the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that has shriveled into non-existence by the silence of the media. There is the Japanese catastrophe that they have now been forced to admit is far worse than we’ve been led to believe. Another extremely important issue relegated to trivia by a corrupt media. There is the horrific weather throughout our farm belt that will more than likely result in a very poor crop season. Some well known economic advisers, such as Jim Rogers and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, are not only advising people to build a storable food supply, but to arm themselves for what appears to be inevitable. Throughout the growing unrest, the turbulence, the looming economic catastrophe, the wars, and the natural disasters there are certain things that will not change. First, we will refuse to elect candidates that will adhere to the rule of law, hold them accountable for their unlawful actions, and send them to prison for violations of the oath of office. Second, we will refuse to demand the impeachment of judges who continue to foster the centralization of power to the federal government, and the dismantling of our system of law. Third, the mainstream media will not only avoid topics that enlighten the people on the subject of government abuse, but they will subsidize, and condone it for the “good of us all”, or more likely to line their pockets. Fourth, no matter how abusive the system becomes, how obvious the lawlessness, how utterly ridiculous are the actions of the police, prosecutors, and judges, the jury’s will more than likely convict people who are clearly innocent of wrong doing. Fifth, and certainly not the end; through all our tribulations, the need to see clearly, and understand the difference between good and evil, there will always be a large contingent of the people who would prefer to throw the rest into the depths of hell rather than to stand up for good. I have watched for decades as the American dream began to wane, shrivel, turn to war, depravity, and economic disaster while all the time being told that I was wrong, and that this whole nightmare is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. The majority seems always to be of the condition that to see the obvious, to take action, and to live in an illusion of peace is far more digestible than to partake in the discomfort of the dynamic fight for freedom. Let us remember that our fantasy of peace, and security has come at a very expensive price tag, both in dollars and human casualties. Most will tune into the TV, and buy up the propaganda about terrorist activities, Taliban, al Quida, and whoever else is out there that we wish to demonize. Others will question the veracity of the subject matter, but few will take any quantifiable actions. In these few paragraphs are enough reasons to take action, some positive action. I don’t mean standing in front of a politician and screaming that you are aware of how crooked he or she might be. I don’t mean telling everyone that the media is corrupt, and that there are people who control the world agenda; you’re a day late for that. My father was telling people about the criminal acts, and plots long before the alternative media came into existence on the Internet. As a matter of fact most would not have dreamed of the Internet when he started his rants. Each day, think of your children, your grandchildren, or any child that might be dear to you, and repeat to yourself they will have to pay for my ambivalence and inaction. Remember that ‘death cares not who deals the cards’. Don’t dwell on who is in the background, but rather what must be done to stop the current trend. Organize a core group of people; the neighbor, brother, sister, or whoever else might realize that something needs to be done. Produce a game plan that your core group can adhere to, and stick with the plan. Although I have placed suggestions about what needs to be done, other than telling your neighbor that there are bad people in the world, I still receive comments that I haven’t defined a course of action. So here are some thoughts by the numbers. 1. Start with the person who can actually make an immediate change. That person is the sheriff. 2. The sheriff is the highest elected official in the county, the only true constitutional law enforcement agent, and the person responsible for keeping the courts open to the people so that they may obtain redress of grievance. 3. Start with a letter that explains to the sheriff his real job, not that which has been promoted by the judicial system. 4. Make it clear that you expect an answer based on the oath of office not on what the illegitimate judiciary has contrived. 5. Enlighten the ...

When, If Ever?

January 31, 2011 | 1st Amendment, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Jury, Militia

When this site was started, there was enthusiasm. The plan, as indicated by our name, was to Restore the Republic. Through the trials of what took place afterwards we held to the notion that there was power in the words, people would respond and take action if nothing more than to comment and post in the forum letting us know that there was hope. Our readership began to pick-up, but we were hacked to the point that the site had to come down for some time, and be rebuilt. That didn’t deter our enthusiasm, and we held to our beliefs. The site was hacked again, and rebuilt. I kept writing, and the site was improved by the team. If we are nothing else, we are people who subscribe to the idea that humans are thinking mammals capable of realizing when action was needed, and what that action should be. I have learned over the years that this may not be the case. The general population doesn’t come to sites such as this for knowledge; they want to be entertained. The more outlandish the commentary the more likely they are to return day after day. That is what we received from the president in his latest state of the union; pure unadulterated gibberish, conflicting statements, and illogical proposed solutions. The state of the union was meant to be a detailed assessment of the progress of the nation as given to the president by the congress. Congress makes the laws, and the executive carries those laws out; provided the acts adhere to the Constitution. Instead what we now hear are long term plans on how the government will interfere in our lives, supposedly rebuild the economy, and inspire the citizenry to work on. As generally expected, the speech was pure non-sense that has nothing at all to do with the enumerated powers of the government. We now have a head-of-state, who as far as I can tell never held a job outside of government or a non-profit organization. He has spent his entire adult life in direct opposition to the concepts of liberty, and justice, but there he sits in the oval office plotting our demise. Now we find out that the governor of Hawaii who was going to lay the birth certificate issue to rest, can’t find any evidence of records that would show Obama to have been born in that state. But wait there is more to this story, and if you love a good novel with twists, turns, and lies you have to read on. Mike Evans, the man who claimed that he had spoken to the governor about the birth certificate, now claims that he has not spoken to Governor Abercrombe since he took office. Well I’m confused to say the least, and if you clicked on the birth certificate link, read the story, and listened to the interview, you would surely be as lost as I am. However, this goes right along with the rest of this presidency; non-sense, non-sense, and more non-sense, which is what we get each and every time Obama opens his mouth. During the campaign for president he claimed we would have our troop’s home by 2009. He told us Guantanamo would be closed as a detention center for terrorists. He claimed to be for the poor, and middle class, but has done nothing but enhance the wealth of the very few at the top. The bankers are raping America. Need I go on? Whatever your beliefs are, the man has lied to us, as most politicians surely do in order to hold that all important seat at the big-game. His lies have been blatant, akin to “WMD’s”, but he seems to remain the darling of the mainstream media. His lies have cost us thousands more lives of our young men according to the Veterans Administration. That’s right all you who cling to hope, the number of deaths are staggering, and of course lied about, and sworn to by the criminals in the media. Recent numbers indicate that as much as 47% of the eligible working population should be considered unemployed. What you ask? That can’t be, I have a nice job, and I’m doing fine. That seems to be the sum total of our sphere of understanding; I’m ok, so it can’t be bad. Let us not forget these facts. In November of 2009, Bloomberg News filed a FOIA request to find out what happened to the Two Trillion Dollars that the FED handed out to who knows who. Over this last summer it was discovered that the FED had given Trillions of Dollars to foreign banks, and institutions for which the American citizen is ultimately responsible. While the FED was handing out Trillions our country was coming apart. The city of Detroit, which at one time had the highest per capita middle class in the nation, is a dying city where houses are being sold for a dollar, and the mayor wants to bulldoze about 20% of the area. Granted we were leading up to this so we can’t blame it all on Barack Obama. However, he is the man that was elected for change, and all we got was more of the same old rhetoric, with political double-speak, and politicians pulling out the same old tired recipes for ruin. So who is actually to blame for all of this? Go take a good look in the mirror folks because we are the culprits here. We’re in it up to our ears, and the road ahead is not pretty no matter how the talking heads paint a picture of green-shoots. Our jobs continue to be outsourced. Under the present administration there has been no let up in issuing work visas while so many Americans collect unemployment, and food stamps. The Chinese continue to flood our shelves with their products, thereby building wealth for themselves and debt for our countrymen. And with the wealth the Chinese are accumulating they are buying tangible assets while we continue to fight over the latest toy insanity for Christmas, overpriced tickets for some concert, and ...

As The Last Resort

October 20, 2008 | Constitution, Founding Documents, Judicial, Jury, President

Ignorance is bliss. That is until the bills come due, the hammer falls, and reality comes crashing in around you. This November 4th we will once again go to the polls, and elect, or at least believe we are electing the next president of the United States. Law being what it has become, a vacillating contrivance of legal jargon, by which our Constitution has been interpreted, twisted, and maligned with amendments that are questionable at best, and in some cases do not repeal original doctrine. Instead of having the steadfast Mode of Electing the President through the Electoral College, we now have the easily swayed, and clearly corruptible majority vote as demonstrated in a number of cases. We came to this point, if you can make sense of the amendments, and the process that brought us here, by other than a forthright means. Not satisfied with the scarred application of the law, we go further by limiting our choices through what has clearly become a two-party system. Heaven forbid that independent thinkers want to change this by casting their vote for a third party candidate. Perhaps casting a vote for someone who is behind the Constitution, and wants to return government to the confines listed in our Fundamental Law. What do we do now? According to Peter Caroline of the Blue Press we should hold our noses and vote (Page 59). Not satisfied with the fact that we are given two candidates that apparently missed the part in the Constitution that enumerates what powers the government is restricted to, he then goes on to dismiss the idea of even thinking of a third party candidate. Just as my blood pressure began to come down, I received the next issue of the magazine, and what do I find, but another article suggesting that gun owners must vote for John McCain. Mr. James H. Warner, an attorney, and prisoner of war along with John McCain elaborates somewhat on Why Gun Owners Must Vote for McCain (Page 10). First and foremost, let's recognize the fact that both Senator McCain, and Mr. Warner deserve our gratitude for their service to this country. Regular visitors to this site know that we love our veterans, and we do thank them, particularly in our This Fourth of July articles. Unfortunately service to this nation, mine included, does not preclude us from making monumental mistakes in life. Some can be forgiven, but others need to be reprimanded. After all we are not talking about parking tickets here, this one is for the nations existence. Having enough of the two-party system, and watching as the republocrats destroy our rights, I made known my views to Mark Pixler, the editor of the Blue Press. While the details of the exchange are less than pleasant, I am not going to comment on what he said for fear that I may have taken something out of context. What I will do is to comment on the LAST RESORT he referred to in "taking up arms." The intention of the Constitution was to elucidate in law, the function of the newly formed government, and how it was to serve the people. It is a blueprint for the powers and restrictions placed on the government as our Founding Fathers thought to be necessary in order to preserve the Constitutional Federal Republic. The Constitution was never meant to be a blank sheet of paper from which the government could ascend powers not granted by the people. It was not meant in any form to be interpreted by the judicial, and there is no indication in the preceding debates that our Founders recognized this to be a legitimate path to the future health of the nation. The Bill of Rights of course was added in order that it place further restrictions on what the colonists believed necessary to maintain the standard of a government of the people. It is a qualified record of inalienable rights, listed as a forewarning to tyrants that the line is drawn here. Maybe it's the fluoride in the water, or the myriad of vaccines that we are forced to take from childhood that has lowered our IQ's, but it has become obvious to me that as a whole we are willing to embrace the infringements of the government as long as the evils are sufferable. While we bandy this about I wonder if we have reached the point of last resort, or to what end we will endure? Since we are attempting to decide whether or not we are at that last resort, I'd like to make the case based on points most notably known as our Bill of Rights, to determine if that line has been crossed. Amendment IX, or more properly stated Article IX of the Bill of Rights states that, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Amendment X, then goes on to say that, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." In both articles there is a distinction made that rights are retained by the people and powers are delegated to the state by the people, but the power of the people is the overarching prerogative. Does the state have the power to license aspects of our life? Does it have the authority to restrict, or encumber our freedom of the highways with licensing schemes? If so, it is not enumerated anywhere in our founding documents. Those are simply powers that the states have taken by the acquiescence of the public. Licensing was the second step in the incremental erosion of rights. Amendment VIII states that, "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." I can't speak for the entire country, but here in the Northeast section, fines are escalating in accordance with how much the state wants to extract from the people. If you don't have car insurance, for ...

The End Game

September 28, 2008 | Constitution, Federal Reserve, Judicial, Jury

On the shelf mixed in with all my other DVD's is not one, but two copies of End Game by Alex Jones. Why two you might ask? Because everyone needs to know what is happening to them, the origins, and the current plan against the people. It was my hope to keep one and pass the other out for anyone who would listen. With the exception of my sons, it has reached very few eyes, and ears. This is not because I haven't tried, but because there are too many who do not want to listen, or learn. Without going through the details of this film, that depicts the sheer evil that stalks the Earth and plots our demise, I should at least make a comment on the film as a whole. NOT ENOUGH! I wish I knew more. I wish I could learn more because study is a lifetime process. Without knowledge we are simply beings wandering about in the darkness. As we wade into that night we tend to abandon reason and depend on nothing more than fear to survive. So with that, this writer asks for more and refuses to close his eyes, and ears, to any bit of information, no matter how seemingly absurd it may appear at the start. Most of us are simple in our lives as we struggle through the daily routine, but there are others. There are those who crave power, and wealth, without regard to the benefit or disaster it causes to the people in general. Who are these people, and what makes them tick? I think that Alex Jones has started the process, but even if you have the documentation right in your hands, can you and I, or for that matter, can Alex understand the rationale behind wanting to play such diabolical games? I started my personal struggle years ago as I ranted and raved against the government that I thought was meant to serve the People. It was years before anyone would listen. What I found along the way was willingness by most who are placed in a position of any power, to use that so-called authority for other than what it was intended. There appears to be a certain glee in causing pain, in placing obstacles, and in the overall destruction of the clearly defined rights of the individual. What have we wrought was the ongoing question in the back of my mind? I thought if I asked simple questions that maybe some would answer simply. Instead of not only ignoring the basic precept, I would be ridiculed to a point of absolute abuse. It became annoying, and aggravating. In another time, I thought to myself, I would simply have laid into the person who saw fit to be a complete idiot by making statements and threats that neither answered the question, nor made any sense to a reasonable man. I thought better of reverting to my baser instincts. Lets say that I don't believe any of the so-called conspiracy theories that spread around depicting dark characters performing operations that set off this incident or that. Should I ignore all the information, and let it sit without at least trying to disprove the matter? Or, should I take a line from Congressman Ron Paul, and read? Don't believe me, investigate, look around you, and start with the simplest of questions. Look to those who might have the answers, and not those who do nothing more than make snide comments meant to embarrass rather than to resolve. Here's one question that I have been asking for more than 10 years with maybe one-in-twenty knowing the answer. What part of the government is the Federal Reserve? It is simple enough for the person questioned to respond with; it's not a part of the government. How much easier to start your awakening then to find out that the majority does not know this fundamental aspect of why our monetary system is in shambles. I asked about the income tax. I asked where the authority came from to regulate my right to keep and bear arms. I asked about the authority to license just about every aspect of my life. I just didn't ask Joe on the street, as I began to wander about feeling as if I was the only sane person left. I began to send letters, first by regular mail, and then certified. I received responses from representatives of the people that were so inane that it became obvious to me that we were in far worse shape than I could have possibly imagined. I started roaming the forums of pro-gun people hoping to find kindred spirits. Instead what I found were more people who not only did not understand the struggle, considering their peculiar closeness to the issues of rights, but also were more than willing to throw the old ‘Tin Foil Hat' response out at every post. I took the next step. I challenged my employer on the subject of the W4 form that I was forced to sign as a condition of employment. I asked what income it was that they were reporting I was receiving. I received nothing but nonsense to my questions. In the case of the New York Mercantile Exchange where I had formerly worked, they actually changed the proper reporting status on my W4 form without my knowledge. In the case of Credit-Suisse they answered my questions through the mail with a definition rather than a statute that imposes a liability. A first year law student should know that definitions do not command any responsibility. In both cases the lawyers for these companies should be well aware that 5 U.S.C. § 556(d), "the proponent of a rule or order has the burden of proof." And then to that must pass muster under § 553 for rule making. So on I go searching for some semblance of light in what appears to be a horrific nightmare. I continue to talk sense while others lambaste me for being a kook, or unpatriotic. At some point ...