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Archive for the ‘1st Amendment’ Category

A Free Press

September 10, 2023 | 1st Amendment, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Founding Documents

by Nicholas Testaccio “I have proved, sir, that not only some power is given in the constitution to restrain, and even to subject the press, but that it is a power totally unlimited; and may certainly annihilate the freedom of the press, and convert it from being the palladium of liberty to become an engine of imposition and tyranny. It is an easy step from restraining the press to making it place the worst actions of government in so favorable a light, that we may groan under tyranny and oppression without knowing from whence it comes.” -  Cincinnatus, no. 2, TO James Wilson, November 8, 1787 Arthur Lee, using the pseudonym Cincinnatus, wrote what he feared might become of the press if it did not hold some guarantee of a right to be free from government intervention. He was, like many of our Founders, an astute observer of history and what the record held. Government, that is to say men and women jealous of power, are apt to strike at every measure of liberty and the institutions that are held as safeguards against the designs of the tyrant. The Bill of Rights begins “Congress shall make no law respecting *** the freedom of speech, or of the press”. Despite his fear of a corruption made of the press without some protection, and contrary to Mr. Wilson’s assurance that congress lacked any power to influence or control the press, we are now subject to an institution void of conscience, and a willing conspirator to the worst of men. Those, sometimes faceless bureaucrats or worse still, those we elect to represent our interests in the halls of the legislatures.   Lee wanted, as did many others, a written assurance against the reaches of government to perform as so many others had in the past. Wilson noted that the law written as it was, gave no power to the state to make any encroachments on the press. Regardless of the lessons of history and the protection sought against the contrivances of power seekers, we have been witness to a press willing to collude with those in such positions that they may lend a hand in the subjugation of the people. “Fake news” is a term to which we were introduced by former president Donald Trump in his run-up to the White House, and then again during his presidency. There would be a long list, far too long for this column, to enumerate. The corporate media made a display of lies and propaganda that would make German propagandist Joseph Goebbels proud. Obvious lies, distortion, and failure to correct mistakes and disinformation are legion. Today they continue along the path of either thinking they are legitimate, or they are an instrument for the destruction of this Republic. The common man neither has the time, nor the resources to investigate and corroborate what comes from the corporate press. Instead, for the most part, the average citizen takes as fact the distortions that come out of institutions that were meant to be a check on government. I must wonder why it is that the continuation of lies spewed out from the corporate media, still a majority of the population takes for granted that what they read in the New York Times, or regurgitated from CNN to MSMBC is taken as trusted sources of information. Repeatedly, false claims, such as Russian interference in the 2016 election, the corporate media played along with the lies that were common out of the mouths of people such as Adam Schiff, and Hilary Clinton. In the face of the Mueller report, the corporate media played along by failing to admit that they promoted propaganda in order to assist in the aversion to revealing the truth. A twist here, a coverup there, a lie designed to obfuscate, and the truth vanishes into the ether. Accuse your opponent of the crimes you’ve committed, and the falsehoods become part of the mindset that distorts reality. The “free press” is quite adept at concealing the truth if they believe  it will help their side. What we should do is examine the facts around Georgia, and Michigan for some insight as to the corruption that is rampant throughout the corporate media. Let’s start with the false narrative that Trump brought Sixty suits to the courts that were dismissed. Trump brought one election contest, and that case revolved around the Georgia election. All the other cases were ancillary and brought by others attempting to find the truth. Trump’s election contest was never heard. Georgia law is, that if you file an election contest, a court must be assigned, and within five days set a hearing, and within ten days hold that hearing. Georgia violated its own law by not setting a hearing, and then negating a chance for a hearing to be held. It set the hearing date after January 6th, which made it moot at that point. The claim was therefore dismissed. Trump filed an appeal stating that Fulton County would not abide by the rules for an election contest. The Georgia supreme court essentially avoided the issue by referring it to the court of appeals that never did anything about taking up the claims. A brief summary of the election contest asked what amounted to constitutional questions, such as were there only constitutionally qualified people who voted; were there only constitutionally qualified ballots that were correctly cast; and were the ballots canvassed in a constitutionally qualified manner? I should point out that the state legislature is the authority in creating the law surrounding the presidential election, and the questions posed in the Trump election contest were based on what Georgia law required. Trump lawyers presented over Four-Hundred sworn affidavits in support of that election contest. It was backed up by details, data, and documents. For instance, there were some Ten-Thousand people who were dead before their ballots were sent in. To put a frightening point on this, Mark Meadows is now under indictment for requesting that Georgia show and publish the data that was sought in the complaint. Simply remember ...

Words Are A Powerful Tool

February 10, 2021 | 1st Amendment, Founders, History

by Nicholas Testaccio During his presidency, Ronald Reagan spoke words of encouragement, and determination that spanned the spectrum of history, law, foreign affairs, and the principles of this nation. Many of his speech’s came from writers who penned some of the most inspiring words to be delivered from the presidential podium. The words I write here are my own coupled with quotes from our Founders and matters in law. I find that the history, the theory, and the rule of law make for a much more compelling method of conveying a point. I am not sure that what I place on paper lives up to the standards of the orators who preceded my humble attempts at provoking or educating others. My desire is to reach those who care to learn, which is the basis for all progress. Statesmen, true statesmen, are both students of history and politics. While one study has its value in learning from the wisdom of the successes, pitfalls, and  failures of the past, the other seems to be an attempt at psychological aptitude. History does repeat in a manner. There are those who rebuke that doctrine, but in some way the mistakes of the past keep presenting themselves in one form or another. Politics, as it is today, expresses itself in the form of propaganda, dystopian agenda, and powers that have no regard for the people who suffer under runaway insanity. It should be clear to those who have taken even a cursory look at the Constitution, that government has violated the tenets so clearly enumerated. The document that our servants swore an oath to protect and defend is desecrated at every clause and provision. At one time we had men and women of steel in this nation. While men cast boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor, the women were securing their place in history. “Yonder, the destruction of the detestable weed, made so by cruel exaction, engages our attention. The virtuous and noble resolution of America’s sons, in defiance of threatened desolation and misery from arbitrary despots, demands our highest regard.", wrote Hannah Winthrop. John Adams asked his friend and clarion of liberty, Mercy Warren Otis to put her considerable talent to honor that band of patriots. In response she wrote “The Squabble of the Sea Nymphs” BRIGHT Phaebus drove his rapid car amain,And plung'd his steeds beyond the western plain,Behind a golden skirted cloud to rest.Ere ebon night had spread her sable vest,And drawn her curtain o'er the fragrant vale,Or Cynthia's shadows dress'd the lonely dale,The heroes of the Tuscararo tribe,Who scorn'd alike a fetter or a bribe,In order rang'd, and waited freedom's nod,To make an offering to the wat'ry god. The poem goes on, but it was not the sum of Mercy’s contribution to the revolution. She wrote plays that helped to ignite the flames of insurrection. Yes, as all our Founder’s knew that the fight for liberty and the dissolution of the bond between Britain and the American Colonies was an act of insurgency worthy of a meeting with the gallows. By today’s standards of censorship, Mercy Warren Otis would have been banned long before the men of the revolution knew her name. She may very well have heard a loud banging on her door in the middle of the night by an agency acting in direct violation of the rule of law. What a tragedy it would have been if we could not have the pleasure of her wisdom and skill with the pen. To be denied the words that expressed her hopes and fears would make us poorer by far. “I have my fears. Yet, notwithstanding the complicated difficulties that rise before us, there is no receding; May nothing ever check that glorious spirit if freedom which inspires the patriot in the cabinet and the hero in the field, with courage to maintain their righteous cause, and to endeavor to transmit the claim to posterity, even if they must seal the rich conveyance to their children with their own blood.” And what of today, the rhetoric, and propaganda that has been infused into the culture. Is there an honest voice that shouts of the impending tyranny that will be imposed on us all for the simple fact that we believe in individual freedom, property, and the means by which to protect those elements of our being? To maintain what is essential to our liberty and the ability to prosper, earn, and enjoy those aspects of life, we must struggle on some level. Thomas Paine wrote, “What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.” Tyranny presents itself, and yet we are wanting of the ability to recognize its talons and prepare ourselves for the conflict that must ensue. We are now staring down the barrel of tyranny, and we refuse to acknowledge it is at point blank range. Mao Zedong coined the phrase “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”. While unconstitutional agencies are given more and more power to regulate and enforce the rules that they create, there are private organizations assisting the move toward complete government autocracy by demanding the disarmament of their fellow citizens. For their foolish aspirations I must remind these “useful idiots” that you will gain neither safety, nor security by taking the power of the Sword from those who could and would protect liberty. It is now some Seventy-Five years since American Liberation Forces marched into concentration camps. There they found death, despair, and horror they could not have fathomed. Despite what you might believe, the Nazi’s left behind video evidence of what had been done in the camps. As told to me by one soldier who saw the malevolence; “We brought people from the town in to look at the films. They left in tears. They were all crying.” The story of one of our WWII ...

“I Want the Truth”

April 14, 2017 | 1st Amendment, General, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio Are Americans willing to see, or hear the truth? Can they handle it, or even comprehend the truth when it is spelled out for them? “I want the truth.” The now famous line uttered by Tom Cruise in the movie “A Few Good Men” tells us much about our character today. We either can’t handle it, or have been blinded by so much propaganda that we’re incapable of recognizing the truth. America is under attack “by enemies both foreign and domestic”. I have no qualms in stating that we have those in government who are feverishly working to put an end to this once great experiment. This last election exhibited the depths, to which the “elite” will go to destroy this country. They’ve worked for years to rape the common man. They can’t afford to allow you and I to have a true say in the running of this nation. The saddest part of this is that we have those, with rather loud mouths, who profess to know the truth, but do not comprehend what they are to do with their platform. Unintentionally, or perhaps intentionally they’ve built themselves a following of misguided, and misinformed. There is plenty of backslapping, and celebrations for victories that are at best temporary, or fleeting, but as I’ve asked in the past, have we put one of the scoundrels behind bars? When bombs drop, bullets fly, and truth becomes a casualty, lives are ruined or lost. Whatever the motives, the means, the directions, or underlying force, be it spiritual, alien, or human, there is no doubt that suffering is a mark of the latest tragedy. Something we see, and can lay hand upon is a task to comprehend and resolve. As Patrick Henry stated, “But different men often see the same subject in different lights”, and therein lies the path to our defeat. The vast majority seems incapable of recognizing what is right in front of them. You cannot keep yelling, “the sky is falling” while telling your intended audience that they need to stand under the debris and take the brunt of the damage. No matter what side of the fence you stand, or what your beliefs are, this is a physical world. As Morpheus explained to Neo, “Your mind makes it feel real”. So it is in that condition that you currently live whether you like it or not. You cannot transcend the current state until you are willing to accept and overcome it on the terms and conditions that make it feel real. In other words, there is no passage through a locked door, for which you have no key. Build the key with what you have, and you will gain further knowledge that helps you to rise above what makes it feel real. For the conspiracy theorist, the fervent believers in a one true God, or however else you define your present state, may I point you to the King James bible, Luke 10:19; “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Whether you believe that those are the words of one Creator, or some alien race that planted us here, they translate to a simple instruction. You, in whatever reality you choose to place yourself, are responsible for the outcome. It is up to you to resolve the issues you confront. There is no deity, superior being, or “one-eyed one horned flying purple people eater” that is going to come down and save you from you. What do I mean by this? Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to take the tools you have at hand and build the means, by which you will overcome whatever obstacle or threat is placed in your path. It should be obvious that you cannot fight with tools you neither have at hand, nor have the means of building at this particular time. Take what you have, build on that in order to find what is beyond the veil that we see in front of our eyes. This of course leads me to what I see in front of me, and what it is that I will do with my meager skills and knowledge. For if there is one thing in this World, of which I am certain, it is the fact that my beliefs can be shattered in a heart beat. I make no pretense as to knowing what lies out there in what appears to be an ever-expanding Universe. I could write about the things I’ve seen, the spiritual encounters, or experiences that I’ve had, but I choose not to. I do so because my reality doesn’t fit into what anyone else believes. If I’ve seen the unbelievable, someone else has seen more, and therefore I’m irrelevant. If I’ve had a spiritual encounter, I’ve witnessed the works of the devil because it falls on ears that can’t believe they are not superior in spirit to me. If I were to relate other aspects of my life, according to those who know more than me, someone, or some thing has duped me. I can tell you that in my life I’ve been fed so much tripe that turns out to be wrong that it boggles the mind. Even with that, the same folks come back and keep telling me that I’m the one who doesn’t know. When I write here, it is about the state of affairs that I can combat. So, until that day that I must face some horrible entity, Predators, creatures from the Black Lagoon, or the day comes that the good Lord calls me, and I can actually see what lies beyond this mortal plane, I will continue the battle with those tools that I have in front of me. I know that any entity that is an enemy of mankind will not give me access to whatever I might use to overcome evil, and until the day comes that I can design, acquire, or build ...

Another Open Letter

June 20, 2012 | 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, Congress, Constitution, Militia

Please, if you believe in what I’ve said here, feel free to use it. Send it to your servants. Send it to newspapers, radio, and TV stations. Dear Servant of the People, It is my understanding that the congress, comprised of those subject to the sovereignty of the People, is now dealing in compromises with murderers. “On Thursday, in a letter to Rep. Issa, Holder indicated his willingness to partially comply with the subpoena.  In what he called "an extraordinary accommodation," Holder agreed to provide some additional documents, but said that other documents remained, "outside the scope of the committee's interest in the inappropriate tactics used in Fast and Furious."” I will remind you of a few things that you should keep in the back of your mind. First and foremost, you are a representative of your constituents who is placed in position by a ballot cast by those to whom you are responsible. Although I wonder if there is a legitimate voting process now a day, you are nonetheless a servant, and bound by the rule of law. Second, a violation of the oath of office is a felony under the rule of law. A violation consists of voting for and enacting legislation outside the clearly defined limits set forth in the Constitution. Third, this administration, and as it appears, the last administration engaged in operations that not only account for the loss of life, but also were designed to infringe upon the rights of the People. Fourth, neither you, nor the Attorney General is entitled to any immunity because of your ‘self proclaimed position of power’. Immunity is a fiction designed by the courts. For the life of me, I can’t find it enumerated as a power granted to you by the People. Fifth, we have committed enough murder in the Middle East and Africa to guarantee us all a very nice spot in hell. From what I have read of the official numbers, and some really official accounts, we have murdered as many as One-Million Women and Children, and according to the Veterans Administration we’ve lost over Seventy-Thousand Soldiers in our wars of conquest. As any one who is conscious enough to inhale should know, the government lies at a level that is both disgusting and dangerous. It does so constantly, and without any shame what so ever. Our unemployment rate passed 20% a few years ago, and is certainly not going down. We’ve dropped millions from the unemployment statistics because they are no longer eligible for assistance. There have been a growing number of tent cities popping up across the country for at least six years to my knowledge. The congress, despite the objections of the American People, created more than Twenty-Five Trillion Dollars, in order to bail out fraud, incompetence, and the thievery of those who should have been rewarded with jail sentences instead of the future earnings of the workingmen and women of this country. The lawful limit of immigrants to this country is 1.2 million people per year. Not counting those who unlawfully cross our borders, you have allowed some Three Million immigrants to come here, many of who come from Third World countries, and they come here to sack our coffers. Granted, some come here with talent, but none of that talent is lacking in the American worker who is suffering from your One World Globalism, and the fallacy of Free Trade. This is the time to revoke work visas, stop immigration, impose tariffs, and secure opportunities for those who have lived their lives here, and are suffering from your failed agenda. Your answer, as is typically the case, is to create a greater burden on the citizen using the word compromise as if it were some ingenious device to solve the woes of the world. The Constitution does not authorize compromise, nor does it empower you to legislate acts that are not clearly defined, nor created by judicial fiat. But you have an answer to all your crimes don’t you? Disarm the American People before they wake up from their slumber and realize just how dangerous you are, and how repugnant your actions are to the rule of law. Leonid Brezhnev once told an old boss of mine “he feared the common man”. His reasons were simple. Given the fact that a man could not feed his family, or it had been placed in jeopardy, that normally peaceful man would resort to methods he would typically shun. Brezhnev’s reasons were sound, and came from years of experience. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, have by their actions, placed the people of this country in a tenuous position, and regardless of the feminization of the American male, there are still enough who will rise up to prosecute the lawless in government. Every one of the Thirteen Colonies had a Militia Act. That Militia was the People’s teeth, their final tool against tyranny. The Militia was such an important part of our law enforcement that it not only became part of the body of the Constitution, but was also defined as “being necessary to the security of a free State” and a right that “shall not be infringed”. Where do we stand today? Our borders are open to hundreds of thousands of illegal’s, some of whom may no doubt be of the nature to destroy us as a result of our wars of conquest, and occupation. Our manufacturing base is depleted. Our programs of free trade that gives our potential enemies the upper hand have limited our access to rare Earth elements, necessary to the defense of our country. You have created Trillions in debt that also gives our potential enemies the upper hand. What is the solution of the government? Disarm the American People under any form of trickery, corruption and fraud possible. Create laws that you have no authority to enact, and punish those who wish to defend their life and liberty. Give immunity to public thugs who taser five year old girls, and beat to death mentally handicapped men. Do you believe that you will be immune from a tired and distraught People who have nowhere else to turn? Is ...

Obama Launches Total Media Takeover System

February 8, 2011 | 1st Amendment, Civil Liberties

We would normally post articles such as this in the forum. However, the conduct of this government was questionable, now it is becoming dangerous.   Kurt Nimmo February 8, 2011 Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell’s 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda underwear bombing event. Commissioners voted last week to require television and radio stations, cable systems and satellite TV providers to participate in a test that would have them receive and transmit a live code that includes an alert message issued by the president. No date has been set for the test, according to the Post. Once again, the government has imposed an unreasonable and absurd mandate on business and the American people. Watch the video: “The Federal Communications Commission today took action to help pave the way for the first-ever Presidential alert to be aired across the United States on the Nation’s Emergency Alert System (EAS),” the FCC announced on February 3 in a press release. “The national test will help determine the reliability of the EAS system and its effectiveness in notifying the public of emergencies and potential danger nationwide and regionally.” As Next Generation EAS systems become operational over the next few years, they will complement other public alert and warning systems now being developed, including FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and the Commercial Mobile Alert System that will enable consumers to receive alerts through a variety of multi-media platforms on their smart-phones, blackberries and other mobile broadband devices. If implemented, the president will be able to commandeer your smart phone any time he wants and for any reason the government deems necessary. In November, communications company Alcatel-Lucent announced that it’s creating aBroadcast Message Center that will allow government agencies to send cell phone users specific information in the event of a local, state or national emergency, including those now ubiquitous government warnings about fantastic terror plots that invariably fizzle out or are run by FBI informants and agents provocateurs. It seems not a week or two passes that somegullible Muslim is duped by the agency into a fantastic terror plot (for instance, blowing up Christmas trees). The Broadcast Message Center is designed to force mobile phone manufacturers to adopt the Federal Communication Commission’s Commercial Mobile Alert System. Under the new system, all phones would receive emergency alerts directly from government bureaucrats.  Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (AD) Former DHS boss Tom Ridge has admitted that the government exploits terror alerts for political gain. Ridge said he “was pushed to raise the security alert on the eve of President Bush’s re-election, something he saw as politically motivated and worth resigning over.” A specific al-Qaeda terror alert hyped up prior to the election was downgraded by the DHS after Bush beat fellow bonesman Kerry in the election. Obama’s warnings about a supposed al-Qaeda attack on targets in Europe was exaggerated for political purposes, Pakistani diplomat Shamsul Hasan said in October. “I will not deny the fact that there may be internal political dynamics, including the forthcoming midterm American elections. If the Americans have definite information about terrorists and al-Qaida people, we should be provided [with] that and we could go after them ourselves,” Hasan said. No terror event occurred. “It was nothing specific, nothing very new,” said Swedish Justice Minister Beatrice Ask after the official warning. “We agree that there is no indication of concrete targets, concrete dates and concrete terror groups,” added German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere. In addition to your cell phone, the government wants to take control of your internet broadband in the event another phony terror attack threatens the homeland. Lisa Fowlkes, deputy chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the FCC, told FederalNewsRadio on Monday that the FCC is looking at how wireless broadband could also enhance the EAS as part of a recommendation that was in the FCC’s National Broadband Plan from last year. The idea is to hijack broadband and the internet for emergency alerting propaganda with the “Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) being developed by FEMA and the wireless industry,” according to Fowlkes. The system would break into your computer or wireless device and broadcast presidential propaganda announcements, FEMA reports, so-called “Imminent Threat Alerts,” and AMBER Alerts. Government has devised other creative ways to disseminate propaganda. For instance,California introduced a bill last year to commission a study on emerging electronic license plate technology and examine ways that it could introduce new ad revenue streams. In addition to ads, the technology would flash Amber Alerts and other information. Earlier this month, DHS unveiled a new terror alert system that will hijack social networking sites as one way of informing people of terrorist threat updates. “The new, two-tiered system will provide alerts that are more specific to the threat and even recommend certain actions or suggest that people look for specific suspicious behavior, she said. They also may be limited to a particular audience — such as law enforcement — rather than broadcast to the general public, and also will have a specified end date,” reported Information Week Government. In December, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano  announced the expansion of the Department’s national “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to hundreds of Walmart stores across the country — launching a new partnership between DHS and Walmart to help the American public play an active role in informing on each other. Thousands of Wamart stores will have telescreens pumping out government propaganda. FEMA is also working on a new system that would send emergency alerts as text messages to wireless phone users. The system is still about two years away from full implementation, according to the agency.