Restore the Republic

Archive for the ‘1st Amendment’ Category

When, If Ever?

January 31, 2011 | 1st Amendment, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Jury, Militia

When this site was started, there was enthusiasm. The plan, as indicated by our name, was to Restore the Republic. Through the trials of what took place afterwards we held to the notion that there was power in the words, people would respond and take action if nothing more than to comment and post in the forum letting us know that there was hope. Our readership began to pick-up, but we were hacked to the point that the site had to come down for some time, and be rebuilt. That didn’t deter our enthusiasm, and we held to our beliefs. The site was hacked again, and rebuilt. I kept writing, and the site was improved by the team. If we are nothing else, we are people who subscribe to the idea that humans are thinking mammals capable of realizing when action was needed, and what that action should be. I have learned over the years that this may not be the case. The general population doesn’t come to sites such as this for knowledge; they want to be entertained. The more outlandish the commentary the more likely they are to return day after day. That is what we received from the president in his latest state of the union; pure unadulterated gibberish, conflicting statements, and illogical proposed solutions. The state of the union was meant to be a detailed assessment of the progress of the nation as given to the president by the congress. Congress makes the laws, and the executive carries those laws out; provided the acts adhere to the Constitution. Instead what we now hear are long term plans on how the government will interfere in our lives, supposedly rebuild the economy, and inspire the citizenry to work on. As generally expected, the speech was pure non-sense that has nothing at all to do with the enumerated powers of the government. We now have a head-of-state, who as far as I can tell never held a job outside of government or a non-profit organization. He has spent his entire adult life in direct opposition to the concepts of liberty, and justice, but there he sits in the oval office plotting our demise. Now we find out that the governor of Hawaii who was going to lay the birth certificate issue to rest, can’t find any evidence of records that would show Obama to have been born in that state. But wait there is more to this story, and if you love a good novel with twists, turns, and lies you have to read on. Mike Evans, the man who claimed that he had spoken to the governor about the birth certificate, now claims that he has not spoken to Governor Abercrombe since he took office. Well I’m confused to say the least, and if you clicked on the birth certificate link, read the story, and listened to the interview, you would surely be as lost as I am. However, this goes right along with the rest of this presidency; non-sense, non-sense, and more non-sense, which is what we get each and every time Obama opens his mouth. During the campaign for president he claimed we would have our troop’s home by 2009. He told us Guantanamo would be closed as a detention center for terrorists. He claimed to be for the poor, and middle class, but has done nothing but enhance the wealth of the very few at the top. The bankers are raping America. Need I go on? Whatever your beliefs are, the man has lied to us, as most politicians surely do in order to hold that all important seat at the big-game. His lies have been blatant, akin to “WMD’s”, but he seems to remain the darling of the mainstream media. His lies have cost us thousands more lives of our young men according to the Veterans Administration. That’s right all you who cling to hope, the number of deaths are staggering, and of course lied about, and sworn to by the criminals in the media. Recent numbers indicate that as much as 47% of the eligible working population should be considered unemployed. What you ask? That can’t be, I have a nice job, and I’m doing fine. That seems to be the sum total of our sphere of understanding; I’m ok, so it can’t be bad. Let us not forget these facts. In November of 2009, Bloomberg News filed a FOIA request to find out what happened to the Two Trillion Dollars that the FED handed out to who knows who. Over this last summer it was discovered that the FED had given Trillions of Dollars to foreign banks, and institutions for which the American citizen is ultimately responsible. While the FED was handing out Trillions our country was coming apart. The city of Detroit, which at one time had the highest per capita middle class in the nation, is a dying city where houses are being sold for a dollar, and the mayor wants to bulldoze about 20% of the area. Granted we were leading up to this so we can’t blame it all on Barack Obama. However, he is the man that was elected for change, and all we got was more of the same old rhetoric, with political double-speak, and politicians pulling out the same old tired recipes for ruin. So who is actually to blame for all of this? Go take a good look in the mirror folks because we are the culprits here. We’re in it up to our ears, and the road ahead is not pretty no matter how the talking heads paint a picture of green-shoots. Our jobs continue to be outsourced. Under the present administration there has been no let up in issuing work visas while so many Americans collect unemployment, and food stamps. The Chinese continue to flood our shelves with their products, thereby building wealth for themselves and debt for our countrymen. And with the wealth the Chinese are accumulating they are buying tangible assets while we continue to fight over the latest toy insanity for Christmas, overpriced tickets for some concert, and ...

Revolution March Washington D.C. July 12, 2008

May 31, 2008 | 1st Amendment, Ron Paul

The goal of the Revolution March, is to organize a peaceful, non-violent march on the streets of Washington DC followed by a rally in support of The Revolution that is happening in America. For more information please click the image below.