Restore the Republic

The Right of Self Defense

November 29, 2021 | 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, General, History, Militia, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio

On August 27th of 2020, the online site Revolver wrote the following; “In a surprising turn of events, the New York Times has done some actual, real investigative reporting and confirmed Revolver’s conclusion that the Kyle Rittenhouse shooting is an open-and-shut case of self-defense. Shockingly, the evidence turned up by the New York Times actually strengthens the case for self-defense.”

Despite the protests, the propaganda, deceit, and the outright lies, a jury of his peers agreed that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. I am sure that there were many thoughts as to the ramifications of a not guilty verdict that played heavy on the minds of the jurors, but they delivered a verdict that should never have been in question. Instead, the propagandist in the media and government doubled-down on their lust for more blood and suffering. The congressman from New York, Jerald Nadler, has called for the DOJ to investigate the matter.

This is what our future will look like, a nation torn apart by those whose goal is to bring America to its knees. We have already seen the DOJ unleashed on parents concerned about the quality of education their children are receiving. In fact, Attorney General Merrick Garland has lied before congress on this matter, but the AG is part of the internal threat to American’s so he will not suffer any consequences. Hopefully, I am wrong with that assessment.

As I go about the business of learning what others think of such matters, I am constrained to conclude that because of the factors of ambivalence, ignorance of our law, and naivety we may fall to a civil war, or devolve into a tyrannical state. I have heard enough people, who perceive themselves as intelligent, make the outlandish statement that they do not believe in conspiracies. You need only read the words of our Founders and examine the Constitution to recognize that conspiracy is the norm, but not the aberration. The Constitution is clear, it is an instruction manual for limited delegated authority, with the power of the Sword placed firmly in the hands of the people. There are no hidden meanings as professed by self-proclaimed scholars, nor is it open to interpretations made by black robed administrators, and their lackeys, commonly known as lawyers.

As I have attempted to convey, on so many occasions, this is a nation of sovereigns. “We the People” set down the Law, and “We the People,” in order to preserve our sovereignty established that it is our Right and our Duty to protect and defend our freedom, and especially our lives above the protestations of the oligarch and ignorant alike. The rule is “innocent until proven guilty” and “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer..”

Bear in mind that in the Rittenhouse case, without any evidence that the young man was a racist or bigot he was labeled as such, and after the fact that he did not shoot anyone of African descent, the media is still playing the race card. More so disturbing is that there is still a large number of people who believe that young Rittenhouse killed Black men in his defense of himself, and therefore a murderer regardless of the facts.

Consider the fact that our government, I say “our” with a smirk because it no longer acts as our servant, has, for decades worked to disarm the public, and destroy the right of self-defense against this most pernicious enemy; the institution itself.

“We inquire, therefore, what, at the time the Constitution was framed and adopted, [was] recognized” as self-defense? The Constitution is not a difficult document to read, as are the unconstitutional, verbose, and often ambiguous acts of contemporary legislators. It came with a set of detailed instructions from the delegates and observers of the constitutional convention. The history of political and legal doctrine was no secret to the Framers, and they were religious in their reliance on the brilliant minds of politics and law that had gone before them, and fortunately, lived at that moment.

John Locke is referred to as the Father of Liberalism, a political and moral philosophy that underlines our form of government; “Consent of the governed.” His writings and principles helped guide our Founders to establish a government of, by, and for the people. It is no easy task to maintain that mindset when we have a legal system that has bastardized the law and usurped the authority of the people in order to centralize it to the ever growing threat that is government. Let us reflect on Locke’s explanation as it plays an important role with regard to the Kenosha affair and the push to disarm the American people.

John Locke described self-defense in this manner; “The defence of one’s self, or the mutual and reciprocal defence of such as stand in the relations of husband and wife, parent and child, master and servant.  In these cases, if the party himself, or any of these his relations, be forcibly attacked in his person or property.” Let’s pause here a moment. If you recall, during the Rittenhouse trial the prosecutor asserted that there is no right to protect property. In general, that is, of course, contrary to the instinct of man, and a violation of a natural right.

Locke goes on in his description to say, “it is lawful for him to repel force by force; and the breach of the peace, is chargeable upon him of the human mind; and (when external violence is offered to a man himself, or those to whom he bears a near connection) makes only who began the affray.  For the law, in this case, respects the passions it lawful in him to do himself that immediate justice, to which he is prompted by nature, and which no prudential motives are strong enough to restrain. It considers that the future process of law is by no means an adequate remedy for injuries accompanied with force; since it is impossible to say, to what wanton lengths of rapine or cruelty outrages of this sort might be carried, unless it were permitted a man immediately to oppose one violence with another. Self-defence, therefore, as it is justly called the primary law of nature, so it is not, neither can it be in fact, taken away by the law of society. In the English law particularly it is held an excuse for breaches of the peace, nay even for homicide itself: but care must be taken, that the resistance does not exceed the bounds of mere defence and prevention; for then the defender would himself become an aggressor.”

On that night, in which Kyle Rittenhouse was compelled to employ deadly force to protect himself, the city of Kenosha was subjected to rioting, looting, and arson. All of those offences constitute a “breach of the peace,” for which any freedom loving, and reasonable man may, and for the purpose of “immediate justice”, “repel force by force” in order to maintain some semblance of peace for himself, and for those whose lives, their livelihood, and future may depend. However, in the context of the mayhem that swept our nation, prosecutor Binger, and indeed the State by its agent’s actions, dismissed and made lite of the suffering the people of Kenosha, and others across our country, should endure so that they might be turned to beg for mercy from this now subversive government and its myrmidons in the media.

This matter comes to mind as we watch our nation decline into an inexplicable state of confusion where those protecting themselves from a physical affront are prosecuted while all manner of aggressors are set free to continue their rampage of violence. We need only turn to the summer of 2020 that cast several cities on fire, a call for disbanding the police while looters, and rioters went along on the merry jaunt of destruction. It was clear to me that those subversives who had infiltrated our government were gaining momentum in the plan to destroy America. At every level was the mindset of people turned away from logic, reason, and comprehending clearly quantified words.

A young man stepped into the fray, only to be caught up in the insidious plot to take down America. Kyle Rittenhouse was labeled as a racist, bigot, and murderer by one side while the other side, failed to protect the young man who exhibited a level of competence in a situation in which most would have succumbed.

The lies, and propaganda continue unabated. Missing from this debate? The absolute inexcusable failure of those in so-called pro-second groups, conservative journalists, and others who claim to be supporters of the Constitution, to enumerate and enforce the rule of law.

This is a nation of, by, and for the people, and we act as if agents of government can interpret away our sovereignty. The Constitution does not enumerate, or even suggests that the courts may evaluate a rule to suit their own personal agenda. There is no delegated authority with which the courts may construe a clause to mean something other than the intended purpose that was debated and understood by those who wrote and ratified “the supreme Law of the Land.”

The Bill of Rights was appended to the original Constitution to highlight and reinforce that which was already expressed by enumeration or doctrine of law. The Bill of Rights does not grant nor protect rights. Its function was to elaborate the rights and restrictions declared as part and parcel of operating a nation where “sovereignty itself, remains with the people, by whom and for whom, government exists, and acts.”.

It is the original Constitution that enumerates and commands the authority that “We the People” hold in our possession as the ultimate power. Article I, § 8, Cl. 15 requires that the States maintain Militia as defined in the existing statutes. Militia must be kept in accordance with the standards and functionality as known from colonial America to the newly formed nation. It did not need an explanation because it was a pre-existing institution familiar to all. Those statutes required all able-bodied men, not exempt or forbidden to do so, to go armed with weapons they themselves purchased through the free market. Eventually, those statutes were changed as early as 1861 to remove any prohibitions based on race, creed, or color.

Why do we ignore this fundamental authority, and chatter on about an “individual rights theory” when the Founders specifically enumerated the institution, by which we could protect all our rights? There is obviously an element of evil that works to enslave the average person, and what is horrifying to me is that they enlist our neighbors in the destruction of the essence of freedom and liberty.

While destruction rained down upon the streets of Kenosha, a young man stepped into the fray. Not to riot, loot, and burn, but to lend aide to a city under attack from subversives working their plan to tear down America. Without knowing or understanding the constitutional duty “to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions,” Kyle Rittenhouse walked in the footsteps of the men who mustered at Lexington and Concord to thwart the aspirations of the tyrants who infest our government.

I wonder if any of these so-called patriots have ever understood the Constitution? The Framers placed the power of the Sword and Sovereignty in the hands of the people. The enforcement of the law is clearly stated and is not debatable. The Constitution, to which every public official must swear an oath, restricts all of them, and recognizes the existing Militia  as the power of the people to supersede acts of this servant government. The problem is that we have abdicated that authority. Not only have we abdicated our power, but we disparage it for fear that a knock may come at the door asking why we promoted the requirements the Constitution set down.

Kyle Rittenhouse used the force of law bequeath to us by those who understood that their failure would see them hanging at the end of a rope. Those people of the Revolution stood in the breach without regard to their safety. The able-bodied men of that period took the arms that they purchased in the free market and mustered for the fight of their lives. It was a long tumultuous period, in which many battles were lost. There were men of steel such as Ethan Allen and Francis Marion who fought as guerillas to disrupt the British, but the war could not have been won without the assistance of the French who came to our aide.

Today there is no aide coming. The destruction of America is a global agenda. Therefore, a key to our failure is the corruption of the Republic into a democracy where democratic apparatchiks gather in large cities to promote crime and poverty. Under the banner of “we care” is the insidious plot to instill fear among the defenseless and ignorant who clamor for more of the intervention that brought them to their point of desperation. A pattern that has been used for decades stairs us in the face, but we cover our eyes for fear that we might have to take up the banner of the past and confront tyranny.  

While subversives in government, the media, and organizations such as Mothers Demand Action chip away at our rights, most Americans sit back and hope for the best, while never preparing for the worst. I ask myself, how in the name of reason does anyone aspire to disarm the general population? That is a level of madness that cannot be explained when we consider the history of the world. It is not the individual who wages wars, or genocide, but a small group who convince the people that those atrocities are good, or necessary.

Kyle Rittenhouse was performing a Duty that is enshrined in the Supreme Law of the Land as the People’s authority over “public officials” whose goal is more power. The old idiom “Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.” Law is not meant to be ambiguous. If there are inconsistencies in a rule or regulation, then the legislation is meaningless. If the act steps beyond the bounds “We the People” have established, then it is an attempt to usurp our freedom. If an act is designed to render the people defenseless against their servant government, it is an act of tyranny. It can only be concluded that the plot is for the subjugation, and, as in the past, the extermination of dissidents. Or as I would call them, liberty loving people.

The Rittenhouse incident has given public officials and their lackeys a talking point for more gun control while the so-called pro-second groups cling to a theory that expresses no force of law. There are so many lawful avenues by which we can defend all our rights, but we make no effort to walk down those path’s. Part of that, I suppose, rests with a judiciary so corrupt that they are blind to their own evil. It is inexcusable if we consider the concept of this unique form of government, or perhaps its uniqueness confuses the doctrine that “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”  

Whatever the case may be, I am convinced that there is a sinister plot to destroy the concept of this nation and turn it to a totalitarian state. Other’s may laugh at the idea of conspiracies, but the record is available for anyone wishing to open their eyes. I can only pray that there is a turn in the mindset of the public, but human nature as it is does not leave me with much hope. We now operate as subjects to the State instead of its Master. Why would I believe that the majority will some how come to their senses, take it upon themselves to understand what our Founders did, and then recognize that we are teetering on the ledge of destruction?

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