Restore the Republic

Another Open Letter

June 20, 2012 | 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, Congress, Constitution, Militia

Please, if you believe in what I’ve said here, feel free to use it. Send it to your servants. Send it to newspapers, radio, and TV stations.

Dear Servant of the People,

It is my understanding that the congress, comprised of those subject to the sovereignty of the People, is now dealing in compromises with murderers.

“On Thursday, in a letter to Rep. Issa, Holder indicated his willingness to partially comply with the subpoena.  In what he called “an extraordinary accommodation,” Holder agreed to provide some additional documents, but said that other documents remained, “outside the scope of the committee’s interest in the inappropriate tactics used in Fast and Furious.””

I will remind you of a few things that you should keep in the back of your mind.

First and foremost, you are a representative of your constituents who is placed in position by a ballot cast by those to whom you are responsible. Although I wonder if there is a legitimate voting process now a day, you are nonetheless a servant, and bound by the rule of law.

Second, a violation of the oath of office is a felony under the rule of law. A violation consists of voting for and enacting legislation outside the clearly defined limits set forth in the Constitution.

Third, this administration, and as it appears, the last administration engaged in operations that not only account for the loss of life, but also were designed to infringe upon the rights of the People.

Fourth, neither you, nor the Attorney General is entitled to any immunity because of your ‘self proclaimed position of power’. Immunity is a fiction designed by the courts. For the life of me, I can’t find it enumerated as a power granted to you by the People.

Fifth, we have committed enough murder in the Middle East and Africa to guarantee us all a very nice spot in hell. From what I have read of the official numbers, and some really official accounts, we have murdered as many as One-Million Women and Children, and according to the Veterans Administration we’ve lost over Seventy-Thousand Soldiers in our wars of conquest.

As any one who is conscious enough to inhale should know, the government lies at a level that is both disgusting and dangerous. It does so constantly, and without any shame what so ever.

Our unemployment rate passed 20% a few years ago, and is certainly not going down. We’ve dropped millions from the unemployment statistics because they are no longer eligible for assistance.

There have been a growing number of tent cities popping up across the country for at least six years to my knowledge.

The congress, despite the objections of the American People, created more than Twenty-Five Trillion Dollars, in order to bail out fraud, incompetence, and the thievery of those who should have been rewarded with jail sentences instead of the future earnings of the workingmen and women of this country.

The lawful limit of immigrants to this country is 1.2 million people per year. Not counting those who unlawfully cross our borders, you have allowed some Three Million immigrants to come here, many of who come from Third World countries, and they come here to sack our coffers.

Granted, some come here with talent, but none of that talent is lacking in the American worker who is suffering from your One World Globalism, and the fallacy of Free Trade. This is the time to revoke work visas, stop immigration, impose tariffs, and secure opportunities for those who have lived their lives here, and are suffering from your failed agenda.

Your answer, as is typically the case, is to create a greater burden on the citizen using the word compromise as if it were some ingenious device to solve the woes of the world. The Constitution does not authorize compromise, nor does it empower you to legislate acts that are not clearly defined, nor created by judicial fiat.

But you have an answer to all your crimes don’t you? Disarm the American People before they wake up from their slumber and realize just how dangerous you are, and how repugnant your actions are to the rule of law.

Leonid Brezhnev once told an old boss of mine “he feared the common man”. His reasons were simple. Given the fact that a man could not feed his family, or it had been placed in jeopardy, that normally peaceful man would resort to methods he would typically shun. Brezhnev’s reasons were sound, and came from years of experience.

The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, have by their actions, placed the people of this country in a tenuous position, and regardless of the feminization of the American male, there are still enough who will rise up to prosecute the lawless in government.

Every one of the Thirteen Colonies had a Militia Act. That Militia was the People’s teeth, their final tool against tyranny. The Militia was such an important part of our law enforcement that it not only became part of the body of the Constitution, but was also defined as “being necessary to the security of a free State” and a right that “shall not be infringed”.

Where do we stand today?

Our borders are open to hundreds of thousands of illegal’s, some of whom may no doubt be of the nature to destroy us as a result of our wars of conquest, and occupation.

Our manufacturing base is depleted.

Our programs of free trade that gives our potential enemies the upper hand have limited our access to rare Earth elements, necessary to the defense of our country.

You have created Trillions in debt that also gives our potential enemies the upper hand.

What is the solution of the government?

Disarm the American People under any form of trickery, corruption and fraud possible.

Create laws that you have no authority to enact, and punish those who wish to defend their life and liberty.

Give immunity to public thugs who taser five year old girls, and beat to death mentally handicapped men.

Do you believe that you will be immune from a tired and distraught People who have nowhere else to turn?

Is there not a governor left who will abide by the rule of law, and re-vitalize the Militia?

Are we, as a nation, staring into an abyss for which our children will pay the consequences?

Yours Truly,


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