Restore the Republic

This Fourth of July – 2020

June 30, 2020 | Civil Liberties, General

by Nicholas Testaccio

The most practical way of preparing for our future is to honor our history. How else can we learn from our mistakes, build on our achievements, and pave the way for a better tomorrow?

There is a contingent of society that is destroying the historical record for some injustice that none of us alive have suffered or committed. We are separated by generations from those who laid out the foundation of this nation with triumph and disaster. By trial and error our Forefathers engineered prosperity for any and all who wish to succeed.

It would appear that we are on the path to a civil war. Not one in which one contingent takes up arms against another. Our cities are being burnt while lawlessness is condoned by politicians. This war will be one of genocide. One in which the looters and rioters are told that they may run roughshod over a peaceful, docile, ambivalent populous that does not seem to understand what is taking place right before their eyes.

While most sleep, and hope for the best, there are those who plot, plan, and encourage mayhem. Some of those planners are the people we elect to our legislatures, or appoint to our courts. They take advantage of any situation that they might escalate far beyond its beginning, and then corrupt or distort the facts to foment anger and hatred. Their goal is the takeover of America either by stealth or violent bloodshed. We are being pushed to an actual civil war.  

No, ladies and gentlemen, this will not be a war where competent leaders march trained able-bodied men shouldering their “weapons of war” to engage the enemy. This civil war will be akin to some of the horrific genocides of the Twentieth Century. What should come to mind is the slaughter of hundreds of thousands who had been disarmed by government forces.

For about One Hundred days in 1994 it is estimated that as many as One Million Rwandan’s were killed. The Hutu’s, armed with anything they could use, hunted down and slaughtered thousands of Tutsis every day. It all began by the death of a man, a Hutu, the then president of the country. No one knows who did it, but it was the catalyst for a confrontation that had been brewing for decades between two different groups.

Over several decades, here in America, one faction has used everything in its power to increase racial tension. Not unlike Rwanda, one group is seen as “privileged” while the other group as second class. One man was killed by police on a street in Minneapolis. From there rioting and looting ensued across the nation. Several people have been injured, attacks by one group against the other have escalated, and if truth be told, we are not hearing the actual death toll.

If I were a foolish man I would ignore what has taken place in this country over the last few decades. I would use the term “conspiracy theory” to set aside what some may call coincidence. I would applaud, and even elect those who denigrate “bitter clingers” who want to hold onto their guns, and the sovereign and fundamental right to self-defense. I would work to “infringe” on the rights of those who I might someday be set loose to exterminate.

While the many sleep comfortably, peacefully, and perhaps pray that God might suddenly appear and smite the evil entities that infest our world, there are those of us who live in the real. If we choose to stand by and watch our cities destroyed by vandals, and criminals supported by the very people we elect to enforce our rights, we will deserve every bit of suffering cast upon us. 

The Supreme Court has recently denied certiorari to ten petitions stemming from the second amendment. This has been done in the wake of the fact that several States now deny their citizens the right to own, and train with weapons “necessary to the security of a free State” as was intended by the Founders. The right that stems from the Duty that is commanded by the Constitution, and if truth be told, it is the bulwark of sovereignty that the Framers intended when writing the contract.

In, what appears to be an exercise in insanity, we do the same thing over and over expecting different results. Virginia is celebrating their recent gun restrictions by seeing Virginia City ban guns on city property. Rhode Island has completely banned “ghost guns” and have imposed very harsh penalties on those in possession. Amid this, the insane in the pro-2nd community will stick to the strategy that the Supreme Court has rejected once again.

This Fourth of July I will gaze at the spectacle of a nation in turmoil. Cities torn apart, burning, looting, and rioting will be the perverse entertainment while I enjoy a beer, hotdog, or hamburger. Perhaps I will enjoy a second beer and maybe a cigar to top off the day, in which Fifty-Six fallible men signed their own death warrants to form a nation “conceived in liberty”.

Perhaps I will lament the time I served my country and ask for what reason did I sacrifice. Maybe after another beer the anger will rise to question why I’ve spent two decades fighting with government entities for the truth, and why I spent the time trying to educate the ignorant, the ambivalent, and the foolish who would rather we destroy ourselves in the flames of war than to admit that we have lost all connection with the men and women who shed their blood and tears for what was once the greatest nation on Earth. The one country that welcomed millions of immigrants to liberty, prosperity, and justice for all.

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