Restore the Republic

“Who knows what evil”

September 12, 2021 | General

by Nicholas Testaccio

Lamont Cranston made his way into entertainment history back in the 1930’s. Cranston a dark and shadowy character known as “The Shadow” fought against evil. The show began with the question “Who knows what evils lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!”. The show ended each episode with “The weed of crime bears bitter fruit! Crime does not pay…The Shadow knows!”.

Ah, to have such a dark individual around today seeking out the evil doers and putting an end to their nefarious escapades would be a blessing. Unfortunately, the task would be too great for a single “Shadow”. The job would require a task force of many. Indeed, the city of Washington D.C. would require its own “Shadow” as would each state capitol. Another would have to right the immense evil cast out by the media.

I spend a good deal of my time reading articles, listening to news segments, and viewing  “YouTubers” making their way through the piles of information disseminated each day. A good deal of what I read and hear is nonsense based on deliberate lies, obvious collusion aimed at promoting misinformation, and an incredible misunderstanding of our rule of law. It is mind-boggling.

There is an evil that is flourishing in the World. To me it seems senseless, illogical, and in all accounts averse to the betterment of man. Indeed, whatever sinister entity, persons, or organizations that are behind what I see unfolding is far darker than the human mind can imagine.

Last year, cities around our nation were looted and burned while politicians and media promoted acts of violence. Rioters, thieves, and even murderers were given a pass. But, when it came to those who defended themselves and their property, those poor victims were made to be examples in a system that has all the earmarks of a 1930’s mental institution.

The courts and the legal profession have not helped in any manner. I read opinions from judges presiding over cases brought by attorneys who should be peddling on the streets instead of writing complaints that only promote bad case law. I am not sure what they are teaching law students, but I am certain that it has nothing to do with our Constitution and law.

Law is either law, or it is a worthless endeavor to promote confusion, and ultimately the demise of the nation. We cannot count on attorney’s who are going into court and presenting feelings, or statistics instead of actual, factual, constitutional laws. When it comes to our unalienable rights and our unique form of government, there is no room for statistical data, governmental interests, or supposed duties that the State has unlawfully seized from the people. All that nonsense conflicts with our rights as the State can always make the argument that it has some interest in keeping the people safe. The concept of a governmental entity ensuring safety is ridiculous on its face. We need only look at the long record of infringement, and the conduct of political hacks persecuting those who do not align with a certain mindset. Take a look at the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Even the New York Times wrote that it was an obvious case of self-defense. Yet, young Mr. Rittenhouse is facing the possibility of life in prison.

In the last several years I have witnessed, what to me, is an obvious attempt to overturn any sense of right and wrong for the purpose of destroying this country. There are those who will stop at nothing to convert this to a communist regime wherein the few have ultimate control over the vast majority. Open borders that allow thousands of illegals in to add to voter rolls. What I see as obvious fraud in our elections. When I say obvious, I am talking about state officials that violated the Constitution. Mark Levin pointed to four states that committed an evident fraud.

Sadly, there will always be those who adhere to such treachery by enforcing the dictates of despots against an unarmed and impotent populace. It has happened too many times throughout history to be denied. It happened in our courts, and it continues to take place unabated.

The nation was thrown into turmoil over the death of a felon who imbibed a lethal dosage of fentanyl. George Floyd was a despicable human being. His death caused more turmoil than I have seen in decades. There was no rhyme or reason to it, other than a means by which the country could be brought to the verge of total chaos.

Common sense went out the windows shattered by looters. During this, a jury convicted a police officer of murder because they were admittedly fearful that if they didn’t the rioters would show up to seek vengeance. It is another step towards a totalitarian state wherein we have “public officials” playing on the fears of the individual.

The individual can do little to nothing to save him or herself from a mob of crazed people who are given free rein to promote fear, and the destruction of sanity. When the mob comes for you, there might be the police, but ultimately, because of our ignorance of law, only ourselves to fight off the hordes of criminals who know that they will more than likely be exonerated for creating mayhem.

Amid the turmoil and violence, there were many calling for dismantling of police departments. In the same breath, those seeking a disarmed populous will make the arguments that the police are there to protect you. Now, speaking out of the other side of their mouth, they want to defund the police labeling the agencies as “systemically racist”.

The individual is on his own trying to defend himself, his family, and property. It should be obvious, even to the most unobservant, that law enforcement cannot be everywhere all the time. I am certain that when the Constitution was written, this simple observance of reality was in the minds of those who framed the law. More importantly, those who debated the attributes of the document had to be given to doubt whether or not future generations would uphold the tenets and keep control over public officials.

The conduct of Twentieth and Twenty First Century Americans tells me that any fears the Founders could have imagined surround us today like an ever growing cancer seeking to destroy the body of the people. For every rule the Founders designed to thwart tyranny, we have allowed One Hundred to be created out of whole-cloth to destroy liberty.

Our nation stands on the foundation of a sovereign people. We have abandoned any semblance of that structure. We argue assiduously against our own freedom and our right to hold public officials accountable by indicting, arresting, and prosecuting those who have no constitutional immunity.

Here we are today, proving that we have lost touch with our sovereignty, common sense, and perhaps even reality.

I am sure that most of you are familiar with the CDC’s jocular attempt to prepare us for emergencies when they warned of us what to do during a “Zombie Apocalypse”. Were they truly being facetious, or were they planting a subliminal message to create fear and panic?

Consider that Zombie is a colloquial term for those who are incapable of independent thought, or unable to act without reason and logic. Then consider the supposed COVID pandemic when the survival rate across all age groups averages to about 0.9975%, or a death rate of 0.0025%. Can we even trust those numbers? None-the-less, they are the numbers that are supposed to be “official”, and they are so insignificant that the amount of distress experienced should have been negligible.

Yet we have allowed governments around the world to enforce lockdowns and run the economic structure into the ground. On a more sinister note, the majority has fallen for an injection demand for an almost non-existent threat to humanity. Then consider the fact that there have been many doctors, and even those within the pharmaceutical industry that have warned that the substance we are being injected with is not actually a vaccine but something that can deplete our immune system and may have serious long term effects. Then also consider that those being injected are susceptible to another variant, and that more injections are being demanded. And then, consider the ingredients such as graphene.

Where was the logic and reason for the lockdowns? Where is the logic and reason of those who rushed to get the injection? Should we be asking, are those blindly following actually zombies that may turn on us in a few months or years?

It goes beyond the virus. The Biden administration made a colossal mistake in the plan to exit Afghanistan. We left behind approximately Eighty-Five Billion dollars’ worth of war making equipment. In doing so we gave the Taliban the tools to carry-on in their endeavor to promote their goals while telling the American people that they are going to be disarmed whether they like it or not.

I am somewhat confused, not by the motives and agenda of the progressives and leftists, but by what the American people think and see. Are they thinking at all, or is their mind a blank space that refuses to learn from history and correlate to what is taking place right in front of them?

At the beginning of this article the question was asked “Who knows what evils lurks in the hearts of men?”. We then queried as to whether much of the public were zombies. Should we be asking if people have become evil zombies with the uncontrollable urge to destroy the lives of, not only thinking people, but that of their children?

I am convinced of the evil zombie equation. Nothing adds up when you consider the whole picture. Evil comes in many forms. The most dangerous of which are those who believe that they are doing some good. They promote what they consider to be solutions to problems, when in fact they are misleading people with information that ignores our rule of law and substantiate no fundamental cure.

Are there zombies amongst us? As zombies feed on brains, I am certain that a large portion of the population satisfies itself by feeding on our liberty, prosperity, and our individualism. They love to feast on the meat of our freedom to survive their own ignorance, ambivalence, and weakness. For the most part we wish to be left alone, and in that mode we are willing to sacrifice and devour the essence of those who strive to maintain a free society.

Understanding the dichotomy of subject matter presented here might be summarized by considering the words of John Stuart Mills; “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

We cannot depend on the fictional “Shadow” who fights evil to resolve the woes that we are subject to on what seems to be a daily basis. The dark and mysterious Lamont Cranston is the invention of a vivid imagination, but the “deep state”, the bureaucracy, and the myrmidons that do the work of those who seek to control our lives are a very real problem. Add those “public officials” with the zombies who follow along, or enforce unlawful acts by the state, and we are looking at a serious threat to our Republic.

Brain eating zombie’s may not be real, but those who are mind-controlled “useful idiots” can and may very well eat out your freedom. The time for me to say this has long passed. We must be prepared to survive the worst of situations because we are unwilling to stave off the zombie’s by using that which was enumerated within our Constitution.

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