Restore the Republic

Archive for the ‘Republic’ Category

Patriots And Other Misnomers

May 26, 2023 | 2nd Amendment, Constitution, Founders, Founding Documents, Militia, Republic

by Nicholas testaccio The document that we now label as the Declaration of Independence, reminds us that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.” The US constitution, which is the Supreme law of the land, defines this country as a constitutional Federal Republic, wherein all public officials swear an oath to protect and defend “a Republican form of Government,” required by Article IV, Section 4. For decades now this Republic has been under attack, with little to no relief. The intent of those who fought for and established this country was to create a nation with a unique form of government. Government of, by, and for the people has been the tune for which we were supposed to operate. To most those words mean nothing at all. Just Seven words that define the basic function of our rule of law, yet that simple statement is incomprehensible for the public at large. Empires come and go over the centuries, but the Founders of this nation gave us the building blocks that would support a lasting enterprise. Paul Simon wrote, “I have squandered my resistance for a pocket full of Mumbles Such are promises. All lies and jest. Still a man hears what he wants to hear. And disregards the rest.” We have squandered all that was bequeathed to us for lies that we feed on from reprobates, scoundrels, and indeed criminals. This is a nation of laws based on “a Republican form of Government.” Over the years we have allowed our representatives to morph this into a democracy, in which mob rule is used to undermine the basic principles of our Law, and unfortunately our liberty. We support and defend the likes of Bernie Sanders, an avowed communist, on the pretense that his politics are a matter of free speech. Sanders is a United States senator who took an oath to protect and defend the constitution. That oath meant nothing to him, nor to the people who keep voting him back into office. The terms democracy, socialism, and a host of dribble bandied about by not only those we elect to protect and defend our rule of law, but also those in the media, both corporate and “free” are intended to eviscerate and end our nation. Those who are labeled to the left, progressives, or liberals are allowed to function in the halls of our legislatures when they've clearly committed crimes against the Law, and therefore the people. Where are the patriots? Those who would muster on the Green to face down the forces of tyranny. Vince Lombardi, the great Packers coach, is credited with saying “The best defense is a good offense.” Again, words and advice that are lost in the rumble of confusion that has become the operational status of our country. I spend my days rummaging through words of men and women who appeared to be completely devoid of any knowledge pertaining to the function of this Federal Republic. The current mindset among those who profess to be of the patriotic community appears to be that of “prepare for the worst and hope for the best.” Of the numerous YouTube, Rumble, and other enterprise popping up, the paradigm appears to be for bringing truth in news without any regard for the fact that most will do nothing to protect their rights, their families, or their communities. What good is it to know about potential dangers if the only move we are capable of is to prepare rather than deter? On any given day from the corporate press, you will hear absolute nonsense. There appears to be no truth, nor apprehension towards spewing out blatant falsehoods. Notably, while the “free press” appears for the most part to be engaged in the journalistic enterprise of relaying the facts it stops there. Hours of relaying facts, and reams of papers detailing potentially catastrophic events, and sadly explaining often devious acts of government officials lend little to putting an end to what they all warn for that, for which we must prepare. The former president, Trump, invoked Title 42, which gave him the authority to prevent an influx of migrants. On May 11th, the emergency status associated with Title 42 came to an end. With that has come the intended invasion of some 1,000,000 migrants. And this is just an extension of the invasion that has taken place since the Biden administration came to office. Estimates of more than 5,000,000 illegals, and numerous terrorists hidden within their ranks, have come to our country. We were warned of the impending invasion, and prior to that, the “patriots” kept us up on the millions of illegals, and the influx of military age men and potential terrorists. Yet, all that was done to stop the assault on our Homeland was chatter about putting “patriots” into positions of “power” sometime down the road. Before I go any further I wanted to point a finger. There is a period of time that is referred to as “the summer of love” in the year 2020. During those months the left took to the streets, pillaged, plundered, and even murdered with little pushback from even law enforcement. Where were the patriots? The patriots, Charlie, Ben, Dan, and a host of others are spewing out what is nothing more than impotent rhetoric. While cities burned, and that includes parts of our capital, they were telling us that they opposed violence. I want to call them out on this particular issue. What they actually oppose is our ability to fight back and defend our lives and property. They are fine accepting the violence that many had to endure and are still experiencing because the left has made it a point of prosecuting anyone who dares to defend themselves. I want to make a point of law in hopes that someone will spread the word and it will wind up on the desk of some congressman, senator, local representative, or perhaps a talk radio show will bring up this crucial point of law. This is a ...

Interpreting the Law

April 16, 2023 | Founders, Founding Documents, General, History, Militia, Republic

by Nicholas Testaccio Words have specific meanings, and when placed together, those words form a thought, an idea,  convey a story, or promote a proposition. In law, the combination of words in a clause cannot be construed to mean something other than what they meant at the time the law was enacted. In the year 1776, a committee of the Continental Congress was formed to write a document explaining the need “for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth…” their rightful place. Chosen to write the draft for what could have been the death sentence for its signatories, Thomas Jefferson composed what should be considered the foundation, by which all the people of this World ought to live. In it are the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” When “A Declaration” was written, slavery was an institution that existed in, not only the colonies, but also, around the World. Jefferson himself, was a slave owner as were other members of the Congress. Slavery was not unique to the America’s. It was an institution that existed for centuries. The Bible speaks of it, telling the story of the Hebrew nation as slaves to the empire of the Egyptians. Slavery existed as part of every culture, nation, and empire. However, in this timeless document that we now refer to as “The Declaration of Independence”, the Congress enacted the words “that all men are created equal.” What they did not agree to, and should be obvious to all, is that all men remain equal throughout their lives. Herein lies one of our problems. The misunderstanding of the words as they come together in a sentence, and in this case a legal document, that provides us with a specific line of thought. From “A Declaration” to the U.S. Constitution, the people of this once great nation have made it their folly to misinterpret and to misunderstand the rule of law. This, as I've stated in the past, is a constitutional Federal Republic. Those we elect or appoint to perform a specific duty are bound by an oath of office. That office holds its allegiance to the law as it is written not as it has been twisted and bent in order that those seeking power may retain and enhance that power. England was a monarchy, as it remains today, although the power of the monarchy is greatly reduced from the time of King George. Again, monarchies were the rule of the day when our revolution began. Kings and Queens were not elected, but rather, they were born to their positions. A “Divine Right” as it was known, because of the accepted belief that God placed the individual in the position of authority. It was the doctrine of the time. However, those Fifty-Six men who signed their own death warrant when they put their name to the Declaration, thought differently. The words in the document do not reflect a contradiction of the world in which they knew, and we, today, seem incapable of understanding. While we can look back and second guess those men, I can assure you that there is a mindset today that would own slaves simply for the pleasure of imposing their authority. Today, agenda, and propaganda are the norm, reality escapes most who live at a time so distant from the centuries past that it does not seem logical to disparage those who risked it all so that the words of “A Declaration” could come to life. This is the time that we must accept that what we have been taught is designed to oppress, rather than enlighten. Jefferson wrote “that all men are created equal”, he did not write that all men remain equal, attain equality, or are able to live as all others do. Even to the casual observer, or those who have been fooled into thinking that they learned something worthwhile by attending a university of progressive professors, should comprehend that the words in the Declaration did not reflect some utopian state, wherein everyone goes about their merry way, with all the privileges, wealth, and prosperity of the neighbor across the street, or across the nation. The propaganda spewed out by the intelligentsia is more in tune with a desire to show themselves as superior, rather than reflecting on the reality of the time, and even today. The nonsense of the “anointed” who cast their superiority, can be easily debunked when we examine the word “unalienable.” At the time of the writing of “A Declaration” the word unalienable meant that it could not be regulated, taken, or relinquished. If we allow one or even a group of individuals to abdicate a right, we have opened the floodgates to tyrannical government determining that since one has abdicated the right another must follow in that the right is not absolute. Even with a firm explanation of the word, there are members of our legislatures that believe that our rights are not absolute, and that they can regulate them and often place such a burden on them as to rule them out of existence. So, as we go through time from the creation of this nation to today, we must realize that there are aspects of our law that have been twisted and corrupted. Over the last several decades, with the intent of minimizing our Constitution, the idea of a living document has come into play. In a living document, how do we hold our government to the limited delegated authorities that we assigned? This was intended to be a nation of popular sovereignty. As a sovereign, you and I claim all the authority of any sovereign state in the world. We claim the right of self-defense, immunity from the state, and therefore a right to be tried by a jury of our peers. The intent was the guarantee that the state could not place its heavy hand upon those ...

Enemies Both Foreign And Domestic

October 24, 2022 | 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Militia, Republic

by Nicholas Testaccio The fear that a nation cannot survive the traitor has been in the back of the mind of many for centuries. Someone, at some time made the point because the traitor looks like us, talks like us, and lives among us. They may be a friend or relative. They may be someone we elect to represent us, or uphold the law. They could be the perceived do-gooder who uses a political, or social position to build an organization based on some need. That need to correct whatever the issue might come with flowers, tears, and is presented with all the fanfare of a greater good. It has never, to my knowledge, achieved anything more than wealth for the promoters, and hardship for the intended beneficiaries. The far greater harm is to those of us who seek to maintain liberty. Perhaps I am wrong about those organizations, or even government programs, but I do not see where I have missed the outcome. We need only look at “The War on Poverty”, “The War on Drugs” as two of our most malicious governmental programs. A war on something is nothing more than an attack on freedom. Most conspicuously, with open borders, cartels running amok, and over One Hundred Thousand deaths this year alone from fentanyl, we are either failing, or the traitor is succeeding. We can look all around us and find agenda’s that are foisted upon the unsuspecting so-called beneficiary pleas for more assistance. I, myself, was fooled for years by supposed pro-2nd organizations fighting for my right to keep and bear arms. They took my money, and here it is over Forty years since I was first introduced to the NRA, and I am now looking at the possibility that this government will pass a total ban on all semi-automatic weapons. This even though the U.S. Constitution was designed to prevent such a blatant attack on the ability to deter and prosecute “public officials” much the same as we would common criminals. More importantly to the preservation of liberty, the protection of life, and the means, by which this nation cannot be turned from a Republic to a democracy. Marcus Tullius Cicero, the famous Roman statesman is credited with saying “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” Our history has been under attack for some time now. While there are skeletons in just about everyone’s closet, the accomplishments of our Founders so far outweigh their faults that  the linking of the two can in no way deter what was past to posterity. A form of government, so unique that it is lost in today’s political landscape. It is not only a tragedy that most Americans are ignorant of this nation’s laws, but also a crime of immense proportions. The general public is so ignorant of our rule of Law that they are jeopardizing the future to a point of no return. By that I mean to say there is a reading comprehension level, and a planned destruction of our founding documents. I am often completely puzzled by those who are prolific readers, those who abhor racism, and bigotry, yet they will make perplexing statements such as “a great democracy.” I know what a democracy is, and what our Constitution commands, Article IV, Section 4 – “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” Why the Framers placed that command in the Constitution could best be explained by the man who has been labeled the father of that document. James Madison stated "Democracies have been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death." I have spent considerable time studying our rule of Law. I label the Constitution as such because that is exactly what it is. It does not mention women. It does not mention any races, ethnicities, nor religions. It certainly does not mention men of any race, creed, or color. What it does contain are rules of delegated authorities, powers, and disabilities. It does “not mean to leave room for the play and action of purely personal and arbitrary power.” Not my words but that of Justice Stanley Mathews who delivered the opinion of the court in a case regarding “A municipal ordinance to regulate…” I have chosen those few words from that case for a specific reason. This is a nation of laws, but the Laws, the foundation, and the principles of the Republic are being torn apart by the foolish, the evil, and the traitor. Alex Jones is among other things, a purveyor of truth. While he has been demonized as a sensationalist and “conspiracy theorist,” he is none-the-less one who has brought forth facts that were dismissed, and then shown to be true. His record is long, and because he has a following who know his record he must be silenced. For his record, Jones must be silenced so that others who might speak the truth and challenge the current descent into tyranny, will fear to voice their concerns. Much the same as the political prisoners of January 6th, a cruel and unusual punishment must be made the norm. It must be obvious to anyone who is willing to see and hear that speaking out against the agenda will not be tolerated. In the latest show of force, the Alex Jones trials, in both Connecticut and Texas are a harbinger of what is to come unless we start regaining our sovereignty. I am going to take a turn here, to which most will disagree. So be it if I’ve crossed the line. Throughout history, treason has come for numerous reasons. Some for gain, some for power, and some for vengeance. General Benedict Arnold turned on the Colonists because he was passed over though his actions in the field ...

This Fourth Of July – 2019

July 3, 2019 | Founders, General, History, Republic, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio This Fourth we should take stock of what we were, what we are, and what we will be. There is an effort, an agenda so to speak, to change what this nation has strived for in the past, what it has accomplished, and the turmoil that is tossing us all about. John 8: 2-7 At daybreak he appeared in the Temple again; and as all the people came to him, he sat down and began to teach them. The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman along who had been caught committing adultery; and making her stand there in the middle they said to Jesus, 'Master, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery, and in the Law Moses has ordered us to stone women of this kind. What have you got to say?' They asked him this as a test, looking for an accusation to use against him. But Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground with his finger. As they persisted with their question, he straightened up and said, 'Let the one among you who is guiltless be the first to throw a stone at her.' Then he bent down and continued writing on the ground. When they heard this they went away one by one, beginning with the eldest, until the last one had gone and Jesus was left alone with the woman, who remained in the middle. Jesus again straightened up and said, 'Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?' This nation was formed in blood by a rebellious people who were sinners the lot. They were traitors to the Empire of Great Britain. Their acts were that of people who used any tool, method, and any other device they deemed necessary to sever ties with those who lorded over them. After a long and arduous fight, the chains were cut, and a new nation began the complicated struggle to form a Union of independent States. The battle was just beginning for this country, for it was developing in a manner that was unique in all the history of the world. It was to be a Republic wherein the People would be sovereign, and thus hold the reins over government. “In order to form a more perfect Union” clarity, and determination were essential as it was obvious to the Founders that this nation could not survive as Thirteen small countries at odds with each other. Some compromises needed to be struck so that they could secure for their posterity a form that could flourish with the knowledge that aid and comfort would be provided by a Union. No one is perfect, and certainly no one is without sin. We are once again embroiled in a skirmish to save this nation from annihilation. This time the enemy is not Three Thousand miles away, but is here in the courts, the legislatures, and sadly the schools and universities that most of our children attend. We face a foe that is so insidious that it has absolutely no qualms about lying, deceiving, and even fostering violence in order to secure its goal; a country of slaves as has been created in so many other places. We are being torn apart from within. Marcus Tullius Cicero stated, long before the land we live on became this nation, "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." The struggles that this nation has endured from the Revolution, through a Civil War, a great Depression, two World Wars, and civil strife is a testimony to the fortitude of those who came before us. Now we are engaged in what appears to be the opening salvos of a true Civil War wherein race, creed, and ideology clash. The battle lines are drawn by the one side with the help of their “useful idiots” as soldiers causing discontent, and chaos. They are led by corrupt politicians who are on record calling for violence against the opposition. They are supported by educators who have a deep hatred for what they perceive as some injustice, or slight. They are bolstered by a judiciary that has long lost its mandate of justice for all. The other side is led by those who have long ago forgotten how this nation came into being, and cower at the mere word that might have them perceived as some sort of villain. They “indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. *** [they] cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun!”  - Patrick Henry I am reminded of the words of Thomas Jefferson; “God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. *** What country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? *** The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.” History repeats itself in a manner that is often frightening to this writer, and hopefully to others. So, this Fourth of July I will look upon the words of the men who struggled with life and death to  form a new and unique nation. I will remember history as it was with all its lessons. I will remember ...

What Guides My Path

June 16, 2019 | 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, Congress, Constitution, Founding Documents, General, Republic, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.” – Patrick Henry, Richmond, Virginia March 23, 1775 History tells us that men are more likely to sit quietly and suffer rather than to right the wrongs that are cast upon them. They make no allowance for what their docile attempts at reconciliation may have on their posterity. “Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a separation must some time or other finally take place, and a generous parent should have said, ‘If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace’; and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty.” – Thomas Paine Over the years, I have been called many derogatory names for my stand on the Second Amendment. I’ve been called an idiot, a dolt, moron, and even a traitor. On more than one occasion I’ve been told to go back to my masters. Nope! I’ve not heard that from anyone who wants to take our guns, but rather supposed supporters of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. That group of so-called patriots, as far as I can tell, know little to nothing about the subject. They parrot much of the false doctrine promoted by groups such as the NRA, and GOA. In fact, I was asked to leave a group for speaking about what the Second Amendment clearly states; “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” It does not go on to say that we mean only the individual, but in the context of the Law as the Framers knew it to be, the individual was ultimately responsible for acquiring and maintaining his “weapons of war”, in order to fulfill his requirement to be armed and trained in the Lawful Militia. When I started my journey, the first thing I asked was, “What do those words, "A well regulated Militia" mean?” I was told by members of the NRA that they meant nothing. So, the men who debated, and understood the meaning of the words that they placed in the document, were what? Were the words irrelevant? Did someone say, let’s add some words to confuse people? Was the intent to make the document a twisted wrangle of unexplainable non-sense so the good People would eventually lose their rights? The Constitution begins with “We the People”. It then goes on to delegate certain limited powers to the federal government and impose duties and restrictions on the States. So that the People are firmly in charge, the Framers clearly placed in our hands the authority to enforce the rule of law. Over the years, the judiciary, and its esquire’s have muddled what the Constitution clearly states. Warnings came from those who opposed the Constitution that the judiciary would usurp what the Framers enshrined, and then take justice from the people and centralize it to, what has become an oligarchy. In debating the rule of law, I’ve noted over the years that it comes down to one recurring fault, the People have lost the concept of a free society in which they are the ultimate authority. It eludes even the most well read among us. In fact, they will argue assiduously for their own demise by citing every so-called expert who knows so little as to refer to this as a democracy wherein the branches of government should decide what the Constitution says. Thomas Jefferson wrote the seminal document on the relationship between the people and the governments they form in order to protect their rights. To some this means that we have a body that dictates and enforces the law. In our form of government, what the Founders did was to create a vehicle for the legitimate enforcement of a set of rules that We the People have prescribed. The underlying fact is that government was never given any authority to prosecute without the overriding consent of the People. We have a Grand Jury that investigates a complaint in order to determine whether a wrong was committed. If that wrong can legitimately be established, and if that suit can be rectified to the satisfaction of the person who has been violated then justice is served.   If the violation cannot be rectified, and the perpetrator is not readily within the grasp of a sheriff, or marshal, then the Militia is called forth “to execute the Laws of the Union”. Once the perpetrator is in custody, a Petit Jury is empaneled so that the facts, and the law may be examined in order to make a final determination of whether or not a harm has been inflicted, whether or not the accused is indeed the perpetrator, and if the facts reconcile the complaint. In the case of some supposed crime against the State, in other words if a statute that originates from some limited authority granted by the People, then the Petit Jury also has the duty to examine the law, and make the determination on the constitutionality of the law in question. For it is We the People who are the author and source of the Law. As Justice Joseph Story wrote in his commentaries on the Constitution, "It is to be interpreted, as all other solemn instruments are, by endeavoring to ascertain the true sense and meaning of all the terms and we are neither to narrow them, nor to enlarge them, by straining them from their just and natural import, for the purpose of adding to, or diminishing its powers, or bending them to any favorite theory or dogma or party. It is the language of the people, to be judged of according to common sense, and not by mere theoretical reasoning. It is not an instrument for the mere private interpretation of any particular men. The people have established it and spoken their will; and their will, thus promulgated, is to be obeyed as the supreme law." This is a Constitutional Federal Republic despite the constant repeating of the term democracy. It is based on a series of laws that “The Senators and Representatives *** and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and ...