Restore the Republic

Archive for the ‘Republic’ Category

“to alter, or to abolish it”

February 2, 2018 | Constitution, Founding Documents, General, Judicial, Jury, Republic, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio The first law of this nation is the Declaration of Independence. It outlines the relationship between government, and the People who are governed by “consent.” It note’s “that [we] are endowed by [our] Creator with certain unalienable Rights” as a principle of restricting bureaucratic intrusions and highlighting the fact that we are a nation of sovereigns who answer to a Higher Power. It is declared in unique form for the entire world to be made aware “that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed”. It goes on to assert, “That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”. The Declaration then details the many abuses of the government that the good People of the 13 Colonies were forced to endure, and therefore “declare the cause which impel[ed] them to the separation.”  Among the many causes, the delegates noted; “He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.” This seems most notable to me when considering the current political landscape where rights have been converted into privilege by the vermin we continually re-elect, but even more important is the mindset of those who consider themselves to be patriotic. There are few who stand up “with manly firmness” to tell our representatives that they have crossed the line. Instead we grovel, hope, and pray for a resolution in a game that our abusers have instituted for their own benefit. We philosophize in great detail about how, what, when, and where. We speak circles around theories and events that may never occur, nor do we have the historical basis for those events. We have allowed changes to the Constitution without a bona fide amendment process. We’ve allowed the meaning of the words to be interpreted away when it was understood that “In expounding the constitution of the United States, every word must have its due force, and appropriate meaning; for it is evident from the whole instrument, that no word was unnecessarily used, or needlessly added. The many discussions which have taken place upon the construction of the constitution, have proved the correctness of this proposition; and shown the high talent, the caution, and the foresight of the illustrious men who framed it.” – Holmes v. Jennison et al., 14 Pet. 540, 570-571, 614, 618 Appx. We’ve allowed so many incursions into our rights and powers that we can no longer call this nation a functional Republic. It is exactly or might be considered far worse than what the Colonists endured. How do we approach restoring the Republic without a violent revolution? Before answering the question I’ve posed, I should express my doubts as to whether it is possible at this point to avoid bloodshed. This nation was founded on a principle. It is a principle that seems to be impossible for almost every American to comprehend and embrace. That belief is stated in the Declaration as a government of the People that “deriv[es] its just powers from the consent of the governed.”  Let me expand on that a bit. We judge the Law, we “execute the Law”, and we enforce the Law. We do not sit on juries and rubber stamp statutes that infringe our rights. We do not allow for the creation of agencies that go beyond the scope of government’s limited authority. We do not allow government thugs to perform functions specifically enumerated to ourselves. The Founders instituted a government that had little power to act without the People taking the specific steps or expressing the authority to resolve an issue. On a subject that I’ve almost beaten to death in my articles, the expressed authority “to execute the Laws of the Union” is in the hands of We the People. That is to say, “the whole people”, acting with the recognized authority in the institution that flows throughout the Constitutions, and both state and federal statutes. It has not been changed, nor can it be changed without re-writing literally hundreds of statutes, the constitutions of the states and federal government, and the admission that there has been an obvious violation of fundamental law. On that subject, today, I will only say that if we are avoiding the return of power to the People in its constitutional forms, we are embracing the destruction of liberty, and more importantly, the inevitability of a bloody revolution. Stop claiming that you are opposed to bloodshed when you endorse it by the aversion of the People’s stated authority. This nation has morphed into an oligarchy with a population of dreamers. One side dreams that they will destroy the other with lies and deceit. While they preach tolerance, they are the most intolerant people. Their motto seems to be that you can speak freely only if you agree with me. The other side dreams that they can do the same thing over and over and obtain different results. An example of which is to go into a court that has consistently worked to violate most of our rights and expect it to turn around because it is the law. What plagues us today troubled the colonists back then; men with no scruples, and those with swords to enforce the exploitation. How do we overcome? This system is dependent on the voracity of the various components, which are executive, legislative, and judicial. Three branches, taught to us in school, that function to limit abuses by the other. This is all well and good, but it is not a legitimate diagram of our form of government. There is the state, the People, and our jury system; it was pure beauty in its simplicity. The system has been corrupted, in main part by a branch with little oversight, and our willingness to do nothing but follow its often-illegitimate decrees. The delegated authority of the courts was to function as a stop-gap to unlawful acts of any branch, agency, or bureaucracy that stepped on the law. However, what the Founders hoped ...

Murder For Hire

July 22, 2016 | General, History, Republic, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio We have had an horrific shooting, in which 49 people were killed and over 50 wounded. A man who was born here, of Afghani descent, carried out this act of terrorism. To add to that, Mateen had been interrogated by the FBI and was an employee of G4S Security (a DHS contractor). Judge Andrew Napolitano recently read from an FBI report wherein they stated that no one died in the Pulse nightclub until 5:13 AM. We have had an attack on police, resulting in five dead and six wounded by possibly two shooters, or as it goes the lone gunman, using military style tactics (according to reports). Six more shot in Baton Rouge, and every time I look there has been another incident. Half of what we know cannot be properly verified, nor do I expect it to be as-is the case of Sandy Hook (now classified under National Security with FOIA request routinely denied). On a more global scale we are denied the full story of what happened in Benghazi. The depths of misinformation seem to be bottomless. My journey into this starts many years ago as a young child listening to the family talking politics and life in general. Back then it seemed that no one trusted government and behind most events you could uncover a conspiracy. Certainly the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, and WMD’s in Iraq are three of the most obvious. I’ve heard men, such as Dr. Steve Pieczenik, state that Sandy Hook was a conspiracy involving many, many participants. For shootings such as the Aurora Theater and now Pulse nightclub, we know that witnesses claimed multiple shooters were involved. Perhaps in Orlando, with a bit of help from the FBI, we can conclude that those other shooters were all police. Would the government cover up the facts and would the media participate in the cover up? Without a doubt. For what purpose? One could certainly be that the administration is intent on disarming the populace. Another could be that one or more of these attacks were bona fide terrorist attacks perpetrated by someone, who the FBI was well aware of, had plans. Another still, goes back to the employer of Omar Mateen, G4S - a government contractor performing the same type of work as Blackwater. However, what prompted me to write this particular article was the fact that I was approached by a co-worker who asked for my take on what had happened in Orlando. In short, he could not reconcile the story being promoted by the media. It simply did not make sense to him and certainly we can agree that a lot of what we are told makes little to no sense. I mention that because in studying history back in school we engaged the topics of the day as current events and legislative action of the congress. As a young teenager I had no idea that we would be living out what was opined in those discussions. The legislation then was not for the benefit of the people, but rather the slow and inevitable destruction of all rights by a small group of men and women who have no regard for their fellow man. Their primary concern is the ill-gotten gains they can obtain for selling out the populace. Those of us they consider useless-feeders. This is no longer a republic. We have not operated in a capitalist environment for decades. Our existence is based in conspiracy, lies, and ignorance. Most Americans would much rather not be involved in the truth. Lies are much easier to absorb for the masses. Hitler is quoted as saying, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Every day is given to those words as I watch this nation fall for every charlatan, politician, or media personality who is incapable of telling the truth. Certainly, most American’s wouldn’t recognize a conspiracy if you placed every piece of evidence in their laps. The only thing that would matter is what the corporate media portrayed, and the fact that in this modern day and age with communication as it is it would be impossible to pull something off as large as Newtown. News Flash folks! It’s easier today than it has ever been. The narrative starts before the event is understood. Ridiculous you say? The Internet provides the means for both sides of the story to come to pass quickly, and in most cases without all the facts in place. The question is, who controls the narrative? In years past you had investigative journalists who were not limited by a corporate media (that took its marching orders from DC), but rather were interested in learning the truth. The facts were not readily available, so someone would have to go out and vet the information. It wasn’t ‘here it is’, ‘don’t believe anything else after this’ even when you see inconsistencies in the story. The vast majority will confine themselves to the boob tube and not look any further than their noses. Certainly I’m not off the mark when I say that government fabricates situations such as Private Lynch's story and Pat Tillman’s murder, Nayirah testimony, Saddam’s WMD’s, and then there is Western created ISIS. There is also the fact that FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US. I don’t expect the intended audience to read any of the links that I’ve posted here because that might actually disturb their understanding of what is taking place in this country, so I’ll just go to the point of this article: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS NOW A FASCIST STATE. Corporations from the so-called mainstream media, to the military industrial complex, to the pharmaceutical giants control the agenda. Municipal water resources are sold to private companies. Land is stolen by the BLM in order that foreign nations or corporations can take it over. The list of fascist enterprise is staggering. Our elected representatives and bureaucrats have no problem selling us out to line their pockets, and it is the corporate media that fools the people ...

“A Declaration”

August 13, 2014 | Constitution, Founders, Founding Documents, History, Republic

In June of 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia presented to the representatives of the Thirteen Colonies a Resolution that stated: "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; that measures should be immediately taken for procuring the assistance of foreign powers, and a Confederation be formed to bind the colonies more closely together." On July 2nd, 1776 the representatives of Twelve Colonies voted in favor of the resolution that turned subjects of the crown into independent people, and states with rights equivalent to those of all other sovereign nations. As such, the need to establish a rule of law, and the reasons for which this separation had been adopted needed to be documented into law. “In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. A DECLARATION By THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In GENERAL CONGRESS ASSEMBLED.” “Submitted to a candid world”, not only a new rule of law, but also a declaration of war on “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant,…” When the Representatives of the States united in a cause of independence signed the “Declaration” they were turning the noble words of the document into a codified statement of law. We hold these truths to be self-evident: 1. That all men are created equal. 2. That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. 3. That among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 4. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men. 5. That these governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. 6. That the People retain the right to alter or abolish any form of government when that government infringes upon the rights and privileges of the People. 7. That the People retain the sovereignty to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. As free and independent states, the People had to consider the consequences of such a break from a monarch. Undoubtedly, the king would move to retain what he believed to be his of divine right. Tyrants do not relinquish their power by the words of their subjects, no matter how eloquent the reasons are detailed. War would be inevitable. As is right and proper, the representatives of the newly formed government “declared to a candid world” reasons for such a separation, and the causes that led the good People of these now united States to resist any further abuse, and tyranny. He has refused his Assent to Laws, has quartered large bodies of troops, imposed taxes without our consent, and in every stage of these oppressions has ignored our Petitions for Redress of Grievance: 1. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws. 2. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people. 3. He has obstructed the administration of Justice. 4. He has constructed a multitude of offices to harass our people, and eat out their substance. 5. He has kept amongst us in times of peaces, standing armies. 6. He has affected to render the military independent and superior to the Civil power. 7. For abolishing the free system of English laws. 8. For taking away our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our government. 9. For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with the power to legislate for us in all causes whatsoever. 10. He has incited domestic insurrections. The attributes of our government, and the causes for the impending war were much more detailed in the Declaration, but I’ve attempted here to highlight what our fundamental form was about, and what particular grievances are so obvious today. Why? Because, first and foremost, the Declaration is a timeless document that has not become passé, politically incorrect, or negligent of the needs of the whole of the People. It stated for the record the desires of all men and women, for which we should strive. It also laid the groundwork for a nation that would not be bullied or stand aside when tyranny and injustice raised its ugly head. As a whole, we’ve done quite well since the outset. We flourished as a nation, building monuments to the ability of man when he is free of the burdens of constant government intervention. Yes we’ve made many mistakes, but certainly no more than other nations, and far, far less than the vast majority. We must remember that it was white men and women, who worked to free slaves, and it was also white men and women who marched with oppressed blacks down the streets of Atlanta to bring about the Civil Rights change. It was those same middle class men, and their representatives who helped achieve the right to vote for women. Certainly with no vehicle to attain their goal other than their husbands, sons, and all male legislatures, the dream could never have been accomplished. This country built the largest population of middles class people, and they did it by butting heads with some robber barons, some legislators, and then coming together with rich men such as Henry Ford who recognized the values of a content, and happy working class to be able to afford the very products they built. In the labyrinth of good and evil that permeates mankind this nation stood far and above the others, and it was for the most part attained by the hands and blood of the men that our schools now teach us to hate. Despite the propaganda that is today’s liberal agenda it is not the downtrodden that accomplish their goal through peaceful means, but rather those who think through the inconsistencies, and injustice, and take the stand to change. The problem at hand is that those who profess to be the great progenitors of equality are rarely if ever in that role. You seldom hear the true fighters coming forward and ...

I’m Paranoid?

February 12, 2013 | Constitution, Featured, Federal Reserve, Founding Documents, History, Republic

I am not a paranoid, conspiracy theorist. I don’t think people are after me, but I do know that our government operates way beyond its limited authority. What I am is tired. I’m frustrated, I’m angry, I’m sick of those who do not know or understand the law of the land, all the horrific acts of corruption, and tyranny, but are more than happy to label. The United States of America was truly a great experiment in freedom. The concept was liberty and justice for all. The idea that came from years of denied redress, the Declaration of Independence, the revolution, and the debates leading up to the ratification of the Constitution was to create a limited government that was to be controlled by a federation of states whose primary function was the protection of the individual’s rights. I am disturbed that in our present day those who believe themselves to be intelligent are so far off the meaning of independence that any argument to the contrary falls short of hitting its mark. The mark is to convince the subject that their idea of freedom falls far from the needs, desires, hopes of the human spirit, and what our Founders intended. If the minds of the public are so closed, or rather attuned to the concept that if you’ve heard it on the tube, read it in the ‘news paper’, a history book, heard it from a politician, a teacher, or judge then it must be true, then the battle for truth is exhausting. For instance, as I’ve repeated here many times in the past, this nation is a Constitutional Federal Republic. It is not open for debate. It has, however, become a topic for controversy based on what the majority believes it is today. The United States of America became a democracy through the maneuvers of the truly bigoted, corrupt, and evil people who took power with a long process of misinformation, and backhanded deals. It grew through the ignorance of the public, corruption of the judiciary, and dishonesty in our education system. If we move forward from the point of fact that this form of government is something other than what is believed, then we must conclude that our freedom was, at some point stolen from us. Who stole it? The politician, the judge, the police officer, the teacher, our neighbor, the misguided and dishonest mainstream media, or perhaps it was a combination of all. Think of the magnitude of this conspiracy. It’s simple enough to conclude that this is at least some form of republic; “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” – Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. It’s also simple enough to deduce that the Founders would not have given us a democracy: “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” Benjamin Franklin “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” Thomas Jefferson The man considered the father of the American Revolution Samuel Adams said, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy that did not commit suicide.” To convince the public of the virtues of the Constitution, James Madison wrote in Federalist #10, “Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” So if you are willing to do just a modicum of reading and research we can honestly determine that this is not a democracy, but rather a federation of states, based in the rule of law as a republican form of government; a Constitutional Federal Republic. Be honest with yourself. If you can’t, then don’t bother to go further on because you are one of the many lost souls convinced by the numerous conspiracies that this nation is something other than its original design. Think of the depth of this conspiracy. Each time a politician speaks the word democracy he disavows our form of government. Each time an historian, or teacher utters the word democracy they corrupt the minds of the uneducated. And each time a journalist turns a blind eye to the fraud they validate the lie. It's clear that if you've read and understood the history of the world, and the evolution from a lawful society to a legal society you're considered a nut. That is to say that if you believe in the rule of law, and the sovereignty of the People as stated in the Declaration of Independence then there is no place for you in this society; you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist. If you are knowledgeable of the fact that armed government agents operating under 'color or law', paranoia, and bigotry exterminated over 260 million unarmed people in the Twentieth Century then the modern day thinker has no use for you. Even though the historical record documents the atrocities, and corroborates your statements; you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist. History is filled with conspiracy. It is the norm, not the aberration, but talk of conspiracy and you’re labeled something that most believe to be very unflattering. However, consider these few instances: Tuskegee syphilis experiment Remember the Maine Gulf of Tonkin USS Liberty Kennedy Assassination Violent Crime Consider one of the most obvious conspiracies out there for everyone to see, but few to understand, or even acknowledge. The Federal Reserve System is not federal at all, but rather the “money trust of big banks” that controls our monetary system. Then there is the most vicious, and corrupt application of the income tax, to which every federal prosecutor, and judge conspires to help rob us of our wealth by keeping us in fear of the IRS. The income tax is at best questionable on almost every level; ratification, application, and enforcement. Bill Benson presented to the courts, and the congress 17,000 certified documents showing that ...

Americans Are Being Prepared For Full Spectrum Tyranny

June 29, 2012 | Civil Liberties, Founders, History, Republic

I often come across articles from alternative media that I feel need to be read. Everyone has an opinion, and those opinions are too often developed from propaganda spread by our government through its tool the MSM. So we should open our minds and visit sites such as Alt-Market when we get a chance. I found this to be a very interesting article, and I thank Brandon at Alt-Market  for allowing us to post it to our home page. Tyranny Totalitarian governments, like persistent forms of cancer, have latched onto the long history of man, falling and then reemerging from the deep recesses of our cultural biology to wreak havoc upon one unlucky generation to the next.  The assumption by most is that these unfortunate empires are the product of bureaucracies gone awry; overtaken by the chaotic maddening hunger for wealth and power, and usually manipulated by the singular ambitions of a mesmerizing dictator.  For those of us in the Liberty Movement who are actually educated on the less acknowledged details of history, oligarchy and globalized centralism is much less random than this, and a far more deliberate and devious process than the general unaware public is willing to consider. Unfortunately, the final truth is very complex, even for us… One cannot place the blame of despotism entirely on the shoulders of globalists.  Sadly, the crimes of elites are only possible with a certain amount of complicity from subsections of the populace.  Without our penchant for apathy and fear, there can be no control.  That is to say, there is no power over us but that which we give away.  We pave the road to our own catastrophes. In the end, a tyrant’s primary job is not to crush the masses and rule out of malevolence, but to obtain the voluntary consent of the citizenry, usually through trickery and deceit.  Without the permission of the people, subconscious or otherwise, no tyranny can survive. As with the oppressive regimes of the past, America has undergone a dramatic transformation, heavy with fear and ignorance.  Our tradition of elections has been corrupted and negated by the false left/right paradigm, and the leaderships of both defunct parties now seek only to elevate a select minority of men bent on globalization.  Our Constitutional liberties have been dismantled by legal chicanery.  Our principles have been diluted by intellectual games of rationalism and moral relativism.  Our country is ripe for conquest. Americans battle over whose side is most to blame; Democrat or Republican, while ironically being disenchanted with both entities.  For some people, the thought of holding each party equally accountable, or accepting that they are essentially the same animal, never crosses their minds. While this irrelevant farce of a debate rages on, the true culprits plotting the demise of our Republic gain momentum, and implement policy initiatives that the public should and must take note of.  In the past year alone, many blatant steps towards the Orwellian gulag have been openly administered.  A carnival of peddlers and freaks and greasy popcorn overwhelms our senses, but the stench of this cheap circus still tickles our noses, and if we use our eyes for even a moment, certain dangerous trends reveal themselves.  Here are just a few recent events that bear a dire warning; the ultimate assault on freedom in this nation grows near… Acclimation To Subservience Every totalitarian state worth its salt has its own goon squad.  The Nazi’s had the “Brownshirts”, the Soviets had the “Militsiya” and the “Voluntary People’s Brigade”, the Communist Chinese have the “Chengguan”, etc.  In America, however, all tyrannical measures are given innocuous bureaucratic labels to mislead and distract the masses.  In this country, we have the Transportation Security Administration… The TSA has become the most hated alphabet agency in the U.S. in perhaps the fastest time on record.  It has violated the personal rights of more people on a daily basis in my view than the IRS, DEA, and the ATF combined.  Clearly, this slobbering demon child of the Department of Homeland Security is being molded for something quite terrible and grand. When confronted by the public on the use of irradiating and intrusive naked body scanner technology, the agency responded by allowing their blue handed ghoul army to molest our nether-regions.  When confronted by state and local governments on their absurd tactics, the TSA threatened economic blockades and airport shutdowns.  The organization then began expanding its jurisdiction to bus and train stations and even our highways when it introduced the VIPR program and implemented random roadside checkpoints in Tennessee last year.  But, this behavior is nothing compared to what is next on the horizon: a compromise… Beware of government agencies bearing gifts.  The TSA along with the International Air Transport Association has announced a new methodology of “less intrusive” passenger screening measures, in order to address the concerns of the public over pat downs and irradiating naked body scanners.  This SOUNDS like a step in the right direction, and a proper response to the grievances of the citizenry.  Instead, it turns out to be a refined example of totalitarianism in motion, and a perfect lesson in how the masses can be duped into handing over their inherent freedoms. Revamped security protocols call for biometric data collection, including fingerprint and retina scans, and a tunnel which combines multiple detection systems into one area (who knows how radioactive this will end up being): The mainstream article above makes this development sound like a win/win scenario for everyone, painting biometric data collection as a matter of convenience, but it also reveals the true design of the system; to illicit voluntary subservience: “The key to speeding up checkpoints and making security less intrusive will be to identify and assess travelers according to the risks they pose to safety in the skies. The so-called riskiest or unknown passengers would face the toughest scrutiny, including questioning and more sensitive electronic screening. Those who voluntarily provide more information about themselves to the government would be rewarded with faster passage…” They enforce destructive anti-personal rights policies then pretend to acquiesce by replacing them with ...