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Archive for the ‘Founding Documents’ Category

My Heart Skipped A Beat

December 22, 2014 | Constitution, Founders, Founding Documents, Sovereignty

On December 20th two New York City policemen were assassinated in Brooklyn. They were shot and killed by a man that may be a Muslim convert, may be a member of the Black Guerrilla Family prison gang, one of many who were placed on psychotropic drugs, or just a man with malice in his heart. What we do know for sure is that two policemen Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were killed in the line of duty. However, like so many other mysteries left unanswered, we the good People of this nation will be kept in the dark. As with the Sandy Hook school shooting that took place in Newtown this latest incident may also find its way to the “national security” folder, and we will know nothing more than the fact that two men died, and left others to mourn. As I rode home that day with a few friends, I heard the words coming from the back seat of the car that two New York City policemen had been shot dead. I felt as if my heart had stopped for a brief moment until I remembered that my youngest son, a New York City policeman was off duty. I relaxed briefly until I became cognizant of the fact that while I would not be the one notified of the tragedy, there would be other families hit with an unfathomable sorrow. I imagined for a moment that the little boy I raised to manhood was gone. The child turned to adult that served his country and then joined the NYPD would not be there to see his son grow, my grandson would not witness the gleam in his father’s eyes, and I would no longer experience the whimsical of the son who made me laugh and kept me going when life was too rough to tolerate. On this day, I can’t give the families of these two men any relief, but I can continue the fight to stop the corruption that plagues our nation, has turned it to a dying society, and has taken the lives of so many good men. As I’ve recently stated in the article “Eric Garner”, “The blood flows first from the ballot box”. We are all of us responsible for the untimely death of officers Ramos and Liu. Why should I take the blame you ask? In the year 1776 men and women of stout hearts and minds took up a cause that would reshape the world. Our Forefathers declared themselves to be “free and independent” people, and “absolved from all allegiance” to a tyrant. They went on to form the base and instruction for a new nation in our first legal document, “A Declaration”. While our history is blemished with many wrongs, it is also the documentation of a struggle that continues to this day. There are several falsehoods written into the history books, but the clear and concise words of A Declaration, and the Constitution are not open for debate. If we are to give credence to the erroneous, and sometimes the outright lies regarding the rule of law and how this nation was molded into a unique society, then we will forever be at odds with liberty and justice. If we subscribe to the idea that a few men and women can interpret the law as they, or their political bosses see fit to suit their agenda, then we are all too willing to sacrifice the freedom of our posterity in order to validate our shameful ignorance. Let us first recognize the fact that we’ve put aside the inherent power of the People as stated in the Bill of Rights, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This takes a moment of explanation, not in the clearly stated wording of the amendment, but in the failure of the mind to place together all the thoughts, words, arguments, and goals written into the U.S. Constitution, the state constitutions, and A Declaration. None of these are separate or independent of each other. They must be read in the entire context of all law, and that, which was to be understood by the common man. We cannot take it to mean that the state posses powers above the citizen that were not clearly enumerated. This would fly in the face of the stated fact that “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”. It would void the power of the People to protect themselves, invalidate the authority of the instruments that define our power to nullify unjust and unwarranted laws that render the public toothless in their ability to maintain “a free state”. Above all, those of us who survive and understand this crisis must put into perspective all that we see unfold before us. There sits in the White House a man so devoid of moral fortitude that he cannot abide any truth. He speaks with a serpents tongue, and confidently tells us that he is an open, and honest man. We have legislatures, from the congress to the states that obviously conspire to erode the principles of this Republic. They teach our children that this is a democracy wherein the majority may lay waste the liberty of the minority, or that we can steal from our neighbor at the point of a gun, and call it lawful and just. Anything, and everything is at risk in such a society. All this time “Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace — but there is no peace” as should be obvious even to those who see only through rose colored glasses. “The war is actually begun! The next gale *** will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms!” The police will face the citizen, and what we fear most will be upon us. All along the elite we continue to elect will hide behind the vulnerable chests of the very people they detest as expendable pawns. I am not so inclined to ...

“A Declaration”

August 13, 2014 | Constitution, Founders, Founding Documents, History, Republic

In June of 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia presented to the representatives of the Thirteen Colonies a Resolution that stated: "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; that measures should be immediately taken for procuring the assistance of foreign powers, and a Confederation be formed to bind the colonies more closely together." On July 2nd, 1776 the representatives of Twelve Colonies voted in favor of the resolution that turned subjects of the crown into independent people, and states with rights equivalent to those of all other sovereign nations. As such, the need to establish a rule of law, and the reasons for which this separation had been adopted needed to be documented into law. “In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. A DECLARATION By THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In GENERAL CONGRESS ASSEMBLED.” “Submitted to a candid world”, not only a new rule of law, but also a declaration of war on “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant,…” When the Representatives of the States united in a cause of independence signed the “Declaration” they were turning the noble words of the document into a codified statement of law. We hold these truths to be self-evident: 1. That all men are created equal. 2. That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. 3. That among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 4. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men. 5. That these governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. 6. That the People retain the right to alter or abolish any form of government when that government infringes upon the rights and privileges of the People. 7. That the People retain the sovereignty to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. As free and independent states, the People had to consider the consequences of such a break from a monarch. Undoubtedly, the king would move to retain what he believed to be his of divine right. Tyrants do not relinquish their power by the words of their subjects, no matter how eloquent the reasons are detailed. War would be inevitable. As is right and proper, the representatives of the newly formed government “declared to a candid world” reasons for such a separation, and the causes that led the good People of these now united States to resist any further abuse, and tyranny. He has refused his Assent to Laws, has quartered large bodies of troops, imposed taxes without our consent, and in every stage of these oppressions has ignored our Petitions for Redress of Grievance: 1. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws. 2. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people. 3. He has obstructed the administration of Justice. 4. He has constructed a multitude of offices to harass our people, and eat out their substance. 5. He has kept amongst us in times of peaces, standing armies. 6. He has affected to render the military independent and superior to the Civil power. 7. For abolishing the free system of English laws. 8. For taking away our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our government. 9. For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with the power to legislate for us in all causes whatsoever. 10. He has incited domestic insurrections. The attributes of our government, and the causes for the impending war were much more detailed in the Declaration, but I’ve attempted here to highlight what our fundamental form was about, and what particular grievances are so obvious today. Why? Because, first and foremost, the Declaration is a timeless document that has not become passé, politically incorrect, or negligent of the needs of the whole of the People. It stated for the record the desires of all men and women, for which we should strive. It also laid the groundwork for a nation that would not be bullied or stand aside when tyranny and injustice raised its ugly head. As a whole, we’ve done quite well since the outset. We flourished as a nation, building monuments to the ability of man when he is free of the burdens of constant government intervention. Yes we’ve made many mistakes, but certainly no more than other nations, and far, far less than the vast majority. We must remember that it was white men and women, who worked to free slaves, and it was also white men and women who marched with oppressed blacks down the streets of Atlanta to bring about the Civil Rights change. It was those same middle class men, and their representatives who helped achieve the right to vote for women. Certainly with no vehicle to attain their goal other than their husbands, sons, and all male legislatures, the dream could never have been accomplished. This country built the largest population of middles class people, and they did it by butting heads with some robber barons, some legislators, and then coming together with rich men such as Henry Ford who recognized the values of a content, and happy working class to be able to afford the very products they built. In the labyrinth of good and evil that permeates mankind this nation stood far and above the others, and it was for the most part attained by the hands and blood of the men that our schools now teach us to hate. Despite the propaganda that is today’s liberal agenda it is not the downtrodden that accomplish their goal through peaceful means, but rather those who think through the inconsistencies, and injustice, and take the stand to change. The problem at hand is that those who profess to be the great progenitors of equality are rarely if ever in that role. You seldom hear the true fighters coming forward and ...

“The war is actually begun”

June 7, 2014 | 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Founding Documents, Militia

There have been a number of articles aimed at the destruction of the Second Amendment over the last several months. There is an agenda at work with “useful idiots” and shills in the media who may as well state in all frankness that they are working for the demise of freedom and liberty. Putting aside the facts of law for a moment, common sense and history should prevail when promoting a disarmed populace at the mercy of a government with a monopoly of power. However as Friedrich Hegel noted, “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” The failing of the majority to comprehend the fact that our greatest weakness is not in recognizing that history is repetitious, but that the lessons are ignored by most, and therefore exploited by the few who have learned from the past. Everything moves in a pattern for one reason or another. It is simply a matter of finding, and understanding the patterns that give some power, while others suffer under the burden of ignorance. Let me give credit, in part, for this article to Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., who has written extensively on the Second Amendment, and apparently knows more about it than all other jurists combined. I say apparently because I can’t imagine that, at least, the justices of the Supreme Court don’t know exactly what the Second Amendment means, and how those “Thirteen Words” apply to the freedom of the People of this nation. Prior to my introduction to Dr. Vieira I was a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment with the limited knowledge I possessed from an historical viewpoint, and my childhood fascination with battles from the Revolution to the Civil War. I was, in essence, a follower of the familiar thread that the Right To Keep And Bear Arms was an individual right, with which we the People of this great nation had been “endowed by their Creator”. That a few words written as an amendment to our Constitution was indeed a mechanism that would guarantee my ability to defend against all sorts of scoundrels from the street thug, to the political gangster, to the invading army. It was only my admiration of the Minute Men, and their willingness to muster in the face of the great danger posed by tyranny that led me astray of what remains as the household understanding of the Second Amendment. There had to be more to learn. I was fortunate enough to come upon those with an equal thirst for knowledge who told me that if I wanted to understand what had taken place in this country I should study the law. So off I went on an exploration that led me to a woman who I grew to admire, Devvy Kidd. It was from her writing that I came across Edwin Vieira’s extensive set of articles on the Militia, and its true place in law. From some of those articles I gained the knowledge that “The Militia of the Several States Guarantee the Second Amendment”. Why would I conclude, or for that matter why anyone would succumb to the misguided concept that words in a document were anything more than instructions on how the law should be applied, now seems laughable at best. There can be no teeth in the application unless we the People are willing to bear our responsibility in enforcing the law. The self-evident right to protect and defend from anyone predisposed to cause harm cannot be enforced with harsh words, or dialing a so-called law enforcement agent. Murder and mayhem are committed on a daily basis with thousands of laws in place. The criminal element on the street, or in the halls of the legislatures cares nothing for words except in how those words will control the law abiding. Through the years I drew my own conclusions, and made observations about what was taking place right in front of our eyes. A battle of illusion was being waged to limit my ability to stand and fight against the tyrant. I use the word illusion because, as has been proven so many times, our government is not above inflicting tragedy, even upon our most precious children in order to attain a goal. That goal being a toothless society devoid of any means, by which they might defend against the “jackbooted thug” who believes that a paycheck and a pension gives him or her the right to enforce unconstitutional acts, or inflict horror on the American family. The principles upon which this nation was founded are clearly defined in "A Declaration"; “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it…” By definition our “unalienable” rights are “impossible to take away, or give up”. But this government, with the help of “useful idiots”, shills, and the foolish are working without regard to the specifically enumerated “Laws” and the lessons of history, to disarm the good People of this nation. The ballot box holds no solution and therefore we have few friends in the legislatures, and fewer still in the courts to stem the tide. We look to do this peacefully, but as a logical person, I can only conclude that it takes two parties willing to not only recognize the law, but to abide it with strict adherence. If those who serve us are unwilling participants in a lawful solution, then how should we proceed? Our Founders faced the same question, but were obviously men and women of stout conviction with knowledge as their weapon as opposed to today’s majority having been indoctrinated through a school system devoid of scruples. Our colonial “insurgents” formed “Committee’s of Safety”, ...

Now I’m Scared

January 6, 2014 | Founding Documents, General, History, Militia, Sovereignty

I recently read an article by Dave Hodges at Common Sense Radio. The article is titled “Can M-16’s Defeat F-16’s In the Coming Civil War”. Like all of Dave’s articles, I highly recommend you read it, and digest what he has to say. I myself had to comment, but I felt that I needed to expand a bit, and so this article is in part a reflection on what Dave has written. If you’ve read any of my articles you will probably find that a number of them are beating the drum for the revitalization of the Militia, and the importance of the role it should play in maintaining a free state. For those unfamiliar with the law enforcement powers of Militia it should protect real courts of law, and a safe and prosperous community free from corrupt politicians. I’ve focused on the Militia because I’ve learned quite a bit over the years, and appreciate the fact that it is up to us to maintain a ‘free state’. Neither bully, nor power hungry politician easily steps aside, and no nation is so secure as to believe it cannot be invaded. Should we be invaded, or our government goes completely out of control, the Militia would represent a ready made fighting force familiar with the terrain, well dug into the community, and therefore formidable guerrilla fighters. I’ve known for quite some time that waking people up was a daunting task, and not one for the weak of heart. Most, no matter what facts you might give them are caught in the mainstream whirl of propaganda and lies. No matter how awake you might believe an individual to be, they are simply cognizant of the fact that there is a problem, but have no idea as to how bad it really is, nor do they have a clue as to how it must be resolved. I could mention the names of people I listen to on a daily basis, and cite the many times they contradict themselves, or the misunderstanding of the topic at hand. I could refer to the constant use of the word ‘solution’ for what is nothing more than a weak strategy that would take years upon years to have any affect while our nation crumbled around us. I could point to the failure to either understand, or deliberately misstating what has actually taken place in history in order to promote their mindset or agenda. Perhaps these people should start to recognize that the time to talk has passed, and a political solution cannot exist without our use of the ‘Sword’ as Dr. Edwin Vieira has so eloquently stated. Specific names, places, dates, times, and facts seem to elude as being relevant to what is right in front of their eyes. Perhaps the term ‘cognitive dissonance’ would be aptly applied even to those who lead the charge to alert the public. Because while pointing to the fact, they seem to avoid the all important point of sovereignty, how it is enforced, and how we’ve abdicated our position in this Republic of, by, and for the People. Dave makes a number of points that can’t be refuted, so that is not the reason for this article, but rather it is posed as a question to whether or not we have the stamina, or even the where-with-all to overcome and succeed. Dave just gave me a starting point from which to blow off a little steam caused by the frustration that build’s when contemplating the dark days ahead, and trying to understand the reasoning of some. Let’s take the NRA and GOA, along with the many splinter groups out there that believe they are actually fighting for the ‘right to keep and bear arms’. I have a particular beef with these organizations because they seem to avoid the proper fight, or are just in it to hear themselves talk. Obviously you can’t win the battle if you’re trying to fight a standup fight against an opponent who has unlimited resources, and can come at you from a thousand different directions; rogue courts, corrupt politicians, rigged elections, the re-education system, and false flags just to name a few. I would put it at more than Twenty Years that I’ve been asking the NRA to move the fight to the Militia, and more recently GOA and a number of smaller groups such as the New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society in my home state. It either falls on deaf ears, I get the completely erroneous response that the National Guard is the militia, or the even more ridiculous diatribe that I do not understand that you have to fight for your rights. I’m not sure how the last response comes into play when you’re attempting to educate someone on the insanity of his or her course of action. Yes indeed, you have the responsibility to maintain your rights, but you have to know what they are, the difference between rights and privileges, and how to enforce them. Begging before some legislative committee with arguments that do not apply to the law to which you speak can easily be ignored, and or refuted. For those who claim to have read a history book, the Second Amendment does not stand alone as it is part and parcel of the body of the Constitution, and the One Hundred Fifty Year history of the Militia prior to the ratification of that second doctrine of law. Our first doctrine of law being the Declaration of Independence, which by the way points to the truth, and fact of the matter that our rights are secured by “Governments*** instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” It does not say that governments popped up out of thin air, and that we are subject to the rules and regulations set out by a group of demi-gods who rule over us with a force of arms we ourselves are denied. Nor do people such as Nicole Hockley, who has suffered a great tragedy, have the right to call ...

My Humble Opinion

November 29, 2013 | 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Founding Documents, Sovereignty

As the years go by, I find it increasingly more difficult to place my thoughts upon a page for others to read, and contemplate. It is not that I have little or nothing to say in any matter, but rather that I am tired of watching this country sink into an abyss from which only despair can ensue. Our solution? Talk endlessly about the problems and take no action other than what has been done over and over with little or no results except the slow erosion of our rights and liberty. Some things do move me to place my opinions on paper and send them off to the world. Today I write because of the words of one Mr. Dick Metcalf. It is not simply a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with his most foolish and ignorant statements, but rather that he voiced the opinion of too many gun owners, and an overwhelming majority of the populace. Let us start with first principles. Whether you understand it or not, the Declaration of Independence is the first document of law established by the United States of America. In it you will find the reasons that the colonists chose “to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them…” At the end of the revolution the arduous process of creating a system of government began. Many think, or rather have been taught to believe that the Constitution defines the rights, and privileges of the citizen rather than its construction as an enumeration of limited sovereign powers granted to the government. It is not a blank sheet of paper that may be interpreted as a political agenda, and it is not written in a manner that would out date its primary directive; a government of specified authorities that established the rule of law, and the Sovereignty of the People. Before you read any further you must be clear that so many, such as Mr. Metcalf, either cannot understand, or simply will not support the fact that [we] “are endowed *** with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” A bold concept at the time when monarchy’s reigned throughout the world. You must also, with unwavering support, recognize and abide our lawful doctrine “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it ***”. If you choose to have a black robed administrator interpret the law for you, then the battle is lost and it is time to lay down your arms, go home and wait for the inevitable. For as sure as the Sun will rise in the East, men seeking power will interpret away all of your rights and shackle you with their whim, or worse their perversions. The blood of patriots formed the United States, but now it is being destroyed with the blood of innocents under the weight of bureaucrats, and servants whose primary responsibility is to protect the rights of the individual. Instead those bureaucratic servants of the people have ascended to the role of autocrat through the unlawful acts of the courts. Everywhere you look there is an abuse of power being performed under “qualified immunity”. This is our legacy to our children; a dictatorship formed through ignorance and ambivalence. But, we should be thankful to Mr. Metcalf for his, in my mind, obviously blatantly repugnant disrespect for our rule of law, as he has pointed to our misunderstanding of that law. For if a government proclamation of any sort can regulate our arms it is not a right, but rather a privilege by legal definition. Perhaps now a decent and intelligent discussion may commence on the Sovereignty of the People, and the proper role of a limited government. It is my hope that Mr. Metcalf, and others will learn some lesson from this incident. On to the facts. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That amendment must be read in its entirety, and with due respect for its lawful tenor, not only as a right, but also as a duty; a duty that we have failed to perform. Yes my fellow citizens, we have failed to perform. It became so evident that in 1902 the United States Congress admonished the citizen, and gave us the Dick Act. The legislation was enacted because of the constitutional mandate under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 15&16, the laziness, and obvious unwillingness of the People to maintain the rule of law. I am going to make some points about the Dick Act that I would venture to wager the majority reading this will have a similar response to that which they displayed for Mr. Metcalf’s statements. The Militia are the body of the People fully armed, “well regulated”, and under the control of the state, not the federal government. The Constitution entails that the United States was and is, to this day, “reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress…” There has been no amendment to the Constitution that repealed, or changed Article 1, Section 8, Clause 15, Clause 16, or the Second amendment. So when we speak of the Dick Act as our excuse to avoid our constitutional duty, we do so with the knowledge that there are those who look at us as nothing more than sheep to be led to slaughter. It cannot be denied that the Constitution does not state that the Army or the Navy is “necessary to the security of a free state”, nor does it give credence to a National Guard created without amending the People’s ...