Restore the Republic

Financial Armageddon

June 20, 2023 | Banking, Constitution, Federal Reserve, General, Sound Money

by Nicholas Testaccio

The Speaker of the House and the President reached an agreement on the Debt Ceiling. Hoorah! This is, of course, simply a show for the masses to watch and obsess over in order to be distracted and deterred from logic and reason while the elite salivate.

Let’s review. Article I, Section 8

Clause 1: “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States…”

Clause 2: “To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;”

Clause 5: “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;”

Now you know everything there is to know about why we have a “debt ceiling”, and how this affects the operation of our government. Or do you?

I am one of those unfortunate souls who is not satisfied with the rhetoric, or the mountains of political speech and questionable expertise spewed out by the pundits and talking heads paraded for our entertainment. We must never validate as legitimate anyone who comes out to certify the pure rubbish that is now a government of, by, and for the self-promoters and political pirates.

In his letters, using the nom de plume Federal Farmer, Richard Henry Lee wrote, “Should the general government think it politic, as some administrations (if not all) probably will, to look for a support in a system of influence, the government will take every occasion to multiply laws, and officers to execute them, considering these as so many necessary props for its own support.”

In the many years since the ratification of the Constitution, and Lee’s forecast of what is now a bloated government that will saddle future generations with a yoke so heavy that they will find it difficult to place nutrition on the table, “public officials” have devised numerous ways to put us into a deep hole. If anyone thinks that we can pay off this debt, they must be living within a delusional world.

Nevertheless, this government, aided by the corporate press, puts on this Punch and Judy show for the masses on a regular basis. The public must live in fear that we might default on our debt, and Heaven forbid some of the Billions of dollars doled out every year for programs, pork, and price-gouging enterprise contrary to the few delegated authorities of the government might be cut.

Lee goes on to address the situation, “The internal sources of taxation then must be called into operation, and internal tax laws and federal assessors and collectors spread over this immense country.” It goes without saying that we are far beyond that point, having taxed the public, unlawfully I might add, to pay for the corruption that flows from both federal and state government. Significantly, our Declaration decries this very abuse, “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.”

I say taxed the public unlawfully because, yes I have read 26 U.S.C., Supreme Court cases related to the Sixteenth Amendment, and others showing that the current application of the “income tax” does not, in any way, reconcile with what is written in the code. For brevity’s sake, the Supreme Court ruled that the Sixteenth Amendment gave congress no new power to tax, but rather prevented taking a direct tax and placing it into the category of an excise tax. 26 U.S.C. confirms this by detailing what sources and activities create a liability to pay an “income tax.” It should be noted that the IRS claims that you cannot use what is clearly written in the code to “determine taxable income.” That alone should tell you where we will eventually wind up. Let’s drudge onward.

In Clause 2, congress has the power “To borrow money on the credit of the United States.” Up until 1971, when Nixon took us off the gold standard, money was in the form of a tangible asset such as gold or silver. Now, it is fiat. Fiat, in the case of the current monetary system, means nothing more than arbitrary. By decree! Make it so! Through some agreements, such as Bretton Woods, and using the U.S. Dollar as the acceptable currency in exchange for Crude Oil, we have been able to buy and sell goods and services throughout the World with nothing more than paper. The system now in place is essentially a sham, and we borrow nothing more than that, which we can simply print.

Alexander Hamilton, our first Treasurer, wrote “In the opinion of the Secretary, the wisdom of the House, in giving their explicit sanction to the proposition which has been stated, [“That an adequate provision for the support of the Public Credit, is a matter of high importance to the honor and prosperity of the United States.”] cannot but be applauded by all, who will seriously consider, and trace through their obvious consequences, these plain and undeniable truths.” He goes on to note that there will be circumstances by which even wealthy nations may be forced to borrow money. By no means, today, is the U.S. forced to borrow money when it has already exhibited that it is more than willing to create Billions to bail out the “too big to fail”, or in its quest to convert this country to a communist nation by issuing checks to we peons to keep us satisfied in a time of crisis.

Clause 5: gave congress the authority “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof…’, but that all changed with the creation of the Federal Reserve, and other schemes put into place. So, the question is, as to what we are borrowing, and what are they who are buying our debt are lending us? And what happens if nations decide that the U.S. Dollar should no longer be the reserve currency, opting for another system such as a currency based on a hard asset?

Much of what we are experiencing is a house of cards designed to create an environment wherein the rich get richer, and the poor stay poor. Yes, there are certainly opportunities, especially in the United States, for entrepreneurs to create and prosper, but in the long run they are all captives of a system based on fraud. Henry Ford, Sr., has been attributed with saying, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” As it is today, in so many things, the function of our monetary system is clouded in misinformation, and promoted by various entities, such as our education system, and a willingness of the people to be duped.

Realize that greed and power go hand and hand. Those who wield such power have no regard for you, your rights, and those who they send into the horror of the wars that they create for financial gain. The banking cartel has ruled for centuries, manipulating economics, and even elections. A Rothschild is credited with saying “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”

Consider the FED, a creation of the European banking cartel, as the creature who has controlled our lives for decades. It is not an agency of this government, nor was its creation a power granted to congress. It is an entity unto its own; scheming, and controlling. Congress acts as if it is a legitimate enterprise with the interest of the nation as its core responsibility. Consider the FED as the One Ring to Rule them all. The dark entity whose goal is control by plots, and propaganda designed to keep us at odds with reality. It is the biggest scam, out there for all to see, and yet few recognize its evil design.

In this latest round of showmanship, the Debt Ceiling will once again be raised to accommodate an ever expanding enterprise designed to strip away any hope for financial stability. As of this writing the National Debt has broached THIRTY-ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. This is, of course, contrived on what are mostly fraudulent numbers. The FED continues to bail-out banks and other financial institutions, while saddling you and I with the payment of that debt. This is truly akin to what was, in the past, the system of lords and serfs. This is a Three Tier system, wherein those at the top recognize the goal, while the majority walk around in a daze of ignorance, with a few understanding that we are being led to a very dark place. A place where you and your children will be nothing more than chattel to an “Elite” who will have dominion over every aspect of your life. “You will own nothing and be happy.”

Here is reality. At some point, we must reconcile that the debt we are incurring cannot be repaid. We must also throw off the veil that has become this “democracy,” and stand firm on the fact that by our Constitution, government has limited delegated authority. That the term “General Welfare” was by no means meant to provide a route toward a totalitarian state wherein the government controls every aspect of our lives. Public Officials must be held to that rule of law, and we must eviscerate what has become the creator of our demise, and the prospective jailer of our future.

How do we stop this drive towards the abyss of “Financial Armageddon?”

The first thing that must be done is to throw off the yoke of ignorance and fear. If you think it’s bad now, you haven’t seen anything yet. Stand firm, as did the men and women who fostered this Nation. Understand that if you don’t, your children will be facing a monster so abhorrent that their lives will be a living hell. There are enough videos of those who lived behind the Iron Curtain, and I’ve spent enough time with some to know that a totalitarian state is something to be feared.

Understand your options to fight the leviathan that controls our lives. I have written enough articles on the Sovereignty of the People, and how the laws give us the power to hold “public officials” in check. Join a group that wants to make change. Find out if they are serious about corralling government and holding their representatives accountable. You’re going to be thinking “out of the box,” and their willingness to listen will tell you if it is a worthwhile effort. If not, move on to the next group. There must be others who comprehend the fact that the road we are on is not the right path to saving the Republic.

Get out the vote. Find your candidate, and question him/her on their knowledge of our system of government. Talk to those around that person. Often, the supporting staff is a huge problem. Many of them are more interested in power than the truth. They are concerned with what they think they know, rather than what is right. If your candidate is elected, and deviates from the course you laid out, don’t give them a moment of peace. As soon as they are off course, put them on notice that if you can’t get them to resign, you’re going to vote them out of office.

We need to do these things. The financial future, and therefore the freedom of this Nation depends on what we do now.

We do not have a monetary system that is sound. It is predicated on a house of cards that is supported by pride, ignorance, and greed. With a currency backed by a hard asset, such as gold, the government cannot run a scam on the people. Fiat dollars allow your representatives to run amok with nonsense such as a “debt ceiling.” If we do not put our foot down now, a boot will come down on our necks that will take every last shred of liberty, as limited as it has become.

History may not exactly repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes with all the missteps and calamities of the past. There are few who are willing to admit that they have been duped, and fewer still who will take any action to rid themselves of the yoke being placed around their neck.

Patriots And Other Misnomers

May 26, 2023 | 2nd Amendment, Constitution, Founders, Founding Documents, Militia, Republic

by Nicholas testaccio

The document that we now label as the Declaration of Independence, reminds us that “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.”

The US constitution, which is the Supreme law of the land, defines this country as a constitutional Federal Republic, wherein all public officials swear an oath to protect and defend “a Republican form of Government, required by Article IV, Section 4.

For decades now this Republic has been under attack, with little to no relief. The intent of those who fought for and established this country was to create a nation with a unique form of government. Government of, by, and for the people has been the tune for which we were supposed to operate. To most those words mean nothing at all. Just Seven words that define the basic function of our rule of law, yet that simple statement is incomprehensible for the public at large.

Empires come and go over the centuries, but the Founders of this nation gave us the building blocks that would support a lasting enterprise. Paul Simon wrote,

“I have squandered my resistance for a pocket full of Mumbles

Such are promises.

All lies and jest.

Still a man hears what he wants to hear.

And disregards the rest.”

We have squandered all that was bequeathed to us for lies that we feed on from reprobates, scoundrels, and indeed criminals. This is a nation of laws based on “a Republican form of Government.” Over the years we have allowed our representatives to morph this into a democracy, in which mob rule is used to undermine the basic principles of our Law, and unfortunately our liberty.

We support and defend the likes of Bernie Sanders, an avowed communist, on the pretense that his politics are a matter of free speech. Sanders is a United States senator who took an oath to protect and defend the constitution. That oath meant nothing to him, nor to the people who keep voting him back into office.

The terms democracy, socialism, and a host of dribble bandied about by not only those we elect to protect and defend our rule of law, but also those in the media, both corporate and “free” are intended to eviscerate and end our nation. Those who are labeled to the left, progressives, or liberals are allowed to function in the halls of our legislatures when they’ve clearly committed crimes against the Law, and therefore the people.

Where are the patriots? Those who would muster on the Green to face down the forces of tyranny. Vince Lombardi, the great Packers coach, is credited with saying “The best defense is a good offense.” Again, words and advice that are lost in the rumble of confusion that has become the operational status of our country.

I spend my days rummaging through words of men and women who appeared to be completely devoid of any knowledge pertaining to the function of this Federal Republic. The current mindset among those who profess to be of the patriotic community appears to be that of “prepare for the worst and hope for the best.” Of the numerous YouTube, Rumble, and other enterprise popping up, the paradigm appears to be for bringing truth in news without any regard for the fact that most will do nothing to protect their rights, their families, or their communities. What good is it to know about potential dangers if the only move we are capable of is to prepare rather than deter?

On any given day from the corporate press, you will hear absolute nonsense. There appears to be no truth, nor apprehension towards spewing out blatant falsehoods. Notably, while the “free press” appears for the most part to be engaged in the journalistic enterprise of relaying the facts it stops there. Hours of relaying facts, and reams of papers detailing potentially catastrophic events, and sadly explaining often devious acts of government officials lend little to putting an end to what they all warn for that, for which we must prepare.

The former president, Trump, invoked Title 42, which gave him the authority to prevent an influx of migrants. On May 11th, the emergency status associated with Title 42 came to an end. With that has come the intended invasion of some 1,000,000 migrants. And this is just an extension of the invasion that has taken place since the Biden administration came to office. Estimates of more than 5,000,000 illegals, and numerous terrorists hidden within their ranks, have come to our country.

We were warned of the impending invasion, and prior to that, the “patriots” kept us up on the millions of illegals, and the influx of military age men and potential terrorists. Yet, all that was done to stop the assault on our Homeland was chatter about putting “patriots” into positions of “power” sometime down the road.

Before I go any further I wanted to point a finger. There is a period of time that is referred to as “the summer of love” in the year 2020. During those months the left took to the streets, pillaged, plundered, and even murdered with little pushback from even law enforcement. Where were the patriots?

The patriots, Charlie, Ben, Dan, and a host of others are spewing out what is nothing more than impotent rhetoric. While cities burned, and that includes parts of our capital, they were telling us that they opposed violence. I want to call them out on this particular issue. What they actually oppose is our ability to fight back and defend our lives and property. They are fine accepting the violence that many had to endure and are still experiencing because the left has made it a point of prosecuting anyone who dares to defend themselves.

I want to make a point of law in hopes that someone will spread the word and it will wind up on the desk of some congressman, senator, local representative, or perhaps a talk radio show will bring up this crucial point of law. This is a Nation of “popular sovereignty.” Part of the uniqueness of the United States is that the individual holds and can exercise the sovereign powers of a state. Sovereignty carries with it a form of immunity, as it is “the author and source of the law.”

Alexander Hamilton gave a succinct explanation of operational sovereignty for the citizen in Federalist #78. “There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.

If it be said that the legislative body are themselves the constitutional judges of their own powers, and that the construction they put upon them is conclusive upon the other departments, it may be answered, that this cannot be the natural presumption, where it is not to be collected from any particular provisions in the Constitution. It is not otherwise to be supposed, that the Constitution could intend to enable the representatives of the people to substitute their WILL to that of their constituents.”

The operation, of course being the Constitution, as it is “We the People” who are the “author and source” of that document. Regardless of any acts, rulings, or other regulations by public officials, the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land, and it holds sway over any edicts that a state may enact, or any rulings from the bench. How do we enforce our sovereignty? A question, whose answer seems to be lost on even the highest levels of judicial knowledge.

That is the key to maintaining freedom, performing the Duty that we ourselves enshrined as our law enforcement Institution. This is the aspect of all our struggles to which the so-called patriot community either fails on, or that of which they have no knowledge. Why?

As I have noted in the past, it is, in my estimation that there is some source that places a veil over the eyes of men. Or, perhaps reality sits in the pages of history where we find that, for the most part, few will rise to thwart the ravages of tyrannical thugs who use violence to steal peace from a land. History reminds us that tyrants rise from time to time to wreak havoc on what is typically a fearful populace. This is accomplished by recruiting those who have no compunction in levying acts of violence against their fellow citizens.

The aspiring dictator need only convince the willing that by granting them a state sanction, their ensuing acts are good and moral. No matter what toll, by which a country will stain the pages of history, it is accepted in the short run for the convenience of those who can say “Then they came for the Jews,” but what is that to me, I’m safe from the horror that my neighbor must endure.

Barack Obama was a divisive president who wore his hatred of the United States as if it were a badge of honor. After all, we had slavery in this nation, and slavery is a crime for which our country must always pay some reparation even though there is a good chance that at some point in time all our ancestors may have been serfs, or slaves. What about those of us whose family came here after slavery was abolished, served the nation, and must now struggle to maintain the freedom our ancestors hoped would be a lasting institution?

Joe Biden spews out rhetoric in the same vein as Adolph Hitler who convinced the German people that the Jews were the cause of all the woe his country faced. Biden lashes out at MAGA Republicans with the same vigor, equating them to Nazi’s and white supremacists. The Left, the corporate press, and all the goblins buy into this hatred that could lead us to a civil war, or genocide. With regard to all the goings-on, I heard one YouTuber proclaim that she is “literally scared to death for us here in the United States of America. I have never heard such extreme rhetoric coming out of the mouths of democrats as I have in this past year.”

The evidence of sedition and subversion comes to us on a daily basis. The pure hatred shown to those of us who prefer truth over lies, and peace over turmoil abounds. The left, as it did throughout the Twentieth Century, promotes violence against its opposition. The propaganda thrown at us by pretend journalists batters our conscience daily. Propaganda is a powerful tool because it is a lie that is digested by the majority without the will to do even a modicum of research. A good part of the reluctance stems from the fact that we’ve been lied to from an early age by educators, judges, legislators, and even those who claim to be an ally.

Misinformation is the norm, and the bigger the lie the easier it is for the masses to accept, even when the truth is told, and refutes the original false narrative. The Durham report came out the other day, which pointed the finger to numerous crimes, including that of the FBI being an arm of the Biden, Obama, Clinton crime families.

What is the upshot of this report? Questions abound as to how justice will be availed. Will the DOJ investigate itself and the conspirators be brought to justice? Will those in the intelligence community, the Fifty-One signatories to the Russia Collusion hoax be tried and convicted as the subversives they are?

I am confident that nothing will happen to any of the criminals that form the “deep state,” or their allies that sit in legislative positions. Clearly, there are few who are astute enough to speak out as to what must be done. I heard representative Jim Jordan noting that all they can do is to refer this to the DOJ. Congressman, are you foolish enough to believe that there will be an actual accounting for the crimes committed when a large part of the conspirators are in the DOJ? Is it that you are so ignorant of, or fearful of the constitutional authority recognized as the proper means, by which “to execute the Laws of the Union?”

Under both federal and state law, we are required to maintain Militia defined in the statutes and commanded by the U.S. Constitution. Militia is defined as able-bodied men capable of bearing arms that they themselves must provide and maintain in good working order. This is not a voluntary force, but rather compulsory service of men who “shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, by the Captain or Commanding Officer of the company, within whose bounds such citizen shall reside…” – The Militia Act of 1792

Militia statutes can be found, with almost the same exact wording, throughout the Republic. I’ve not found them all, but I have found many, such as my current residency.

Title 51 - MILITARY AFFAIRSChapter 3 - The MilitiaSection 301 - Formation

(a) Pennsylvania militia.–The militia of this Commonwealth shall consist of:

(1) all able-bodied citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied persons who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, residing within this Commonwealth, who are at least 17 years six months of age and, except as hereinafter provided, not more than 55 years of age.

But why you ask, are no others talking about this point of law? There are very few. Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., is at the forefront of the movement to revitalize the Militia, having written numerous articles and books on the subject. But what about pro-second groups, or the patriot community? Surely, they must have a vested interest in promoting such a critical aspect of our law.

Some time back I heard a YouTuber proclaim that he had studied militia’s and knew a lot about them. He started with little knowledge of the subject and ended up with less. Since there are no LAWFUL Militia in the country acting in accordance with the Laws and statutes, all he studied was a group of people running around playing soldier. They had no chain of command starting with the governor and flowing down to the Captain or Commanding Officer of the company”, nor any logistic program. Those people were just mudding the waters of a very critical aspect of our law. Importantly, they did not have the authority recognized in the Constitution.

As for the governor, I have attempted to engage him on his duty to “provide all rules and regulations for the implementation of § 301, and § 507”, which are the rules and regulations he is required to write for calling forth the militia. I began this quest back in 2020, and as of yet, I have not seen any evidence that the governor will comply with his duty. This after receiving phone calls, and answers to FOIA requests.

We cannot win this struggle without enforcing the Lawful power of “the Militia of the several States;” called forth under Article I, § 8, Cl. 15. Consider the fact that, by Clause 15, the Constitution places all law enforcement authority in the hands of the Militia, and in addition prohibits the creation of any agency pretending to have law enforcement powers, which would include the FBI, DHS, and the list goes on.

Some would say that Clause only applies to the federal government. As with most of our law, it seems to be pick and choose which suits our particular agenda. However, Militia is a state institution that is both manned and run by “We the People” who are the “author and source of the law.” We have the final word in what is lawful, and what is not. Think in terms of jury nullification, with the added power to arrest a corrupt prosecutor, or judge who has taken nullification away from the jury.

We must look at ourselves honestly and admit that there are few who are willing to serve, and fewer still who know and understand the Law regarding this subject. The patriot crowd are there in name only. They subscribe to the Charlie’s, the Ben’s, and the Dan’s who avoid those parts of our law that would take back the sovereignty that was bequeathed to us by some of the most politically astute assemblage of men and women the world has ever known.

Interpreting the Law

April 16, 2023 | Founders, Founding Documents, General, History, Militia, Republic

by Nicholas Testaccio

Words have specific meanings, and when placed together, those words form a thought, an idea,  convey a story, or promote a proposition. In law, the combination of words in a clause cannot be construed to mean something other than what they meant at the time the law was enacted.

In the year 1776, a committee of the Continental Congress was formed to write a document explaining the need “for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth their rightful place.

Chosen to write the draft for what could have been the death sentence for its signatories, Thomas Jefferson composed what should be considered the foundation, by which all the people of this World ought to live. In it are the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”

When “A Declaration” was written, slavery was an institution that existed in, not only the colonies, but also, around the World. Jefferson himself, was a slave owner as were other members of the Congress. Slavery was not unique to the America’s. It was an institution that existed for centuries. The Bible speaks of it, telling the story of the Hebrew nation as slaves to the empire of the Egyptians. Slavery existed as part of every culture, nation, and empire. However, in this timeless document that we now refer to as “The Declaration of Independence”, the Congress enacted the words “that all men are created equal.” What they did not agree to, and should be obvious to all, is that all men remain equal throughout their lives. Herein lies one of our problems. The misunderstanding of the words as they come together in a sentence, and in this case a legal document, that provides us with a specific line of thought.

From “A Declaration” to the U.S. Constitution, the people of this once great nation have made it their folly to misinterpret and to misunderstand the rule of law. This, as I’ve stated in the past, is a constitutional Federal Republic. Those we elect or appoint to perform a specific duty are bound by an oath of office. That office holds its allegiance to the law as it is written not as it has been twisted and bent in order that those seeking power may retain and enhance that power.

England was a monarchy, as it remains today, although the power of the monarchy is greatly reduced from the time of King George. Again, monarchies were the rule of the day when our revolution began. Kings and Queens were not elected, but rather, they were born to their positions. A “Divine Right” as it was known, because of the accepted belief that God placed the individual in the position of authority. It was the doctrine of the time.

However, those Fifty-Six men who signed their own death warrant when they put their name to the Declaration, thought differently. The words in the document do not reflect a contradiction of the world in which they knew, and we, today, seem incapable of understanding. While we can look back and second guess those men, I can assure you that there is a mindset today that would own slaves simply for the pleasure of imposing their authority.

Today, agenda, and propaganda are the norm, reality escapes most who live at a time so distant from the centuries past that it does not seem logical to disparage those who risked it all so that the words of “A Declaration” could come to life. This is the time that we must accept that what we have been taught is designed to oppress, rather than enlighten.

Jefferson wrote “that all men are created equal”, he did not write that all men remain equal, attain equality, or are able to live as all others do. Even to the casual observer, or those who have been fooled into thinking that they learned something worthwhile by attending a university of progressive professors, should comprehend that the words in the Declaration did not reflect some utopian state, wherein everyone goes about their merry way, with all the privileges, wealth, and prosperity of the neighbor across the street, or across the nation.

The propaganda spewed out by the intelligentsia is more in tune with a desire to show themselves as superior, rather than reflecting on the reality of the time, and even today. The nonsense of the “anointed” who cast their superiority, can be easily debunked when we examine the word “unalienable.”

At the time of the writing of “A Declaration” the word unalienable meant that it could not be regulated, taken, or relinquished. If we allow one or even a group of individuals to abdicate a right, we have opened the floodgates to tyrannical government determining that since one has abdicated the right another must follow in that the right is not absolute. Even with a firm explanation of the word, there are members of our legislatures that believe that our rights are not absolute, and that they can regulate them and often place such a burden on them as to rule them out of existence.

So, as we go through time from the creation of this nation to today, we must realize that there are aspects of our law that have been twisted and corrupted. Over the last several decades, with the intent of minimizing our Constitution, the idea of a living document has come into play. In a living document, how do we hold our government to the limited delegated authorities that we assigned?

This was intended to be a nation of popular sovereignty. As a sovereign, you and I claim all the authority of any sovereign state in the world. We claim the right of self-defense, immunity from the state, and therefore a right to be tried by a jury of our peers. The intent was the guarantee that the state could not place its heavy hand upon those it was formed to serve.

Our system was designed so that a wrong, a harm, could be reconciled. If you are violated in some form, your recourse would have been to go to the sitting grand jury and make your proper complaint. That institution, as it originally operated, was composed of citizens, just like you and me, who would investigate your complaint without a state official stepping into the process. After fully investigating the matter, it could have been as simple as to propose a solution such as, if you lost a sum of money was the accused willing to remedy that situation?

Along the way we began to lose sight of just how ingenious the founders of this nation were. As we look back in history we could easily find many circumstances, in which the power hungry have usurped and corrupted the rule of law. In doing so they have created a myriad of problems that could not have existed if we would abide our Duty to ourselves, and the doctrine which we laid out .

For instance, at the time of our founding gold and silver with the median form of money. Barter was acceptable and remains so today where in parts of even developed countries such as the US, people still barter for goods and services. Your neighbor may render a service to you, for which you in return we’ll apply your expertise to something that he or she may need.

However, the use of gold, was first prohibited under the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration. Roosevelt required that the people turn in their gold. In 1971 Richard Nixon officially took us off the gold standard. Once that took place the price of materials, goods, and services started to skyrocket.

In both cases, the representatives of the people took upon themselves powers that were never granted. I bring this up to associate it with the myriad of presidential executive orders that have become the norm to impose unconstitutional regulations upon the people.

Recently, President Biden wrote an executive order to impose stronger background checks for the purchase of firearms. He had no authority to do so, and through his actions committed a crime against the people in this nation. There is another side to this coin that is missed.

Our first law Declares “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”. How should we interpret this other than to say that governments are formed by the hands of the people, and we lay out the authorities for them to execute. By no stretch of the imagination can we say that we’ve given them unlimited power to go in any direction, employ any agenda, or invoke any power that would usurp our sovereignty.

More importantly we must ask the question, when public officials step out of line, that is to say that they’ve gone beyond those limited delegated authorities that we assigned, what mechanism do we employ to bring rogue officials to justice?

The original Constitution COMMANDS that it is only the Militia that has the power and authority “to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions.” That is a lot of power authorized for We the People. Why don’t we use it? Lies, propaganda, ignorance, and ambivalence are some reasons.

If asked the question, how many branches of government are there, without a doubt almost all will say there are three. However, from the standpoint of our unique structure, there are both federal and state executive, legislative, and judicial branches that are strictly government institutions. But in our unique form, wherein the people are sovereign there must be some branches that are strictly controlled by the general population.

We have in this nation, what should have been a completely independent Grand Jury, Petit Jury, and the tools to enforce the decisions of those two branches; militia composed of able bodied men capable of bearing arms for the purpose of “execut[ing], the Laws of the Union, suppress[ing] Insurrections, and repel[ing] Invasions.”

We have lost any desire to maintain and protect our sovereign powers over the state. Instead of mustering our constitutional militia with all the authority recognized in the Constitution, we would much rather cry, whimper, and beg those who impose unlawful powers over us for some mercy. This nation stands at a very crucial point in its existence. Either we act now to “alter or abolish” this government, or our children will certainly suffer our foolishness, and unwillingness to act as lawful citizens.

Bearing in mind our “institutions, the principles upon which they are supposed to rest, and the history of their development,” we must ask ourselves what direction we have allowed public officials to take that is destroying the foundation of this nation?

I sat on two grand juries. What I learned while being a participant is that the majority display a willingness to violate the rights of their fellow citizens. And the last grand jury I sat on I was involved in some heated arguments with prosecutors. I noted for instance that prosecutors tacked on violations that could not possibly be a part of the case brought before us. In one instance I objected to the conduct of a policeman who arrested a young man because he had a little trinket on his key chain. Long story short, in a case almost identical, the state Supreme Court threw out the conviction and noted that the police violated the rights of the accused.

In the most recent violation of our laws, prosecutor Alvin Bragg convened a grand jury, in a jurisdiction guaranteed to assist him in violating the rights of an individual. This indictment of Donald Trump is the stuff of nightmares. It is what banana republics are made of; prosecute and imprison your political opponents. Bragg brought a case to the grand jury that  had previously been rejected by the DOJ, and the very same office, of which he is a part. In doing so Bragg has sent a warning shot across the bow of our liberty.

Bragg has employed the scheme of “show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” By using the tactic of interpreting laws Bragg has brought about an indictment of some 34 charges. In doing so he has claimed that he does not have to name a specific law that the accused has violated. The 6th amendment to the Constitution states very clearly, “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation;”

There is much written about our right to an unbiased grand jury and Petit jury. It has been noted by people such as Alan Dershowitz that numbers of 85 to 90% of the population apparently are democratic voters who have an intense dislike of the accused in this case. Corruption of the jury system is nothing new. I found this comment by John Adams as far back as 1775 to be most enlightening; “That the high whigs took care to get themselves chosen of the grand juries I don’t believe. Nine tenths of the people were high whigs; and therefore it was not easy to get a grand jury without nine whigs in ten, in it. And the matter would not be much mended by the new act of parliament. The sheriff must return the same set of jurors, court after court, or else his juries would be nine tenths of them high whigs still. Indeed the tories are so envenom’d now with malice, envy, revenge and disappointed ambition, that they would be willing, for what I know, to be jurors for life, in order to give verdicts against the whigs. And many of them would readily do it, I doubt not, without any other law or evidence, than what they found in their own breasts.”

With almost 250 years behind us, we still face many of the issues for which we decided to break the bonds with Great Britain. How could this be the case? We have allowed the judiciary to employ interpretation of our law rather than holding them to confirm acts of the legislature with specific delegated authority. Further to that we have allowed the legislatures to bring forth acts, for which their intent was to place chains on the people they were supposed to serve. In both cases we have failed to uphold our part of the bargain.

In a nation constructed on the principle “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”, we have abandoned the construct of the nation that was designed for the people to maintain their freedom. Self- governance, as it was constructed, so that liberty and justice would prevail.

Thomas Jefferson stated, I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution. Surely, Trump did not receive an honest application of the Grand Jury, and I do not see him obtaining any other consideration from a trial jury.

However, my concern is not, in particular, for the former president, but rather for the nation itself. For whatever travails I may face, or you may face, or worse still, our children who speak out against the tyrannical state, will do so with no chance of ever receiving a fair trial.

To my mind, this has never been about Donald Trump specifically, but rather a nation wherein the people are allowed to maintain their freedom. Across this nation, while most of us sleep in our ambivalence, there have been numerous people indicted, tried, and sent to prison. Their crimes, in too many cases, are the subject of politically driven prosecutors who are assisted by equally motivated juries. Despicable prosecutors across this nation are allowing felons to run free through our streets, while they bring cases against people who are defending themselves against acts of violence.

This nation, born on the principle of liberty and justice for all, will not survive unless its people enforce their proper authority. I understand, and indeed I’ve learned over the last few decades, that the majority want nothing to do with executing any duty that might keep them free and independent from a burgeoning tyrannical state.

So, it is up to the three percent, perhaps now only the one per cent who are willing to push forward. Who will engage their elected representatives constantly by specifically enumerating the law as it was written, not as it has been interpreted for the benefit of the state. Demanding that they fulfill there are lots of office by adhering to the rules laid out in both the federal and state constitutions. I believe that time grows short for this nation. While some believed that electing people on the local level is the answer to our problems, I maintained that electing those who are ignorant of the law will resolve nothing.

The rule of law is as it was originally written. It must be read and executed as it was originally enacted. The most critical part of our law rests on the fact that we permanently institutionalized the body of the people as the militia with the sole authority “to execute the Laws of the Union.” It must be applied and enforced with that purpose in mind.

Enemies Both Foreign And Domestic Part 2

December 10, 2022 | 2nd Amendment, Founders, General, History, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio

I have learned that propaganda is a powerful tool. It is wielded by a select group of politicians, media organizations, and talking heads promoted as experts. No matter how many times judges make unlawful rulings, no matter how many times politicians lie, and no matter how many times the “corporate press” have been shown to be lying, the general public refuses to rebuke those at the forefront of the take-down of America.

Tina Peters was the County Clerk Recorder of Mesa County, Colorado. She was removed, unlawfully by a judge, when she stumbled across evidence of manipulation in a recent City Council election. Let me clarify. Tina Peters is an elected official who cannot be removed from office by any judge. Allow me to repeat. A sitting judge removed an elected official without any authority to do so.

Ms. Peters brought in a consultant to make a forensic copy of the Dominion Voting System in Mesa County. The programmers left evidence that there was election tampering in the code. Because she chose to investigate fraud in our elections, she is now being prosecuted for revealing the facts;

We have now been treated to what is an obvious agenda to destroy the process used for the American people to “hire” a representative to enforce Our Laws. Once again, Maricopa County in Arizona, is a point of contention where both democratic and republican poll watchers and officials have come forward to point to discrepancies in the vote.

This is America today.

America today has been planned and fashioned in a manner constructed by social engineers, and subversive agitators for over One Hundred Years. Most people cannot fathom that an agenda is fostered and promoted with a long term plan. The ability to comprehend that evil-doers do not only act from day to day, but that in order to achieve their ultimate goal they must work on a broader scale from decade to decade so that the effects of their plans are dismissed as “conspiracy.”

I have noted that even when discussing firsthand knowledge of an event, the opposite side to the debate will ignore the evidence. There is just too much vested in being ignorant, and in trusting establishments promoted as truth givers. Years back, at an international conference, David Rockefeller thanked the New York Times for misleading the public as to what was taking place under their noses.

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

However, as a veteran, I go on undaunted by events, the deniers, the liars, and the fools who choose to believe the tripe they are fed. I do so with this warning to all the nay-sayers who can’t look past their ignorant stance on accepting that, which has been disproven time and again. The elite despise you and me. They have no love for you or your children. They would sacrifice the ones you have nurtured so that the ultimate goal of a totalitarian state is achieved.

For decades, the ability of America to hold the agenda of people like Klaus Schwab, and his disciples in check was predicated on this Republics principle that it is “We the People” who are the sovereign. As such, the power “to execute the Laws of the Union” was placed firmly in the original Constitution, and supported by a Bill of Rights, of which the most critical aspect was a nation of able-bodied men who were to be organized, armed, and disciplined. As Washington put it, a people with the “teeth” to protect all their rights from tyranny.

There is a group of people that hate you and I for doing nothing more than existing in their world. To them we are “deplorable’s” who have no right to do anything other than to serve their perversions. Your children are nothing more than fodder for their war on freedom.

This administration, members of congress, the judiciary, and the “corporate press” are all proponents of open borders. Fentanyl is being allowed to flow into our country at an alarming rate. Children, who are doing nothing more than taking a dose of what appears to be an aspirin, or more insidious, a piece of candy are being murdered. The number of deaths from this invasion of illegals and drugs is staggering, and yet a good portion of the public believes that Joe Biden is doing an outstanding job. I’m not sure how they can look at themselves in the mirror, and deny that they are complicit in those murders.

The road to the destruction of America has, to my sight, been fairly obvious.

In 1913, the federal government composed the destruction of the monetary system by implementing the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank. The same year, without any confirmation of legitimacy, both the 16th and 17th amendments were proclaimed as being ratified by the Secretary of State. Despite thousands of certified documents showing that the amendments were only ratified by a few states, neither the courts nor the legislature would review the fraud.

Following those unlawful acts, the government began the confiscation of gold, and then regulated weapons necessary for the proper function of the Militia as commanded at Article I, § 8, Cl. 15. Despite constitutional requirements, congress, along with their allies began the slow erosion of the Right of the People to contain the unlawful acts of public officials.

Where has this brought us? What are we seeing today? Look at the leaders of this nation. Those who are lauded as progressive thinkers pushing America forward into some Utopian State. In reality, those who seek office, those who attain positions of power, the “corporate press,” and the education system are all leading us into a totalitarian state, in which your children, my children, and our grandchildren will be subject to the most horrendous life. Genocide and torture, rather than being abhorrent aspects of life will be the norm.

Don’t take my word for the evil that is being promoted. Hilary Clinton called a large segment of American’s “deplorables.” Before her were the Obama’s who by their words can only be seen as people who detest America and its “clinger’s.” Subversives have corrupted our education system. This too has not been without warning. The Ford Foundation, along with Carnegie Endowments have been promoting and financing educators who hate America. You would  be hard pressed to find conservatives within our colleges and universities. Progressives have been teaching their students to destroy American freedom for the false narrative of a good and benevolent communist regime.

Not satisfied with the corruption in higher education, they have been promoting deviance in grades as low as kindergarten. Under the direction of people like Randi Weingarten, deviant behavior is being advocated, and school boards across the nation are validating the exploitation and destruction of young minds. Much of this has been through subversion. We are in a war for the very soul of Liberty, and the majority of American’s either can’t see it, or they embrace it. We are in “The Final War” designed to usurp any form of individual liberty.

Some of us see it, and work to sound the cry. Many could care less as long as they have their beer, and sporting events designed in the same manner as the old Roman strategy of bread and circus.

Then there are those who are working, ignorantly of course, to assist in their own demise. Once again, because of my commitment to revitalize our constitutional Militia, I must call out organizations such as “Moms Demand Action”, “Everytown”, and unfortunately many so-called pro-second groups who cannot see “the forest for the trees.” Organizations where ignorance abounds, and greed deflects morality.

This was a nation of free people’s working under a banner of unalienable rights, with the sovereign power to protect and defend that, which was bequeath to us by blood, and firm words meant as a sign post to the world that this unique experiment could remain intact as long as “We the People” enforced our own authority against those who would trample down upon our freedom.

Our government is corrupt beyond the wildest fears of those who created this Republic. We are now in “The Final War”, wherein members of congress, organizations, the “corporate press,” and education system are tied to the Chinese Communist Party. A Party that has chastised the American government for not disarming its citizens. Is there a wonder as to why Biden, clearly compromised, is pushing for a ban on weapons that the Constitution requires able-bodied men to own and maintain?

I am often guided to information that leads me to the points I make in these articles. On a wall, where the Dachau concentration camp stood are the words, in five different languages, NEVER AGAIN.

Enemies Both Foreign And Domestic

October 24, 2022 | 2nd Amendment, Civil Liberties, Constitution, Militia, Republic

by Nicholas Testaccio

The fear that a nation cannot survive the traitor has been in the back of the mind of many for centuries. Someone, at some time made the point because the traitor looks like us, talks like us, and lives among us. They may be a friend or relative. They may be someone we elect to represent us, or uphold the law. They could be the perceived do-gooder who uses a political, or social position to build an organization based on some need. That need to correct whatever the issue might come with flowers, tears, and is presented with all the fanfare of a greater good. It has never, to my knowledge, achieved anything more than wealth for the promoters, and hardship for the intended beneficiaries. The far greater harm is to those of us who seek to maintain liberty.

Perhaps I am wrong about those organizations, or even government programs, but I do not see where I have missed the outcome. We need only look at “The War on Poverty”, “The War on Drugs” as two of our most malicious governmental programs. A war on something is nothing more than an attack on freedom. Most conspicuously, with open borders, cartels running amok, and over One Hundred Thousand deaths this year alone from fentanyl, we are either failing, or the traitor is succeeding.

We can look all around us and find agenda’s that are foisted upon the unsuspecting so-called beneficiary pleas for more assistance. I, myself, was fooled for years by supposed pro-2nd organizations fighting for my right to keep and bear arms. They took my money, and here it is over Forty years since I was first introduced to the NRA, and I am now looking at the possibility that this government will pass a total ban on all semi-automatic weapons. This even though the U.S. Constitution was designed to prevent such a blatant attack on the ability to deter and prosecute “public officials” much the same as we would common criminals. More importantly to the preservation of liberty, the protection of life, and the means, by which this nation cannot be turned from a Republic to a democracy.

Marcus Tullius Cicero, the famous Roman statesman is credited with saying “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?”

Our history has been under attack for some time now. While there are skeletons in just about everyone’s closet, the accomplishments of our Founders so far outweigh their faults that  the linking of the two can in no way deter what was past to posterity. A form of government, so unique that it is lost in today’s political landscape. It is not only a tragedy that most Americans are ignorant of this nation’s laws, but also a crime of immense proportions.

The general public is so ignorant of our rule of Law that they are jeopardizing the future to a point of no return. By that I mean to say there is a reading comprehension level, and a planned destruction of our founding documents.

I am often completely puzzled by those who are prolific readers, those who abhor racism, and bigotry, yet they will make perplexing statements such as “a great democracy.” I know what a democracy is, and what our Constitution commands, Article IV, Section 4 “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…”

Why the Framers placed that command in the Constitution could best be explained by the man who has been labeled the father of that document. James Madison stated “Democracies have been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.”

I have spent considerable time studying our rule of Law. I label the Constitution as such because that is exactly what it is. It does not mention women. It does not mention any races, ethnicities, nor religions. It certainly does not mention men of any race, creed, or color. What it does contain are rules of delegated authorities, powers, and disabilities. It does “not mean to leave room for the play and action of purely personal and arbitrary power.” Not my words but that of Justice Stanley Mathews who delivered the opinion of the court in a case regarding “A municipal ordinance to regulate…”

I have chosen those few words from that case for a specific reason. This is a nation of laws, but the Laws, the foundation, and the principles of the Republic are being torn apart by the foolish, the evil, and the traitor.

Alex Jones is among other things, a purveyor of truth. While he has been demonized as a sensationalist and “conspiracy theorist,” he is none-the-less one who has brought forth facts that were dismissed, and then shown to be true. His record is long, and because he has a following who know his record he must be silenced.

For his record, Jones must be silenced so that others who might speak the truth and challenge the current descent into tyranny, will fear to voice their concerns. Much the same as the political prisoners of January 6th, a cruel and unusual punishment must be made the norm. It must be obvious to anyone who is willing to see and hear that speaking out against the agenda will not be tolerated.

In the latest show of force, the Alex Jones trials, in both Connecticut and Texas are a harbinger of what is to come unless we start regaining our sovereignty.

I am going to take a turn here, to which most will disagree. So be it if I’ve crossed the line. Throughout history, treason has come for numerous reasons. Some for gain, some for power, and some for vengeance. General Benedict Arnold turned on the Colonists because he was passed over though his actions in the field during the Revolution were exemplary. He was bitter and, I have no doubt, felt some need for vengeance.

On December 14th, 2012, an horrific act took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Twenty Six children and teachers were murdered. Whatever the emotional cost to the nation, it had to be miniscule compared to those who suffered the loss of a loved one. It is impossible for me to comprehend what those who lost someone on that day felt.

For all the suffering of that day, it is difficult for me to say without any doubt, that we have been given all the facts. I say this because you do not hide a good deal of the evidence from the public when it is those of us who had nothing to do with those murders are called to task. You do not level an entire school to quell the anguish of a community. By doing those things you create questions. Why, in the name of any reason would you act in such a fashion? There are other instances that lend doubt, but it remains in my mind, at least, that in the Twentieth Century, genocide and ethnic cleansing was responsible for the murder of at least Two Hundred Sixty Million men, women, and children. We built monuments to those who were brutally treated. We did not destroy camps such as Auschwitz. We immortalized them so that we could remember.

Almost Twenty years later you do not bring suit against someone who questioned what took place, and then retracted those comments. You do not make it clear that your actions are done to silence someone in what many attorneys are calling a rigged trial, past the statute of limitations.

At some point we must reconcile that something is very, very wrong with the parents who took part in what we have seen over the last several months. Is it vengeance? Is their grief, to this day, so immense that they want to wreak havoc on the right to a fair trial, and then place your child and mine in jeopardy of suffering under the yoke of man’s most brutal enterprise? That being a government with the sole power to wield force against the people it is supposed to serve.

It might appear here that I have placed the Sandy Hook tragedy on the same level as the horrors of the last Century. That is not the case. What I am trying to do is create a narrative that highlights the title of this article.

In this nation, “We the People” created the Rule of Law in a fashion that provides for our sovereignty over the state. As I have noted in numerous articles, we do not simply have a Right to Keep and Bear Arms, we have a solemn Duty. If we rebuke that responsibility, we suffer the consequences of tragedies such as mass shootings, or a nation suffering from agendas that cast both emotional and physical harm.

Four years ago, Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. wrote an article “The President Can Suppress School Shootings.” He wrote it using facts. Facts about our Law, and our unique form of government that could not only prevent such shootings, but unfathomable atrocities such as the Holocaust.

Let us never forget that the genocide of the last century was not simply perpetrated by a fiction known as government. It was carried out by the hands of those who followed a few leaders into the depths of depravity so mindboggling that it defies any form of reason. Much of, if not all of it, was executed by those who thought they were doing something good and noble. I have no doubt that some did so for vengeance and power. Some were convinced that it was needed for whatever went through their minds at the time. Some could not have been thinking with any compassion. I will make a point here that all were traitors to their fellow citizens.

In Marbury v Madison, 5 U.S. 137, Justice John Marshall famously stated “The government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high appellation, if the laws furnish no remedy for the violation of a vested legal right.”

In this nation we have a vested right, as Samuel Adams noted, “Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature.”

“We the People” did not create this Republic with power vested in our hands so that it may be subject to the agenda of corrupt politicians; ignorant and abhorrent people and organizations; whims and fancies, nor tragic events. We formed it with the purpose of preventing what history has taught us to be the most violent and corrupt of institutions, government.

Logic and reason derived from facts. Many of those facts are taken from events that took place decades, even centuries ago. Do we dismiss them because we believe that it cannot happen here, when in fact it has? Do we say damn to our fellow citizen because we endured heartache? Are we of the mindset that no matter what history teaches, we will walk down that path to our own demise?

We cannot continually repeat the same mistakes of the past and expect that we will come to a different place. We are not compassionate because we have empathy for those who have suffered when we turn around and make everyone else an enemy. When the Founders of this nation created the Rule of Law, by which Freedom could survive, they placed that responsibility in the hands of everyone. Their hope was for “A Republic. If you can keep it.” It was not for a democracy, in which tragedies are used to undermine the Rights and safeguards of Liberty.

No matter what the future holds, we must understand that we are mortals with fears, aspirations, and emotions that often cloud our thought process. We must follow the Law, and the Law in this nation is for organized, armed, and disciplined men who are there, on the spot, bearing their own arms, so that they may “Execute the Laws of the Union…”

The safeguards that were established at the outset of the Republic are there for a reason. If we avoid our duty to enforce those rules, then we must ask who is ultimately responsible for the tragedies that we experience? We must also remember that the prescription for diminishing our rights has been to “Never allow a crisis to go to waste.”

Instead of persecuting those of us who chose to be free, and wary of government intervention, learn from mistakes of the past. Do not follow like sheep, those who would add to not only your grief, but also inflict that onto others by the heavy hand of government thugs. Those, who throughout history have shown their willingness to murder young, old, women, and children without remorse.

This has been made a complex issue by the power hungry, and the “useful idiot.” Do not inflict your lack of understanding on me. Realize that if we are to use our grief for the purpose of circumventing that, which was designed to keep us free, then who are we, but if not “An Enemy…?”