Restore the Republic

Ball of Confusion

January 19, 2021 | 2nd Amendment, Congress, Constitution, General, Judicial, Militia, Sovereignty

by Nicholas Testaccio

Dr. Miles Bennell here singing, “Great Googamooga, can’t ya hear me talkin’ to ya? It’s a Ball of Confusion. That’s what the world is today.”.  

Yes, that is what I awoke with in my head this very morning. I showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, and gargled so that I might look and smell good for my computer. Heck, who else am I doing it for? I am restricted from moving around, going down to the local watering hole, and perhaps imbibing a beer or two with the regulars. If I go anywhere, the fascist mask Nazi’s demand that I must wear a face obliterator to prevent the spread of germs for a virus that doesn’t really appear to be as deadly as they keep promoting.

My head has been in a perpetual state of turmoil as I watch my country torn apart by psychotic, megalomaniac’s, power hungry bigoted sociopaths that occupy both the halls of government and the media.

By the way, it is extremely important to note that those people are chosen to govern by our vote, a process that has now proved that the Founders were correct in setting out parameters for eligibility. What does a person think about when they cast a vote for someone who not only is an incessant liar, but does the exact opposite of what they promise? Top that off with a two party system, and tyranny, turmoil, and dissolution are inevitable.


It has been over two months since the election, or whatever else you might call it considering the confusion, and we are headed toward an administration that has promised to hunt down Trump supporters and make them pay. Yes, that has been the rhetoric that has come from that side, and it is most certainly validated by last year’s turmoil in which several cities, including DC, were set ablaze, pillaged, and plundered. Just like the good old days. Wonderful!

I did not hear people condemning the violence then. While video of fires and looters were all over, the media proclaimed it was mostly peaceful, and our newly elected vice-president was proclaiming the virtues of the rioter’s behavior, she was also assisting in their release from jail.

But! But when protesters stormed the capital there was no end to the condemnation by both sides of the aisle. Accusations of sedition and treason were spewed from the leftist media and incoming communist party members. Trump was blamed, again, by his mere existence.

And of course, after a second impeachment, the FBI comes out with the fact that they had received information that the storming of the Capitol was planned. What else is new? It’s not that we don’t already know that the DOJ is thoroughly corrupt and filled with democrat partisans.

For those of you who do not know, Kevin McCarthy played the role of Dr. Miles Bennell in the 1956, original edition of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I have made mention of the character before because I believe, unswervingly, that I am watching the people of this nation, and probably the world being consumed by some sort of entity that does not allow for rational thought.

Follow me now, especially those who are condemning the violence and warning that “they”, the democrats, are coming for our second amendment rights. I may have to wander a bit before I come to my pressing question, but I promise I will arrive at some point. My mind is all over the place right now trying to understand what is taking place.

Mark Levin pointed out that in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia the democrats went around the State legislatures by going to the executive and judicial branches in order to affect changes in voting. It is clear as the nose on your face, but since you are wearing that ridiculous mask you may not see your nose. I should also note that the full videos of Levin and two constitutional law professors has been removed from YouTube.

To provide for the selection of the delegates to the Electoral College the U.S. Constitution requires “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors…” I am not going to discount the Twelfth Amendment, which explicitly explains how the election of a president is to take place. I’m simply going to recommend that you go read it, and hopefully understand that the current process is a corruption of the Electoral College.

In support of the claims that the election was corrupt, I contacted my State representative here in Pennsylvania to advise him of the law. He told me that there was nothing that the legislature can do. I objected, but he told me that their counsel advised them that there was nothing that the legislature could do.

In my quest for truth, justice, and the American way, no I am not Superman, I sent my representative and the leadership the following:

—–I am linking to McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892). Of particular importance, according to SCOTUS comes at 34 & 35 where the Court rules;

—–“The appointment of these electors is thus placed absolutely and wholly with the legislatures of the several states. They may be chosen by the legislature, or the legislature may provide that they shall be elected by the people of the state at large, or in districts *** This power is conferred upon the legislatures of the states by the Constitution of the United States, and cannot be taken from them or modified by their state constitutions *** Whatever provisions may be made by statute, or by the state constitution, to choose electors by the people, there is no doubt of the right of the legislature to resume the power at any time, for it can neither be taken away nor abdicated.”

—–I hope that McPherson clarifies the fact that the legislature has the ultimate authority to place the electors, and in particular when public officials and courts disrupt, corrupt, or denigrate the rule of law.

I didn’t even receive a thank you constituent for showing us the law, and the courts confirmation that the Constitution means exactly what it says. I am inclined to wonder what type of representation we have when a constituent tells you that counsel is wrong, here is the proof, and that proof is not acknowledged, but more importantly ignored.

State officials not only violated the constitutional provision, but the legislatures also ignored and “abdicated” their duty. Of noticeable importance to this is the fact that the lawyers for the States legislature gave them poor, and incorrect counsel. I am going to say it again, most attorneys are clueless useful idiots chained to a corrupt judicial system.

Where does this lead me?

If you have read any of my articles, you know that I have been a proponent of the clauses in the original Constitution that command that there be Militia, in accordance with law, that has the authority “to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions”. It is with purpose and conviction that I support the revitalization of the lawful militia operating within the statutes and organizational structure that recognize a credentialed entity under the Constitution.

There are components to this that I have written about in the past. One such aspect is the fact that the Framers of the Constitution did not need to debate the structure of “the Militia of the several States”. As Justice McReynolds wrote in the 1939 Miller decision, “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union *** With obvious purpose to assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of such forces, the declaration and guarantee of the Second Amendment were made. It must be interpreted and applied with that end in view. *** The Militia which the States were expected to maintain and train is set in contrast with Troops which they were forbidden to keep without the consent of Congress. *** The signification attributed to the term Militia appears from the debates in the Convention, the history and legislation of Colonies and States, and the writings of approved commentators.”

With a decision explaining the authority, its need, its distinction and significance, Justice McReynolds clearly ruled on the purpose of an organized, armed, and disciplined Militia in law, and history. Compare that to the decisions made since then. Justice McReynolds is concise, and points to the record made in “the debates *** history and legislation *** and the writings of approved commentators” to ensure the validity and standing of Militia as a constitutional authority.

Before going further, I want to state for the record that the disarming of people in any nation of this world is not for their safety. The purpose, as should be obvious to all, is to insure the continuation of, and the power of a few elite bureaucrats such as the European Union. To me it is clear that the world will devolve into a tyrannical oligarchy, wherein the common man and woman will be left with nothing but fear.

On to my frustration and distain for those in the so-called alternative media who appear to have an abysmal understanding of the Constitution and our form of government.

I recently heard the following from a show that claims to be pro-second amendment; “they keep their foot on our throat, and that’s just the way it’s going to be. Unfortunately, there’s nothing else we can do about it. We cannot do anything about this.”. What???

This from a supposed supporter and fighter for the right to keep and bear arms. The question that should be obvious is, what is the purpose of the second. I refer you to my quote from the Miller decision above. Aside from that ruling, one must wonder, in the minds of those who profess support for the second, is the reason the Framers created a Bill of Rights with such an amendment.

It would appear that from the perspective of those so-called patriots and pro-second people and organizations that the amendment has no real purpose. They deny that the first thirteen words have any real meaning. What do they call those words? A preface of some sort. Because the Constitution must be read in its entirety, and that eliminating words and clauses that are not actually part of the preamble makes no sense at all.

I think that that assault on the Capitol said everything we need to know about those who claim to be supporters of the right to keep and bear arms. The cry from most was, We do not condone the violence, We abhor the violence, We denounce the violence, and in the same breath we are warned that they are coming for our second amendment rights. What it tells me is that you have absolutely no knowledge of this area of the original Constitution, nor the Bill of Rights.

You are already condoning violence and you are not astute or knowledgeable enough to know and understand the depth of your ignorance. When the Constitution, and any act “contrary to the tenor under which it was created”, and thereby prohibited by the provisions so enumerated are condoned, that represents an act of violence against the sovereignty of the people. The FBI, ATF, DHS, State Police, and any agency that usurps the power “to execute the Laws of the Union” is a direct violation, and any action taken by those unconstitutional agencies is an act of violence.

Richard Henry Lee wrote, “First, the constitution ought to secure a genuine and guard against a select militia, by providing that the militia shall always be kept well organized, armed, and disciplined, and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms; and that all regulations tending to render this general militia useless and defenceless, by establishing select corps of militia, or distinct bodies of military men, not having permanent interests and attachments in the community to be avoided.”.

From one side of your mouth, you condemn violence, while the other side condones violence under the guise of some political power. For those who do not comprehend, people perform tasks of violence when under the umbrella of governmental authority.

In words that you might be able to understand, “You are full of _ _ _ _.”. Get it? This was supposed to be a nation of sovereigns. That has been abdicated without a whimper. When push comes to shove you will do nothing but cry, scream, and beg on your way to whatever form of hell the communist party, now taking power, will have in store for you and your children.

Why, in the name of reason and logic, would the Framers recognize Militia as a constitutional authority, not only in the second, but also in Article I, § 8, Cl. 15, Cl. 16, Article II, § 2, Cl. 1, if it held no meaning in the context of our doctrine of law? Militia as Justice McReynolds ruled by the study of “history and legislation” defines the lawful entity as “A body of citizens enrolled for military discipline.”. Surely not a bunch of people running around claiming to be an impotent militia, nor the National Guard, which is specifically created under a different section and clause of the Constitution, certainly not resembling the lawful definition of Militia.

So, why is Militia recognized as a lawful authority named four times within “the supreme Law of the Land”? Can I hear from one supposed pro-second attorney, organization, man, or woman who purports to be a patriot, or some so-called constitutional scholar? I’m waiting!

In a cauldron of brewing ignorance, throughout the so-called pro-second community, there must rest a deep desire for self-destruction. If you are averse to using the law as the Founders intended, at least at some level, those of you in the business end must have some desire for expansion and profit? I once again direct you to Justice McReynolds, who I reiterate cites “history and legislation” for his ruling “further, that ordinarily, when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time..

I must ask the likes of Colt, Ruger, Springfield Armory, Smith & Wesson, Federal, Hornady, and others who manufacture arms, and ammunition if they do not see the potential of having the militia in the light of “the supreme Law of the Land”? Even those committed to firearms training would benefit from the increase of those who would need the training “necessary to the security of a free State”.

As Dr. Bennell watched in horror as the pods consumed all those around him, I am watching my country being devoured by, not only those who hate liberty, but also by those who pretend to support freedom.

I can only conclude that you will go quietly into the night for lack of knowledge. As Jefferson put it, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”.

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